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Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:22 am
by N4KVE
Jeepsnguns wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:30 pm Hey Bmup & Gary why dont y'all say it like it is and stop pussy footing around?
Go ahead and call out the religion of the folks you despise so much.
I wasn’t aware “Old Fart” was a religion. GARY.

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:01 am
by Dr. Dickie
trouter3 wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:21 pm Come on now, as I said in another post, let's be civil to one another with out pointing to religious preferences, that's exactly what the problem with society is today we are so quick to insult and degrade one another and build up hated that leads to physical violence, that's what happened with this psycho in Pittsburgh, he was a loner that let his hatred of Jews just fester and build to a point of blindly random killing innocent people, we must avoid insults towards people's religious preference it only simulates negativity and hostility, that's what happened in Europe during the 40's and it wasn't pretty and neither what is happening today in this country, with a person mailing explosives to people who has a difference political preference and now religious hatred, the next flush you hear is our society going down the toilet with the rest of the shit ...

Peace and tranquility we need a lot of it folks ...
Who mentioned religion before you?

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:33 am
by trouter3
Dr Dickie read the posts b4 yours the terminology religion was mentioned numerous times, and insinuated numerous times, if you want to be belligerent and confrontation crawl into the sack with your old lady she may want to fuck around with ya, I won't play your stupid games your fuckng exhibit A .......

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:46 am
by Bmup
Jeepsnguns wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:30 pm
Bmup wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:19 pm I was really lamenting on the influx of retirees back in the 1970's & later which drove developers to hastily put up cheap condos & sell them by the thousands. A lot of these developments would have "Shopping Days" where they would bus their people to grocery stores etc. Sounds nice but these folks would all show up in one store at the same time, load up their carts to the brim & then all hit the checkout at the same time. "Give all 200 of us a 20% discount or we leave all our shopping carts right here" This was happening on a regular basis & finally the stores banned entry of anyone affiliated with certain retirement "villages".
I was working as a telephone installer at the time & if I installed one jack, they wanted 2. If I installed 2 or three, they wanted an extra one in each bathroom. (This was before cell phones or even cordless). The all wanted more, more, more & gave nothing in return but a hard time. There are plenty more examples I could tell but that's the core of why I feel the way I do about NY.
N4KVE wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:37 pm Things haven’t changed. I like to meet my parents for dinner at the Ale House on Glades Rd in Boca, but have learned to stay away on Wednesday nights. Condo developments buss their retirees in because it’s half price lobster night. They are lined up outside the door. If we have to meet on Wednesday, we go to the Chinese restaurant next door. GARY.
Hey Bmup & Gary why dont y'all say it like it is and stop pussy footing around?
Go ahead and call out the religion of the folks you despise so much.
Jeepsnguns - Overbearing, obnoxious, opinionated, assholes are not limited to one specific religion. In fact I never mentioned religion in my rant but I apologize if you took it the wrong way. I'm not sure which religion you are referring to but if it's Judaism, then I will have to mention that Mrs. Bmup is Jewish as are all of our kids & grandkids. We are all going to Israel in Dec. for one of my grandson's Bar Mitzvah at the Wall. Not our first time either.

Growing up in SE Fla. I have met people of many different religions & I've never berated any one of them for their beliefs. In my rant I was referring to certain people with personality traits that I usually associate with a certain area of the US. I call it a NY Attitude but it isn't necessarily limited to NY as evidenced by some of our FSNers who happen to be from there but don't have it. In the end it's all down to the individual.

Again, I apologize if you took it the wrong way, but if YOU misunderstood my words, it's not MY problem.

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:40 am
by Jeepsnguns
Bmup wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:19 pm Jeepsnguns - Overbearing, obnoxious, opinionated, assholes are not limited to one specific religion. In fact I never mentioned religion in my rant but I apologize if you took it the wrong way. I'm not sure which religion you are referring to but if it's Judaism, then I will have to mention that Mrs. Bmup is Jewish as are all of our kids & grandkids. We are all going to Israel in Dec. for one of my grandson's Bar Mitzvah at the Wall. Not our first time either.

Growing up in SE Fla. I have met people of many different religions & I've never berated any one of them for their beliefs. In my rant I was referring to certain people with personality traits that I usually associate with a certain area of the US. I call it a NY Attitude but it isn't necessarily limited to NY as evidenced by some of our FSNers who happen to be from there but don't have it. In the end it's all down to the individual.

Again, I apologize if you took it the wrong way, but if YOU misunderstood my words, it's not MY problem.
No apologies necessary. I took you guys posts the wrong way & I misspoke (mis-wrote).
Carry on sir.

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:36 am
by trouter3
Meeting of the minds is always a positive thing, not like some of the provocative one line confrontational BS that we see on here all to often ....

Peace and tranquility to all peoples and religions on this earth ...

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:27 pm
by fsnadmin
Grip Hugger wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:15 am Seriously though, thanks for all you do. Much appreciated!
You're welcome.

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:34 am
by Dr. Dickie
trouter3 wrote: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:33 am Dr Dickie read the posts b4 yours the terminology religion was mentioned numerous times, and insinuated numerous times, if you want to be belligerent and confrontation crawl into the sack with your old lady she may want to fuck around with ya, I won't play your stupid games your fuckng exhibit A .......
I read them, and religion was not mentioned. YOUR BIAS, is just that YOUR BIAS. Don't project your beliefs on to everyone else.
I don't read minds, I read words. But please, tell me what everyone is thinking and ignore what they write.
New York is not code for Jew, it is code for obnoxious asshole.

Re: Male bombing suspect arrested in Florida

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:36 am
by trouter3
Dr penis, ) I believe that is your screen name, I have not the time nor the inclination to deal with a meat head like you, you have the intellectual capacity of a turd, you completely mis interpreted the entire concept of the thread, please in the future disregard my posts I wish not converse with ignorant people as yourself .....

And BTW my father in law has a number tattooed on his arm, you know what that signifies and my family is from Austria ...