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Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:20 pm
by OSD
No, it was not because he wanted me to take the class. It was because the condition didn't fit into the new categories as defined. Certain pain conditions don't fit in the same categories as they used to. Each person is different and what works for one doesn't always work for another. Also it depends on your insurance company and which drugs they want used and for what conditions they want those drugs to cover.
It's all BS, but most of the delays come from the law requiring physicians and pharmacists to consult a statewide database before prescribing or dispensing controlled substances. They also must provide additional documentation if the drug is being prescribed for non-acute care and to verify a patient’s identification before dispensing the prescription.
You are already in the database with the documentation provided and have been for years, that's why you don't have problems getting your meds. It's not so easy for everyone.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:23 am
by trouter3
An hour and 20 minutes of physical therapy, getting a lot of flexibility back in the knee, p/t fella knows what he is doing, be back on the road to normality in another week, lost 29 lbs with this experience, body still outa whack with all the OxyContin and other drugs they initially fed me, bad bad stuff, could never be a drug user, don't like the sensation...and I'm still trying to get that chiller theater rehabilitation center outa my mind, not my schtick got nightmares being there a short time ....

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:07 pm
by flcracker
Best of luck with your recovery! Put a positive spin on the whole stilt-house thing.... use a fishing rod to walk the dog!

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:35 pm
by Firemedic2000
Two weeks today. I'm walking normal. Just walked the dog a half mile. Can walk up and down the stairs normally. I pushed it really hard the first week and it paid off.

The nurse released me after one visit. I've been doing my own wound care. Physical therapists came once. I walked down to her car and met her. She was shocked. She could not believe I just had my knee replaced She said I do not need her help. :D

Ice and 14 stairs and bend and flexing are your friends.

It only really hurt the first 3 or 4 days. My first visit with my surgeon. It blew him away that I was walking like I never had an operation. Everyone in his office was shocked because it had been on 10 days. Used a walker honestly for maybe 2 hours, no cane.

To be honest and I told him. I was doing so great because he'd done such a great job. I like the fact he glued the wound shut instead of using staples to. He did it a little differently. He did not cut a tendon on the left side of the knee to install the new knee. Which alleviated alot of pain right up front.

This surgeon is fantastic. But it's all mind set to. THE SPEED OF YOUR RECOVERY DEPENDS ON YOU. Just how far your willing to push it and how much pain you can tolerate. I almost threw up several times and almost passed out once.

The first 3 or 4 days from the pain. Surgery was on Wed and by Sunday the pain level had dropped to like 2 or 1 and most the time no pain. The worst days were Fri and Sat. Because I pushed it really hard.

My biggest fear was scar tissue forming in the first few day of healing. Which can effect your limit of mobility of the knee. That's why I did what I did. My right knee I had done 3 years ago. It's as good if not better than my real knee it replaced. I have never had any problems with it.

To be honest I think this knee did better. Because he did not cut that tendon on the left side. Made a difference of night and day.

The place I had it done at was Coastal Orthopedic in Bradenton Dr. HARKAS a younger surgeon. I researched him thoroughly. Because he took the place of Dr Ayers who retired that did my right knee.

He used a ceramic coated TITANIUM knee. Which after my research is they way to go.
I high recommend this place and doctor based upon two knee replacement procedures that were a total success. I'm extremely happy.

My GOD SON CALLS MY A CYBORG NOW :lol: he plays lots of video

But to say I was scared would be an understatement. Cutting out you knee and putting a metal one scared the crap out of me. I don't care if I'd had it done once already before. I was terrified the first time. :P

I want to back out, but I knew it had to be done. So I hung in there. Did it and now I'm happy. So if you need it done do it. If you need back surgery or any kind of surgery that can make your life better. Don't let fear stop you.

I've seen people in so much pain that surgery could fix. But people that they've spoken to told them not to do it. Because THEY HEARD FROM A FRIEND OR READ SOME WHERE.

Worse yet is somebody did have an operation and did not follow do what they were suppose to do or rehurt themselves and blame the operation.

I've seen people that had back surgery a week later out running a lawn mower. When they should not be doing that. They say I'll decide what I can do. My dad did this. Guess what he hurt his back again and had to be operated on again. Idiot.

Point is if you need help don't let people that are not hurting talking you out of it because they HEARD OR READ SOMETHING. They have no idea what they are taking about. Medical procedures have advance so much in the last 20 years.

Now some people are so messed up that it can help some. Ive seen and worked with these people. I truely feel for them. They got hurt really badly. I am a strong believer in pain management working with doctor and if Opioids are needed then so be it. As long as it's under doctors care.

Because if someone is in chronic pain and the government keeps them from getting treatment for this pain by way of Opioids. Then the government just created new criminals. Because these people will end up buying drugs off the street to treat their pain. Without a doctor's care. The government needs to stay the F out the medical treatment of patients.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:09 pm
by trouter3
Glad to hear your healing quickly, ya gotta stay with the physical therapy program heavily, my P/T gave me list of exercises that have proved to be effective so far, I rarely use the walker, I found a cane to be effective when I need extra support, know what mean when you say " scared the shit outa me" I worried about the surgery for weeks b4 it came to pass, it got so bad my doctor had me take anxiety pills I'd break out in a sweat just thinking about it, you know this ain't my first rodeo relating to surgeries, but that was a different person a lot younger not giving a crap about the pain and the long term reprocusions, thinking I was indestructible, well obviously as the years went by that way of thinking went down the tubes and now this surgery really got into my head and scared the crap
outa me for weeks b4 it took place, I'm glad I did it, my knee was totally gone, bone on bone horrendous pain that changed my whole life style, can't wait to go back to doing things with my family and friends without walking around after ingesting pain killers, no way to lead ones life, all we ask on this earth to be good to our fellow man and to live a simple good pain free existence with peace and tranquility we are only here for a very short time in the realm of things let us enjoy the natural things the good lord has bestowed upon us ..

