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Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:07 pm
by Firemedic2000
Gunnyhiway wrote: ↑Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:18 pm
kayakingsteve wrote: ↑Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:00 pm
In this country we can dissent and be civilly disobedient without being thrown in a jail or made to disappear by a state police organization. Why are we afraid to stand up to this? Out of all the countries in the world we should be fighting this the most vigorously.
We'll see how this turns out after the recount.
If the Sleepy one gets in office this Gestapo shit will commence with a vengence.

The psyco OAC already wants lists of Trump supporters for obvious reasons.
They will need to "purge" the country of all dissidents against the "state".

Read your history books, this shit ain't new.
I've never seen anything remotely close to this ever happening in my lifetime.

We will be in for literally, the fight for our lives. :twisted:

Theres already a run on TP and paper towels getting ready for a Biden shutdown. :shock:

So kayakingsteve, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ?
I'll be fight right alone side of you gunny :twisted:

I like the saying modified a bit'" ask not what others will do for their country, ask instead what you are willing to do for your country.

Ask yourself this and you'll know the answer to your questions about this ILLEGAL and corrupt election that a ROGUE POLITICAL FACTION of OUR GOVERNMENT has openly perpetrated.

This virus is nothing but a weapon being used to gain power and control over a nation. Even the prime minister of Canada used a line from Biden's plan in his address to the U.N. to use this fake PANDEMIC as a means to reset his nation. Just as Biden said. ... -19-343696

They will attempt to use this fake PANDEMIC as a means to gain absolute power and authority over a nation and all it's people by controlling it's food, gas, energy everything. Don't comply we will starve you into submission. They will control who is successful and who suffers. I'm telling you they will use this PANDEMIC as a means to break this nation. Go after those they deem a threat to their power. To attack any who do not support their adgenda.

Remember what Obama did with the IRS. How he used the power of the IRS against nonprofit CONSERVATIVE groups. Fast and Furious ect...we've not seen anything yet. These EXTREMIST are openly say they will not forget who did not support them. Who Trump supports are. Posted donation lists in line ect...they will use our federal TAX DOLLARS to extort governors to conform. Our money against us. They said they were coming after all of us and we should be punished.

This is a ROGUE EXTREMIST FACTION of OUR GOVERNMENT that has seized power through a COUP saying AMERICANS must pay for their disobedience

One problem here. WE THE PEOPLE hold the real power to the economy, not these TYRANTS. They cannot do anything unless we let them do it. It the people were to rise up against these TRAITORS and power whores. They'd hide in the deepest holes they could find.

Then the American people who are the real power could instal a new PATRIOT government of the people, by the people and for the people. This is our power, our heritage as Americans and no matter what this SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY or their appointed judges say. This power is ours and ours alone. These TYRANTS are nothing. They hold no power other than what we have allowed them to steal from WE THE PEOPLE.

It's time WE THE PEOPLE took ourgovernment back. These RULERS have profited to long from our blood and sweat. Look at this group of ANTI AMERICAN SOCIALIST called the squad.

Look at the wealth they've openly plundered from WE THE PEOPLE since they've been in office. Omar is paying her husband millions out of her campaign fund. HILLARY, BIDEN, OBAMA all of them including governors and state representatives of this party of TREASON.

It's all about title, power and greed. They will not suffer and will grow more wealthy as AMERICA suffers because of their greed.

I will neither live as a slave or in fear of ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES of my government. Who've decided to use that power we entrusted to them against me. Nor destroy my CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. You cannot have a SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT and CONSTITUTION at the same time. I choose FREEDOM over SOCIALISM


Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:21 pm
by Gunnyhiway

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:03 am
by dammitgriff
Our government has claimed the right to kill U.S. citizens at will and without judicial process under the auspices of state secrets. A U.S. journalist in Syria has sued the government for planning to kill him, video below:

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:01 pm
by Gunnyhiway

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:20 pm
by Gregg
I'm no spring chicken, my days of being a soldier (Viet Nam, 1969-1970) are long over.
BUT, I'm still very capable of defending myself, my family, my home and my neighborhood.
I will do so if forced, with no regards to my personal safety; as Native Americans put it, "Today is a good day to die".
I do not want to die, but also as it has been said, "I will rather die on my feet, than to live on my knees".
If they try to disarm be, I will surely die that day, after I give them as many bullets as I can.
I pray it will not happen, but I fear this country is heading towards some sort of a Civil War.
We will have a say in the future of this Nation at that time, the United States will then remain Free, or descend to Socialism.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:04 pm
by dammitgriff
We’re halfway there already, Gregg.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:53 pm
by Gunnyhiway
Excellent post !