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Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:33 am
by REDinFL
That kind of stuff removes any legitimacy from any real discussion.

Mods/Legio, please close. It's only going downhill from here.

I'll add this, from my life's experience. People are like clothes in the store: there's good and bad in every color, cut, style, shape and size. When I was a kid, growing up and going to school in NYC, I grew to hate Jews. I said at one time, probably about the age of 11 or 12 that I would volunteer to turn the gas valves. You can use your imagination at the kind of people, especially some of the refugee teachers, I had to deal with. My mother, who qualified for sainthood, told me, "You would want to do that to Dr. <my pediatrician>, or Mrs. <one of my elementary school teachers>, or any number of other very nice, decent people, would you?" I said," No." OK, then, you can't condemn everyone, and have to learn to discern. So, the bad people I ignore when I can, and treat the good people right. A lot of horror in the 20th century could have been avoided, had more people learned that simple lesson. Yes, some people deserved what they got, because of actual deeds. Other, the overwhelming majority, people should have ben left alone, as they had done nothing, and there is no greater sin (not even talking I the religious sense) than arbitrarily and deliberately to condemn an innocent person. Oh, that doctor my mother mentioned? His son was a classmate of mine in high school, and we became good friends.

Cut this kind of crap.

Re: This is just sad right here shooting of unarmed black man

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:33 am
by n0rlf
Geez, guess names calling and the like was a valid prediction. That's enough.