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Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:07 am
by REDinFL
Whether or not the individuals witnessed the alleged trespass/possible "casing" or theft, they are not police officers. It's been said before in this thread, and before that in threads over the years, maybe once more will sink in: Call the police, be a good witness. I suspect the background of one of the vigilantes - former DA Investigator - played a role in his thinking he was a cop.

This case also illustrates the complexities that can be introduced in self-defense. If A attacks B, and B defends him/her/itself, and stops when the threat is neutralized, it's SYG self defense. The minute B becomes an aggressor, the case pays for lawyers' beach condos, and those of the guys in black nightgowns. Of course, I'm going by FL law, but I doubt GA law is much different.

If someone attacks you, and you have legal right to be where you are and not committing a crime, drop him. Anything else risks the rest of your life; call the (real) police.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:53 pm
by Firemedic2000
[quote=tector post_id=26449 time=1589208351 user_id=57]
You guys are fucking hopeless.

I agree Hector. No actual proof he committed any crime. Other than walking into a home under construction. Which my wife and I have done in the past. To look at quality of build and layout.

Guess one tried to kill us. Not one video showed any crime. Well if you call looking a crime. A damn fool can see this was not a reason to stalk and then accost any person with loaded guns. Then murder him for being scared and trying to get away. If it had been me. Bubba would have got his head blown off for coming at me with a shotgun.

I wonder how many here defending this are in L.E. or an idoit or both

[b]For even saying this man committed a crime worth being murdered over. [/b]

Real L.E. would not have done what these two, I'm gonna shoot me someone today thugs did. This is one time I wish that had been me they stopped. Oh wait I bet because I was white they'd not done anything to me for looking at the house.

Good idea how many here based upon videos that shows his only crime was just looking at a house under contruction and did not steal anything. Committed a crime worth being shot down in the street over. By people that had zero authority to stop this jogger with loaded weapons.

I was a branch manager for Jim Walter Homes many years ago. If it were legal to shoot and murder people I caught on the contruction site. Looking at the home. Even if trespassing is a felony. I guess I could have shot a shit load of people.

Anyone here that even believes this was legal is a fool.

I'll put my money where my mouth is. I'll bet they do get convicted of murder. Because a fool can read Georgia's CITIZEN ARREST LAW and see what these murders did was unlawful.
I believe so strongly I've got 100.00 that says they were wrong and will get convicted. Also that the local yokels tried to cover it up.

If someone you did not know jumped out of a vehicle with a loaded shotgun.

I'm with rector on this one. There is too much stupidity in this post for agreeing this man was not murdered. Again FAN like another gun forum with there idoit good kill B.S. based upon no crime. Excepting looking and that was all that was seen in video.

Except for those two armed stalkers who victim did not know jumping out their truck armed and a man fighting for his life against them.

They even had their buddy film them stopping the man. So they could brag about it later. But that video got leaked to social media. Two months later. If LAW ENFORCEMENT had seen the videos they might have gotten charged then.

Btw they are considering charges now against person who took the video. For with holding evidence. Because he was connected to the two murders. Because he also stalked the man to record the kill.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 1:43 pm
by Racer88
As expected... Some cannot separate the issues of CAN and SHOULD. CAN (legal) vs SHOULD (moral / ethical).

Some of you who are morally outraged, and cannot separate that from the legalities involved, are going to be very disappointed with the end result.

I haven't seen anyone on this thread defending the two men involved in taking the third man's life. I don't think anyone here is "defending" what the father-son team did. I think we all agree they SHOULDN'T have done what they did. But, conflating SHOULD with CAN is what leads to misunderstandings and heated debates that amount to arguing over what should be two separate conversations.

But, some of us are making objective observations of the legalities involved. It doesn't mean we're "defending" the father-son duo. And from what LITTLE we (all) know about what happened, it appears that it is entirely POSSIBLE that the two men acted WITHIN THE LAW. It doesn't mean what they did was "right." It doesn't mean they acted intelligently. I think we'd all agree that their actions were foolish and unnecessary.

But, will they be convicted of murder and go to jail? I have my doubts based on the legal side presented to me by a lawyer friend who knows this subject well enough to be considered the leading national expert. <-- He called the Zimmerman case EXACTLY long before it was decided in court.

I also consider that not all the facts are out, yet. Not even close. But, they'll come in time.

