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Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:02 am
by Ger42
Wish you luck some medical people just don't get it. Hope your day goes better.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:46 am
by Skoll
Christ man, I hope you're ok. Hammer them over this shit. I code blued in an OR a year or two ago due to some dumbass nurse overdosing me, then trying to say I had "sleep apnea".

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:49 pm
by Firemedic2000
Screw them. I went ahead and went home the day after surgery. Man that first night and next day home was rough.

My knee swelled up big time. Fortunately my primary care physician and I planned ahead for post OP care and pain management.

I had some really great pain meds at home plus the mechanical cold treatment machine.

Oh yeah that's right. That night shift nurse accused me of basically being an addict for taking responsibility of my care into my own hands.

Because I planned ahead and had better drugs than she was giving me at a friggin hospital to treat post OP pain from total knee replacement surgery.

BTW after a little talk that I'd was going to talking with who ever was in charge of the hospital the next day. She changed her way of thinking and treated my pain.

The way all the other nurses had been doing so through out the entire day.

But other than coming in every x amt of hours to give me meds. Not once did she come and ask me if I was OK or check on me. At one time another nurse did come in to check in on me during the night.

But I had to keep track of my schedule for pain meds and buzz her that I needed pain meds.

But other than that issue. I believe the doctor did a great job surgery wise.

But when I go for followup. I will ask him about the pain management regiment. If he says he told the nurse to do what she did. I'll be talking with his boss.

My doctor that retired from there did not hold back on treating you for post op pain. That crap is painful as hell. To let a person sit there and suffer because you have some idea about drug addiction is bullshit.

Either way I planned ahead for crap like this to. ;)

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:50 pm
by Firemedic2000
Screw them. I went ahead and went home the day after surgery. Man that first night and next day home was rough.

My knee swelled up big time. Fortunately my primary care physician and I planned ahead for post OP care and pain management.

I had some really great pain meds at home plus the mechanical cold treatment machine.

Oh yeah that's right. That night shift nurse accused me of basically being an addict for taking responsibility of my care into my own hands.

Because I planned ahead and had better drugs than she was giving me at a friggin hospital to treat post OP pain from total knee replacement surgery.

BTW after a little talk that I'd was going to talking with who ever was in charge of the hospital the next day. She changed her way of thinking and treated my pain.

The way all the other nurses had been doing so through out the entire day.

But other than coming in every x amt of hours to give me meds. Not once did she come and ask me if I was OK or check on me. At one time another nurse did come in to check in on me during the night.

But I had to keep track of my schedule for pain meds and buzz her that I needed pain meds.

But other than that issue. I believe the doctor did a great job surgery wise.

But when I go for followup. I will ask him about the pain management regiment. If he says he told the nurse to do what she did. I'll be talking with his boss.

My doctor that retired from there did not hold back on treating you for post op pain. That crap is painful as hell. To let a person sit there and suffer because you have some idea about drug addiction is bullshit.

Either way I planned ahead for crap like this to. ;)

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:58 pm
by Firemedic2000
Oh yeah this is why as a firemedic I always when transporting a patient made absolutely certain.

That if it were a patient that needed pain meds. I made sure they had enough in them before taking them inside.


Because damn hospitals will let someone sit there for hours and suffer before finally really doing anything for them. Other than maybe giving them maybe Tylenol for pain.

I just do not get this treatment. A person has just had a bone cut out and replaced with a metal one and they try to give them Tylenol and 5 mgs of oxycodiene. Basically 5/325 mgs that will not come close to blocking anything.

I need to stop. The more I talk about this it just makes me :evil:

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:18 am
by trouter3
Just noticed this thread, haven't been participating with you wonderful members because I had a "" knee replacement "" last Wednesday, not much I can add I'm back home after spending a few days in a rehab place, we left last night, couldn't take the people with dementia it was a fucking horror movie, so now I'll do my physical rehab at home, was on pain killers first 1.5 none after that thankfully. Had an RN giving me somebody's meds in the middle of the night by accident, quite an experience so say the least, learned a few things tho that are now important to me most important I'll never go back to one of those rehabilitation centers, I shall die at home, was more than willing to die in the rice pattys of Southeast Asia ain't going back to that funny farm ....never ever ..

