Chop Going Down

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Post by Gregg »

Day six, still waiting
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Post by lakelandman »

Gregg wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:37 am Day six, still waiting
Same here lame.
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Post by Chinerd00 »

So are these people who reside in chop considered Taliban style terrorist?
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

That video is unreal. For elected officials to let something like that to even transpire in an AMERICAN CITY is beyond comprehension. All because they want to be cool. Well they've got blood of Americans on their hands, rapes, beatings, extortion and GOD knows what else for failure to do their duties and protect their citizens. This warrants criminal charges under some FEDERAL LAW I'm sure.

I know this. When they go in there. They best not go in with just tear gas and rubber bullets. They better use the NATIONAL GUARD with armored vehicles and have live ammo. Warn everyone in that zone who want's to leave to leave. That if necessary deadly force will be used if fired upon. Then totally close off that zone. So if anyone fires on them they can't escape. Box them in and force a SURRENDER and arrest everyone one of them.

If that dumbass Mayor sends in just the POLICE with tear gas and probably nothing else. If I were an officer. I'd refuse to go. Knowing they were armed with AR-15s and AK-47s no way in hell would I go. I'd say I'm sick and go home.

That's no summer of love. That's turned into little Somalia with turf WARS
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Post by Gregg »

Well it's now day seven, and still waiting.

Do you realise that CHOP is now the murder capital of the US on a per capita basis, as result of last night's shooting.
The Chop denizens are also raiding the surrounding neighborhoods every night.
Sooner or latter, someone in a surrounding neighborhood will start shooting on these very un-peaceful Chop denizens.

I also concur, the place should be surrounded, and the denizens should be given the chance to come out.
Then the US Military Rangers should go in and bring every one left in CHOP out, either as a prisoner or in a body bag.

I really feel sorry for the people who live in the 600 plus apartments with in the CHOP Zone.
I'm sure many have already left, but I'm certain many are still there; as they do not wish to have everything they own looted, if they leave.
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Post by lakelandman »

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Post by Iosef »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:18 am...they've got blood of Americans on their hands, rapes, beatings, extortion and GOD knows what else for failure to do their duties and protect their citizens. This warrants criminal charges under some FEDERAL LAW I'm sure.
It might, but not for the lack of protection for citizens. Remember, the courts have decided repeatedly, that government agents are NOT responsible for protecting a citizen from violence unless that citizen is already in police custody. Despite all the efforts of corrupt legislators, we continue to be responsible for our own protection.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Iosef wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:42 pm
Firemedic2000 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:18 am...they've got blood of Americans on their hands, rapes, beatings, extortion and GOD knows what else for failure to do their duties and protect their citizens. This warrants criminal charges under some FEDERAL LAW I'm sure.
It might, but not for the lack of protection for citizens. Remember, the courts have decided repeatedly, that government agents are NOT responsible for protecting a citizen from violence unless that citizen is already in police custody. Despite all the efforts of corrupt legislators, we continue to be responsible for our own protection.

That CHIEF law enforcement official acting on TV like she should have done this or we should have done that. Well she should have. That CHIEF should have told that Mayor to F Off that those innocient people who live in there and are trapped and business owners who's livilehoods are trapped in there with those criminals are her responsibility and she's protecting them.

She can fire her and the entire police dept afterwards. No their job may not be to protect the people. But damn sure is to enforce the law and no elected representative has the authority to order any officer of the law not to enforce a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW if it came to life or property. That would stand up in court I bet.

But also I blame any LEO again because they just can't help but F up. It must be in their DNA. They stand back and let rioters loot, burn, trash, resulting in murders, attacking innocient citizens and even LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES and officers themselves be attacked and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING just because some elected official told them not to just because they want to keep that retirement and pay check.

Yet now here's the big but. They will arrest innocient AMERICANS CITIZENS who stand up against these rioters who are guarding their property against being burned to the ground and looted. The police telling them you can't do that it's against the law wtf is that. But they will let it be looted and burned to the ground. Here's the kicker. By what the LEFT are calling peaceful protesters.

Then arresting INNOCIENT AMERICANS who fight back against wondering gangs of these thugs who attack them. With intent to greatly harm or maybe even kill them. These innocient AMERICAN use whatever force against 3, 4,5 or more attacking them. Stomping, kicking them in the head, hitting with bats and worse. You use what ever force necessary to stop the attack. Guess who get's arrested. The INNOCIENT AMERICANS who fight back against gangs of these thugs who attack them. The police do not chase after the THUGS. They arrest you for pulling a weapon to stop the attack. They arrest you for shooting them. You were the victim.

The police, know what they say. We are just following orders. Guess what AMERICANS hung a bunch of NAZIS that said the same exact thing at the Nuremberg trials. Who said they were just following orders.

Funny thing is these are the very same LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that say if the government were to pass unconstitutional laws and ordered them to confiscate even by force. All firearms from AMERICAN CITIZENS they'd not follow those order. B.S. I wonder now how many would just say, they were just following orders. Remember what AMERICANS did to the British that tried to take our guns away. You better remember that. Because we are not rioters.

The old school cops may have told the government hell no. But the new breed of cops they'll do whatever they are ordered to do. Until they are given a history lesson.

But right now. Not only are LAW ENFORCEMENT getting attacked by some people. But the very elected officials they so blindly obey. Knowing that these very elected officials at throwing them under the bus just so they can get re-elected. This is all it's about with any ELECTED POLITICAL LEADER. Getting re-elected because they could give a RATS ass about the voter.

They just want that vote and to stay in that position of power they have over people. Because they like the way it feels to have that kinda of authority. They like the title and being able to look down upon people. You can't talk to me that way. I'm the Mayor, Govenor, REPRESENTATIVE, SENATOR or SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. How dare you. Where's my gavel bang, bang bang.

But hey we are all told by someone what to do. But we all have the ability also to know right from wrong too. We all have the ability to say NO.

Unless your in a position you want to keep a pay check and retirement or like having power and authority over others because it makes you feel special. You people need to remember this as much as you hate to. You have that power because we let you have.
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Post by lakelandman »

Twitter post.
Tons of trash and junk remain on the streets of CHAZ. Despite promises to hold the territory by any means necessary, protesters didn’t put up much resistance this morning. CHAZ was retaken by police in a matter of minutes.
Everybody's got a plan until they get hit.
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