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Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:15 pm
by tector
I don't know how many decades of losing it takes for idiots on the Right to understand that "democracy" has failed them--the Left has captured every major institution in the US under "democracy." As I said, this country is much, much worse off than when Obama was President (less than a decade ago)--and back then everybody here whined how bad it was. And your 4 years of the great grifter Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the rot, which he rolled around in for decades, like a pig in slop. The "Right" in this country assumes the postions formerly held by the Left like 20 years before (or less). Ever leftward go the goal posts, while dolts on gun forums blather on about the Founders, whose vision of a republic is ever more distant in the rear view mirror.

I wish we could all go safely to our graves with great hope for this nation, but you have to be incredibly naive to swallow that shit yet again. But hey, it's a comforting lie, and those always sell YUGE!

Every great regime in the history of the world has ultimately collpased. That doesn't mean the nation disappears--our nemesis in China alone attests to that. So it goes.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:50 am
by P5 Guy
Voting for a democrat is against the fabric of my soul.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:34 pm
by Deputydave
Tector, it's just a real shame you let your emotions guide your thinking. It makes you reactionary. It's also juvenile to lash out at others over your own frustrations. Your position, and pretty much every one of your posts in this thread are illogical and counter-productive. I think you really need to grow up and get your own house in order before insulting and cussing out people you don't even know.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:00 pm
by tector
Getting called "reactionary" by Trump cutlists is quite the laugh. For them, everything is about triggering the libs, while they march off a cliff (again).

For all the alleged black-pilling around gun forums (bold quotes about death before disarmament), you look for easy outs with a grifter who laughs all the way to the bank.

While not too religious myself, I have come to appreciate that the secularization of society (the cornerstone project of modernity) has been a disaster across Western societies. People were much off looking to Jesus in the sky than some tinhorn saviors on this dustball.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:21 pm
by Deputydave
tector wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:00 pm Getting called "reactionary" by Trump cutlists is quite the laugh.
Thank you for proving my point. You label people in a derogatory manner because they may have a different view point or opinion. That's a lack of maturity. It is also a standard ploy of the left, so perhaps you'll fit right in.
tector wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:00 pm For them, everything is about triggering the libs, while they march off a cliff (again).
Odd that you think you can speak to the motivations of people you don't agree with. You can't of course and your simplistic generalizations are simply an ignorant rant.
tector wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:00 pm For all the alleged black-pilling around gun forums (bold quotes about death before disarmament), you look for easy outs with a grifter who laughs all the way to the bank.

He's laughing all the way to the bank? Hmm, seems like his overall wealth has decreased in the last 6 years.

For whatever reason, you're just an angry man shaking his fist at the sky. And again, it's a definite lack of maturity on your part to lash out and cuss out those that may have a different POV or opinion. You have exposed yourself and I honestly feel sorry for you. But again, you'll fit right in on the left as you'll be surrounded by like-minded people that also ignorantly demonize anyone that upsets their delicate sensitivities.


Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:40 pm
by George W
I am a 2X Trump voter. There will not be a third time. The fact that he cannot see that he is unelectable speaks volumes about him as a person. He had his term and lost his bid for a second term to the third rate candidate of Biden. He couldn't get elected nationwide Dog Catcher at this point. Instead of bringing his followers in to support an electable candidate he is choosing to make things about himself at the expense of others.

While I won't vote D, I will will not vote for Trump as POTUS and will probably pull the lever for a Libertarian instead.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:25 pm
by tector
George W wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:40 pm I am a 2X Trump voter. There will not be a third time. The fact that he cannot see that he is unelectable speaks volumes about him as a person. He had his term and lost his bid for a second term to the third rate candidate of Biden. He couldn't get elected nationwide Dog Catcher at this point. Instead of bringing his followers in to support an electable candidate he is choosing to make things about himself at the expense of others.

While I won't vote D, I will will not vote for Trump as POTUS and will probably pull the lever for a Libertarian instead.
I totally understand supporting Trump in 2016, as I said. But the cultists have learned nothing from the past 7 years (four of those years being under Trump), despite the US being much worse off now than when Trump was elected. Their childlike faith would be enduring--if they were children. With grown ass adults, it's beyond embarrassing.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:11 pm
by Gunnyhiway
Tectors Song

There's a place in the world for the angry young man
With his working class ties and his radical plans
He refuses to bend, he refuses to crawl
And he's always at home with his back to the wall
He's proud of the scars and the battles he's lost
He struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross
And he likes to be known as the angry young man

Give a moment or two to the angry young man
With his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand
He's been stabbed in the back, he's been misunderstood
It's a comfort to know his intentions are good
He sits in a room with a lock on the door
With his maps and his medals laid out of the floor
And he likes to be known as the angry young man

I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage
I've found that just surviving was a noble fight
I once believed in causes too, had my pointless point of view
Life went on no matter who was wrong or right
And there's always a place for the angry young man

With his fist in the air and his head in the sand
He's never been able to learn from mistakes
He can't understand why his heart always breaks
His honor is pure, and his courage as well
He's fair and he's true, and he's boring as hell
And he'll go to his grave as an angry old man

There's a place in the world for the angry young man
With his working class ties and his radical plans
He refuses to bend, he refuses to crawl
And he's always at home with his back to the wall
He's proud of the scars and the battles he's lost
He struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross
And he likes to be known as the angry young man

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:31 pm
by jr81452
George W wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:40 pm I am a 2X Trump voter. There will not be a third time. The fact that he cannot see that he is unelectable speaks volumes about him as a person. He had his term and lost his bid for a second term to the third rate candidate of Biden. He couldn't get elected nationwide Dog Catcher at this point. Instead of bringing his followers in to support an electable candidate he is choosing to make things about himself at the expense of others.

While I won't vote D, I will will not vote for Trump as POTUS and will probably pull the lever for a Libertarian instead.
Exactly this. Conservatives out number libs, but not libs + independents/centrists. Independents helped him win the first time and they won't be voting for him again. Add in those of us who won't give him a 3rd vote, and he doesn't have a chance in hell. I vote (R) because I want good governance, not this culture war sound bite clown show we've had since 2016. A vote for trump is a vote for the (d)icks, and a $1 for trump may as well be set on fire.

BTW: If DeSantis signs HB125, I won't vote for him again either. Bout sick of his culture war BS of late, while he sells out Florida to the highest bidder.

Country before Party.

Re: I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:41 pm
by REDinFL
I hate to say it, but the "sell out" part is all too common. I thought DeSantis might be different, but I'm seeing too many dots which connect themselves.