You guys can keep calling us "fucking hopeless" and cast other aspersions at us. It doesn't bother me at all. I'm just watching it all play out. I have no dog in the fight. I'm not emotionally tied to the situation. But, yeah... I'm thinking you're setting yourselves up for an aneurysm when the verdict is "not guilty," if it even goes that far.

PS... adding for some clarity on my personal position: As a person licensed to carry concealed for 26 years, I have never even come close to drawing my firearm. And, if I witnessed what I reasonably believed to be a felony in progress, I would not even think of trying to detain the "suspect" with or without my firearm. Nope. Not even if it's MY property the dude is running away with. I'll be as good a witness as I can be. But, I'm not interjecting myself into a potential criminal situation. I don't get paid to do that, and I much prefer going home to my family. I'm not putting my life on the line, nor am I subjecting myself to legal liability... UNLESS, unavoidably, my life (or the lives of my loved ones) are threatened.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:17 pm
by Bmup
tector wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 10:45 am You guys are fucking hopeless.
That's MISTER fucking hopeless to you :D

OK since everyone is throwing out their opinions I'll just have to jump in with mine too. As I said sometime around the Zimmerman/Martin fiasco, we just don't have enough real information to make a qualified judgement. We can have opinions all we like but you know what they say about opinions. Everybody's got one etc, etc.
Don't accept other's opinion as Fact just because you saw it online & therefore must be true. Same thing for leaks to the press... haven't we all seen THIS before?
The only real answer is that we don't know the real answer. Not enough info/facts & I'd guess none of us was there at the time or know anyone involved.
Speculate all you want but its all bullshit unless you were actually there. Eventually, most of it will come out & then we can all argue about whether its a good shoot or a fucking travesty of justice.

Just my 2 cents. non-refundable.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:02 pm
by n0rlf
Where is that dead horses gif when you need it.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:31 pm
by Taco
Firemedic2000 wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 9:56 am
Taco wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 11:23 pm There are far too many words here for me to catch up... haven't seen the video, haven't heard the story...

What I care about is this headline. Why is 'unarmed' in there? Is my carring a firearm a free license for me to be shot- or is it just black men who should be shot if they are armed?

Language matter. Words matter. If someone was murdered does it matter the method? Maybe, but mostly a side detail and not the headline. Does their skin color matter? Very unlikely, again a minor detail only relivent if the crime has something directly tied to race. Does their carry status matter? Very unlikely unless they were in the act of committing a crime.
:lol: need to read and findout what happened. I see what your doing and it will not work. You know good and well what is meant by unarmed. Like shot in back while trying to escape to thugs.

Again on color. How can you post on so anything that in your own words you've not read about or watched video. It's been in the NEWS all week. Taco have you been violating your stay at home orders :lol:

You attempting to cause trouble in a post you've not read, plus about an incident you state you need heard about. So quit twisting words. You know better than that. Maybe not after all your taco :P
While I am cooped up, I'm not flush with free time... Only have a rare half hour every few days that I can sit and watch, not wasting that on the news. I've been catching up on some movies I haven't watched- usually getting through one a week, it's really sad...

Not coming down on your language, figured you copied and pasted. My point was the chosen words are the ones commonly used, but they shouldn't be.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:26 pm
by Firemedic2000
I was just teasing taco. Did not mean anything by it. :P

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 7:16 am
I am sure the zio-media swine that lied and was proven wrong about Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin will be right this time.
And the very same people who were appalled by both verdicts will be equally stunned when both these guys are acquitted.

This being said, when cases like this arise white Americans would be well advised to practice identity politics the same way minorities do.
In case you've been living under a rock for the past few decades, here is how that works [and it does every time the victim is white]:

1/ Since the victim was not one of my people I don't give two shits about what happened to them.
2/ Whatever my people did is 1000% justified by the long history of crimes from the victim's group against mine.
3/ If selected on the jury I will vote not guilty regardless of facts and evidence because the accused are my people.

Done! See how fucking easy that was? :mrgreen:

Now just to be clear:

I know nothing and refuse to waste my time learning anything about this case. Life is too short and my time way too precious to waste it arguing about how some low IQ dindu got taken out of the gene pool... And yet I am willing to bet that my heuristics as delivered in the first two sentences will prove to be more accurate than anything you have read about this case in the Jew York Swine... I meant the New York Times.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:56 am
by Racer88
^^^This forum is allowing this kind of antisemitic drivel??? ^^^

We can argue the various points and positions of this and the other cases without this low-brow ignorant pejorative crap.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:07 am
by GunsandHoses
Thought I had something to add but I'm out on this one!