Peace and tranquillity and pain free knees :D :D :D

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:46 am
by photohause
:lol: :lol: :lol: ^^^ Quick recovery to both of you.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:35 pm
by zeebaron
Firemedic2000 wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:58 pm Because damn hospitals will let someone sit there for hours and suffer before finally really doing anything for them. Other than maybe giving them maybe Tylenol for pain.

I just do not get this treatment. A person has just had a bone cut out and replaced with a metal one and they try to give them Tylenol and 5 mgs of oxycodiene. Basically 5/325 mgs that will not come close to blocking anything.

I need to stop. The more I talk about this it just makes me :evil:
I was screaming at the top of my lungs in the ER with the worst back/sciatica/muscle spasm pain of my life. They finally decided I probably wasn't faking after a half hour. Probably only because they ran my bloodwork and realized I wasn't on anything.

This existence when everyone is pre-judged as an addict sucks. Fuck the medical profession these days. The rare doctor that understands how to treat severe pain because they've personally experienced it is a precious jewel.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:12 pm
by OSD
It's not always the fault of the DRs., nurses, or hospitals nowadays. Part of the problem is with the new laws our insightful legislators passed to restrict opioid prescribing. It's suppose to help cut down on addiction, but I think it just makes it harder for the average person to get relief. They have to jump thru hoops to prescribe anything without having consequences to answer for.
Some of the latest laws just went into effect in July1,2018.

"The new law is designed to make it more difficult for people to take opioids long enough to become dependent. Studies show the likelihood of addiction increases the longer someone is on the first prescription of opioids.
In addition to restricting the number of days an acute pain prescription can cover, the law requires physicians and pharmacists to consult a statewide database before prescribing or dispensing controlled substances. They also must provide additional documentation if the drug is being prescribed for non-acute care and to verify a patient’s identification before dispensing the prescription."

Alot of BS to me and my wife. We had to take pain management classes to keep getting our meds and they aren't even opioids.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:23 pm
by Firemedic2000
WOW my primary care writes me scrips for 120 per scrip even under the new law as long as scrip is written properly it is filled. I think the class you had to take was because the doctor wanted you to take it.

I never had to take a class on pain management to continue to get pain meds.

My primary has no problems treating pain if need be. If it can be proven medically you need treatment.

What I do not use I lock up in a safe a store for future surgeries just in case. I've kept evey scrip of pain meds. If stored properly they will pretty much last for ever. My pharmacist taught me that. It does not hurt I've been friends with my pharmacist for 22 years either.

I'm a prepper with drugs for medical purposes. No one has access to my safe but me too. Plus no one knows that I have these in my safe but myself and my wife. I've discovered that IF people find out you have narcotics pain meds

They will makeup reasons to try and get them from you. My back hurts, this hurts, that hurts can you spare a few. When you say no. They blow up and get really mad. WHY they ask. I tell them if they hurt that damn bad go see a doctor. Taking a pill is not going to fix them.

That was years ago when I had my first back operations.

I keep my medical supplies for myself for emergency purposes :P

But I always carry extra meds with me to the hospital just in case. I has 2 years od pharmacology. Plus EXTENSIVE training as a medic with Fire Rescue. Just in case something like what happened to me. Just like what took place this past week. This was the first time that ever happened.

Like I stated earlier. When I transported a patient that was injuried. I made sure their pain was manageable before taking them inside to the ER. I gave them as much Fentanyl as I could before going inside. Because I knew how they would be treated in the ER. I've seen things that would make your blood boil.

Nurses can not intubate patients. They have to wait for a anesthesiologist to do it. So they'd just bag them.

We could intubate pretty much do everything the ER doctor could do on the rescue units. Push drugs everything

I've seen for a fact a patient die because the people working on the patient had no damn idea what they were doing. Even trying to intubate her while she was awake. You cannot do that. You have a gag reflex.

She vomited because she was awake and these idiots were trying to shove a tube down her throat. The vomit got into her lungs. She dies an hour later from complications. She also had a broken arm from them trying to hold her down.

They would not let me do it because I did not work at hospital. I transport a patient there and watched it. They got tired of waiting for anesthesiologist and said HEY LET'S TRY IT.

I will never ever trust nurses. Most are stupid and are there just to collect a pay check. They cannot do anything unless they are told to by a doctor.

Now there's a difference between highly train specialize nurses. That are highly trained in emergency medicine and medical care. Likr trauma nurses ect. Don't confuse these nurses with floor nurses.