Language. Always a tough subject

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Post by Chigger »

This site was recommended to me back in 07 by a fellow gun enthusiast and it was good, drama and all.
After all most of us have worked our asses(ooops, sorry) off to earn a living to buy what we want and go have fun.
Some of us have served in the military while others have not. Those who have served but feel their opinion is more important are just self absorbed bitches(ooops, sorry) who forget that the sacrifice that soldiers give up are for the rights of EVERY F'N(ooops, sorry) PERSON, not just for themselves.

After the Legio, Mo, and its participants freak out and purging, it went down hill. The sub forums see little use and its turned into a news of the day comment club and a buy/sell drama club.

Real gun owners are on edge with the way our rights are eroding and the sell out by once trusted republicans. Frustration breeds the use for damn(oops, sorry) sentence enhancers. While I don't don't use them in everyday conversation, they do come out.

You see all this same thing coming out with deep state POS(ooops, sorry)Bush 41 being compared as a noble statesman vs the loud mouth tell it like it is current potus.

Its no wonder our Florida gun rights have eroded given the skirt wearing, sensitive, dickless(oops sorry) bitch'n(ooops, sorry) sorry ass(ooops, sorry)men that claim to be men but are really Kaitlyn Jenners in disguise.

Fuck you(ooops, sorry) supposed civilized wankers.
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Post by zeebaron »

I've learned over the years that when management is giving you a hint that you're no longer welcome for whatever reason, then you should go quietly. No use arguing about a decision that's already been made.
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Post by Outgunu »

Chigger, as a member since 2003, I agree 100% with what you said. We have had some great members here. Remember the guy that had the section 8 people move in being his house and he got a POS lawnmower and mixed oil in the gas just to smoke them out? Lot of the best posters were outed in the purge, what a shame...
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Post by Flame Red »

Your web site, your rules. If I don't like it I'll just walk with my keyboard and won't be here anymore and many here might like that!

But I will say as a customer, the less censorship the better. If someone feels the need to be colorful, I would like to see it unedited. If I feel the need to be colorful, I would appreciate the same.

That being said, I guess there is a line in the sand. No hate speech. If you don't like a certain ethnicity, keep it clean or shut up. No threatening of violence. But I would be most tolerant of name calling for the political elites. Many of the current generation of politicians cannot seem to control themselves so I want to be able to match their foul mouths.
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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Post by tector »

Flame Red wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:17 pm Your web site, your rules. If I don't like it I'll just walk with my keyboard and won't be here anymore and many here might like that!

But I will say as a customer, the less censorship the better. If someone feels the need to be colorful, I would like to see it unedited. If I feel the need to be colorful, I would appreciate the same.

That being said, I guess there is a line in the sand. No hate speech. If you don't like a certain ethnicity, keep it clean or shut up. No threatening of violence. But I would be most tolerant of name calling for the political elites. Many of the current generation of politicians cannot seem to control themselves so I want to be able to match their foul mouths.
Well love or hate him for it, Trump dropped a more than few "bad words" on the campaign trail--and got elected nonetheless. You can say it is the coarsening of the culture, but it is what it is. I can't see FSN needing to be on the front lines of going back to the dainty white shoe days.

When I first joined here we had some out-and-out Nazis here--and I don't mean "Nazis" by some SJW definition, I mean some fucking 88 Nazis. THAT was problematic. Saying something is "bullshit" (especially when it is) is not in the same league.
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Post by Iosef »

I used to watch TV for the movies. Now, all the movies are edited for television, so my TV is used as a big monitor for the computer that plays music all day. If you want to censor the posts, it's your forum. I can always find my entertainment somewhere else. I rarely even notice the expletives in the posts. They usually are there to convey emotional content but I can't feel anyone's emotions but my own, so I don't even try to pay attention to the emotions of others.

As for the rants... I don't read them, there are much better rants inside my own head :-)
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Post by rentprop1 »

on page 2 you were like " I'ma take my toys and go home ?
trouter3 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:06 pm I'll end this here .....please delete me ...thanks
and yet, still posting :roll:
trouter3 wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:38 am Skoll ... You are always the voice of good common sense on this site .. Re insane ..maybe, on the brink, blowhard, school still out on that one, I like opinionated & loud better, but I'm glad you enjoy my rants, if I stay rest assured more will come ..seasons greeting to you and yours ....

Peace and tranquility
yet holds a grudge from months ago ??
trouter3 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:22 pm Rentprop1 who are you to judge me,what gives you that right ? people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, you don't recall your post regarding Jews, very offensive, you got a short memory you may be able to intimidate some members on here with all you bluster,
I'm part Jewish, so doesn't apply, I wish I was part black because then I can use the N-word more often. ( kidding )
Judging people doesn't impede anyone rights. I wish I had time to worry about someone else as much as you do me. but I'm flattered....One thing I wasn't proud of was my body count on the old forum, I got into it with too many people but I used logic and reason in my words , they went right to guns and started with the insults and threats, no one scared me off, yet here I still sit, wasting time with shit like this. Nothing said in these threads are gonna improve this forum, if anything its gonna make people take sides. divide and not look back.

Now for all of you.... I'm gonna leave if...types

I'm not saying I'm gonna leave if I don't get my way,.... but I'll part with a simple " Fuck this Place " and those of you who care, can join me elsewhere....those of you who make the decisions, think long and hard, someone, somewhere will be talking about who fucked up FSN, probably on other forums on the internet, do you really support the crying few, or wanna chance a forum that almost of life support with the current members ?
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Post by trouter3 »

No 1 the delete post was geared to an op that stated he was deleting me ...So much for your interpretation of that ...wrong again ..
No 2 Skoll ...happens to be one of the few people that makes this site worthwhile, and I respect him very much and look forward to his posts unlike you grudge ever wrong again ...

Your a bully man, this isn't your business, you come on this site with threats and insults making comments regarding who should or shouldn't participate on here, if you dislike obscenities this isn't for you bullshit, you don't pick and choose who and I don't worry about you I just marvel at a business man can have a self centered attitude like you do, there you go again " fuck this place" your going to leave if, there you go again, issuing an ultimatum, hey if your unhappy here leave! what you do means nothing to me I could, care less about you, your a non entity to me ...this is a form of entertainment for this person, nothing on here is life or death, like you if you don't like it " fuck this place" wishing you and yours health and happiness during this holiday Season ...
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Post by Grip Hugger »

trouter3 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:13 pm "cunt"
trouter3 wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 6:45 pm bullshit
fuck this place"
:roll: My my, such language! :o
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Post by TC6969 »

That friend and foe thing is great!

When I found it, I tested it on a guy that I wasn't interested in putting up with anymore and it was like he just disappeared!

If you dont like someone and dont feel like reading their bullshit, just put them on your foe list and they vanish!

This is me laughing maniacally!>>>> :lol: