If enough senators challenge the election results, Trump wins

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Post by dammitgriff »

Democrat majority does not come into play there, according to the article I posted earlier.
Trump could remain in office if his own party supports him... IF. That hasn’t happened in the broader sense the entire time he’s been in office. Which should tell you everything you need to know about where their loyalties lie, and it isn’t with the general citizenry.
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Post by tcpip95 »

The article doesn't come into play here. The law does. Any lawmaker can challenge a state’s Electoral College votes, but it takes one member of the House and one senator to formally object to a state’s result and bring the challenge to a vote by lawmakers. The objection must be in writing.

Once an objection is filed with the backing of a House member and a senator, lawmakers break up into their separate chambers to discuss and vote. There is a two-hour time limit per objection. At the end of debate, lawmakers hold a simple majority vote on the objection. Both the House and the Senate must agree for the challenge to be successful.

So it is simple majority vote in each of the chambers.

Here are the facts:

https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurk ... e273237573

The Senate and House will meet Jan. 6 to formally tally state’s Electoral College votes for the presidential election — Biden won 306-232.

A state’s results can only be contested if a lawmaker from both the House and Senate submit a formal challenge to the results, which will force the two chambers to split up and have up to two hours of debate on the state’s results.

Multiple Republican House lawmakers have announced their intention to challenge the results and several senators have suggested they may do so as well, with the New York Times reporting that potential challenges are likely to target Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin’s vote counts.

The two chambers of Congress will each vote on the challenged state’s results, which will almost assuredly affirm Biden’s victory: the House has a Democratic majority and thus would not overturn the certified vote count, and there have been enough Republican senators that have acknowledged Biden’s victory to stop the Senate from voting to flip the results.

If the Senate did vote to overturn a state’s results and the House upheld them, federal law stipulates that the slate of electors that have “been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof” will count, which in every contested state would be the certified results showing Biden’s win.

Biden has a large enough margin of victory in the Electoral College that lawmakers would have to overturn multiple states’ results to have any hope of overturning the election and reelecting Trump.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Uh, yeah, overturning multiple states’ results where fraud has occurred is the prime objective there, and entirely achievable if the R’s take off their kid gloves and stand behind a president who was cheated out of a fair election. The Electoral College and their votes can and should be nullified by Congress. That they will not do this is testament to the failure of our entire government and country.
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Post by neverenoughguns »

dammitgriff wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 9:22 am Uh, yeah, overturning multiple states’ results where fraud has occurred is the prime objective there, and entirely achievable if the R’s take off their kid gloves and stand behind a president who was cheated out of a fair election. The Electoral College and their votes can and should be nullified by Congress. That they will not do this is testament to the failure of our entire government and country.
Sorry, not going to happen. I would prefer aTrump to have another term but it is not going to happen. Let’s say it did (which it won’t), can you imagine the rioting that would take place in all major cities? America has not seen that kind of devastation.
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Post by Captain Steinbrenner »

Bring it the fuck on!
I’m tired of this pussy bitch mentality, fuck them cheating cunts!
I’m not afraid of them.

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Post by dammitgriff »

Challenging this last presidential election is the right thing to do, regardless of the adverse consequences.
If we’re (conservative America) willing to roll over and accept the progressive liberal left’s fraud without raising hell over it, then we deserve what we get. Americans who voted for all the socialist government they can stand will make us all pay for it in the form of higher taxes.
To make matters worse for us, Florida’s income-tax-free status will likely change sooner than we expected if the Federal Reserve is allowed to start buying municipal bonds in addition to T-bills. Not to worry, though—the dollar’s digital currency replacement will be rolled out over the next two years to facilitate more helicopter money disbursements. Socialism in the 21st century was never so easy.
It’s all downhill from here, even with a successful challenge in Congress. All they’re really demanding is a proper Congressional investigation. Let the chips fall where they may.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Captain Steinbrenner wrote:Bring it the fuck on!
I’m tired of this pussy bitch mentality, fuck them cheating cunts!
I’m not afraid of them.

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Okay, we have our team captain.
Let’s get the band back together!
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Post by tector »

I will happily book all bets on Trump being president after January 20, 2021 (excluding re-election in 2024)

A 10 day Congressional "investigation"--particularly when the Dems will have at LEAST half of Congress (the House)--will mean even less than the impeachment of Trump. And I sincerely doubt the Senate will have the votes for it either. It will be like Congress voting on repealing Obamacare like 30 times. Zzzzzzzz.

If you just want grandstanding hysteria for the sake of grandstanding hysteria, I guess that is OK, although I find it boring as fuck myself. But tastes vary.

Somebody has to be President at 12:01pm January 20, 2021. There is no path for that to be Donald J. Trump.

As adamantly as we all avoid MSNBC and CNN, you might consider doing the same with Newsmax and OANN. They are equally full of shit, just a different color. Also, at all costs, avoid Twitter. Well, except for the porn.
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Post by Captain Steinbrenner »

dammitgriff wrote:
Captain Steinbrenner wrote:Bring it the fuck on!
I’m tired of this pussy bitch mentality, fuck them cheating cunts!
I’m not afraid of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Okay, we have our team captain.
Let’s get the band back together!
I hope you’re not calling me Antifa.
To the contrary I’m not afraid of those communists pieces of shit.

And you got that picture right, when those punks meet real men they will cry like the little bitches they are.

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Last edited by Captain Steinbrenner on Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tector »

He wasn't.

People need to chill a bit.
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