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:46 am
by trouter3
8th day of healing, nurse came over to change dressing, saw the incision for the first time, very impressive, had forgotten they now use staples instead of the old sutures, we counted 30 staples, physical therapist says another two weeks I can get behind the wheel, starting to feel house bound, like meals on wheel shit, need to keep to the p/t program for fast healing
You want to hear "the power of positive hearing" ysda I ordered a new fishing rod :D :D

Peace and tranquility and bend your knees

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:48 pm
by Clyde621
Good luck and recovery to both you guys. I’ve had back surgery and can attest to the anxiety you go thru. I was hurting so bad that I couldn’t wait to get to the surgery room. Surgery done and as soon as the anathesia wore off he had me walking. Woohoo was I a happy camper.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:20 am
by trouter3
One month and one day since my knee replacement, I'm heading for my automobile, physical therapist says he doesn't see any problems with my moving side to side ..we shall see .... Stay off the road between 11:30-12:00 :mrgreen: : :mrgreen: you travel at your own risk .....glad to get out on my own felt like a friggin shut in ..only thing I was missing was meals on wheels ...wish me luck !!

Peace and tranquility

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:17 pm
by Firemedic2000
trouter3 wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:46 am 8th day of healing, nurse came over to change dressing, saw the incision for the first time, very impressive, had forgotten they now use staples instead of the old sutures, we counted 30 staples, physical therapist says another two weeks I can get behind the wheel, starting to feel house bound, like meals on wheel shit, need to keep to the p/t program for fast healing
You want to hear "the power of positive hearing" ysda I ordered a new fishing rod :D :D

Peace and tranquility and bend your knees
I remember asking the nurse to change my dressing and she refused. I fired her. I was trained in advanced trauma care. So I have everything for wound management care. I even told the nurse I had all the dressings for her to use. After she gave me the excuse she did not have and medical supplies with her :? I asked her what she came here for. Because all she was doing was taking my vitals. She was not even checking the wound for infection or anything. Then leave.

The physical therapist would call and leave a message on my ph. saying they'd be at my home on such and such date. Sometimes I'd not get the message. They'd show up and I'd already have plans or a doctors appt. They'd say well I made an appt. I ask them with whom did they make an appt. with. Because it most certainly was not with me nor my wife. They'd then say well I left a MESSAGE....STOP....I'D SAY YOU MADE AN APPT. WITH MY ANSWERING SVC. :lol: which to be honest I rarely check my house ph. Because most everyone has my cell.

I got so aggravated with them I fired them to. The day I got out of the hospital from my apendix rupturing. My wife pulled into our driveway and there was a physical therapist walking down my stairs. I asked if I could help them. Now remember I'd been in the hospital for the last 6 days and had not spoken to any of these people.

The therapist said yes I have an appt with you today. I ask who she made the appt with. She said well no one I just called and left a message. I said so you made an appt with my phone. Which I did not have because I've been in the hospital for 6 days. Now I'm bent over can hardly walk and in a ton of pain,I'm pale and lost 20 lbs. I looked like a very sick person. Oh yeah I have zero problems walking. No cane or walker.

This idiot then says to me. Well since I'm here we can do your therapy. I lost it. I say your fired and tell your damn company not to call me or come to my home again. I asked her if she was blind can she not see the condition I'm in. Plus hear I just got out of hospital. Besides I was walking up and down stairs and having no problems with my knee. It was doing great with the therapy I was doing. But these people were worse than the IRS if you owed them money.

They were out right harassing me. They'd show up unannounced. Call at 10pm at night. Then when they did show up. They did not do anything except say WOW your doing great. I'll let them know you do not need phy therapy. Yet they'd keep coming. I did not have this problem with who ever the therapy company was when my right knee was done.

Re: Knee Replacement

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:45 pm
by trouter3
My experience with the physical therapist and home care nurse was excellent, great professionals, no problems whatsoever, this week will be the last week they come to the house, got kind of used to having them visit twice a week, only negative I had was in the hospital when a nurse almost accidentally gave me another patients meds at 3 am, gave me a cup with 3-4 pills I put them in my mouth to swallow when she started screaming " dont swallow those pills" she was really upset after it happened, she had read the wrong line on her computer, luckily I only got one pill down it was a vitamin pill... :!: :!: :roll: they give you medication and take blood all hours of the night ...
Also I'm now free and easy, went on my first auto solo this am, no sweat, no problems filled her up with gas and I just may head out to one of my favorite canals for some peacock bass fishing next few days .....all things considered the replacement was worth it,no more pain walking on my right leg, all worth it ...talented surgeons, they know their stuff ...