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Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:31 pm
by REDinFL
But, suppose they don't want to avoid creating felons. "We can't control innocent men...." (With apologies to Ayn Rand for a rough quote out of old-guy memory.)

I can't see a use for braces myself, but I'm fortunate I only suffer old age. If they help someone with medical issues, great. Trying to force them out of existence by stupid regulations (I repeat myself) it's a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's a crime, I tell you.

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:43 pm
by tector
Manufacturing felonies (and thus felons) is what government does effectively, unlike most everything else.

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:15 pm
by tector
n0rlf wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:29 pm
N4KVE wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:24 pm But how many disabled people have you seen at the range using the brace as it was designed to be used by a disabled person. I’ve not seen any, but I’ve seen plenty of healthy young people shooting braced pistols just like they had a SBR. This is what the Gov’t objected to. You want a SBR, buy a stamp. And now the people who use one like a SBR have ruined it for legit disabled people with one arm. GARY.

As I have Parkinson's I do indeed use a brace for a disability reason. I am sure I am not alone but that said I am also sure the number of people with the disabilities is a small percentage of the brace users.
Undoubtedly. You could create some (more) bureaucracy to try to match up use and need, but it will be arbitrary and abusive regradless since libs control the adminsitrative state.

I have yet to hear what great crisis requires a change from the status quo we have had for many years now, other than the usual anti-gun hatred between the ears of libs. Are braced AR pistols used in some vast portion of gun crimes or something? (Note: sarcasm)

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:46 am
by Wulfmann
When the government infringes on our constitutional rights they are not infringing on our constitutional rights

Fur unser Sicherheit !!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:08 am
by Wakko
N4KVE wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:50 am
lighteye wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:38 am So if I say that I am sitting on 6 pistol lowers, do I get a handful of stamps? Those 3 for $99 either Anderson or PSA lowers would be handy for this.
No. I believe they want to see pre Friday the 13th dated photos of assembled braced pistols for the “free upgrade”. GARY.
I've not seen evidence of this anywhere. Have you?

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:17 am
by Wakko
N4KVE wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:49 pm Not quite. I own two SBR’s that I properly obtained by purchasing two stamps before the brace loophole existed. So then a few years later people who are not disabled figure they can use a brace to avoid the SBR stamp. So I wasted my $400? Imagine if you were left $ by a relative who died, & you blew it at Vito’s on a few FA weapons. You take delivery, & a few weeks later the “list” is declared illegal, new guns can be added, & suddenly an AR is $500, & the $200 stamp, & $100 for the FA parts. You’d feel pretty bad that what you spent $65K for, & was a great deal at the time, is now $2000. How would Vito feel as he watched his million dollar inventory shrink to 1/10 the value. If I gotta buy a stamp for my SBR, then so does every body. GARY.
Every investment has risks. Let's say that a new neighborhood is being built, and you buy one of the first houses for list price of $450k. You're happy with the price of the house and happy with the house. You can afford it, you plan on living in it forever, and off you go. Now the rest of the neighborhood gets built, but for some reason, people don't buy the houses. They drop the prices and now identical homes to yours are being sold for $350k. Are you going to walk away and default on the loan because on paper the house is worth less than it was? Or are you going to accept that you speculated that you were getting a good deal, but it turns out that you didn't?

Matthew 20:1-16 clearly applies here.

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:15 am
by NorincoKid
Didn't the ATF's "Bump stocks are now machine guns" ruling just get struck down?

I'm not holding my breath, but I'm thinking it's not impossible this gets struck down as well. And if that happens, in doing so, might open up some lines of attack on the NFA itself.

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:31 am
by wjbarricklow
If I gotta buy a stamp for my SBR, then so does every body. GARY.
What are you going to do if we get that repealed? Lobby to have it reinstated?

Supposed we got the machine gun ban lifted and manufacturers could sell new automatics to civilians, like they did previously 1986? Are dealers going to be with is or against us on this?

Re: Looks like braced weapons are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:00 am
by George W
Wakko wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:35 pm Or register the braced pistol for free. It must be individual tho, no trusts unless the trust already owned the pistol.
I logged in a couple of braced pistols into my trust's inventory sheet when I bought them for estate purposes. I uploaded a copy of my inventory sheet as evidence online. We'll see what they say. I was planning to Form1 them anyways, and had just sent in the paperwork for another one days before the hammer fell. We'll see what happens.

Re: Looks like braced pistols are SBR’s.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:08 am
by George W
N4KVE wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:49 pm
tector wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:42 pm You seem to have swallowed regime narratives and logic wholesale--too bad for you, but not necessarily binding on the rest of us.
Not quite. I own two SBR’s that I properly obtained by purchasing two stamps before the brace loophole existed. So then a few years later people who are not disabled figure they can use a brace to avoid the SBR stamp. So I wasted my $400? Imagine if you were left $ by a relative who died, & you blew it at Vito’s on a few FA weapons. You take delivery, & a few weeks later the “list” is declared illegal, new guns can be added, & suddenly an AR is $500, & the $200 stamp, & $100 for the FA parts. You’d feel pretty bad that what you spent $65K for, & was a great deal at the time, is now $2000. How would Vito feel as he watched his million dollar inventory shrink to 1/10 the value. If I gotta buy a stamp for my SBR, then so does every body. GARY.
This shit is exactly why the Post May 86 ban still stands. Lots of fat cats with large stashes of FA lobbying to keep the registry closed. These same assholes head up and belong to our alleged "Gun Rights" groups, selling us out to enrich themselves.

Fudds are gonna Fudd