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The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 12:25 pm
by Miami_JBT
As I said earlier in (TTAG - Signs of Things to Come? NRATV Lays Off Staff Due to $55 Million Revenue Shortfall), the NRA is going through a financial crisis. I pointed out some of the reasons why I believe this is happening and a lot of it must do with the gun owning community and NRA membership being slighted by the organization.

One thing that I do believe is that the gun owning community is mentally ready for the last conflict. The NRA is especially guilty of this. They are like every major army. They're ready and equipped to fight the last war, not the coming one. That last war was the 1994 Clinton Assault Weapons Ban.

But Gun Owners aren't immune either since many simply continue to horde magazines, lowers, and ammunition with the belief that all they purchase will be Pre-Ban and legal to keep. As New York, California, Florida, and other states have shown. That isn't the case anymore. Grandfathering is no longer in the cards for us. But this belief is part of why the gun owning community is failing. Many of us have the belief that "as long as I have mine, I'm good." Well, that ain't good and it sure doesn't help the cause.

Another issue is we put too much faith into lobbying. With the demographic changes occurring in the country both politically and ethnically, lobbying isn't going to preserve Liberty nor the Second Amendment.


The post Parkland gun grabbers have done far more damage to Liberty in the 90 days after the shooting than the NRA has done to protect the Second Amendment since the 1990s. All the lobbying in the world isn't going to change perception Because unfortunately, perception is reality.

Between the public ballot drives to get laws and state constitutional changes through without any legislative action and the massive Democratic swing in state governments is proof of the above facts. The power of public perception has gone so far to even make Republicans and the NRA change their tune.

Republican Governors like Rick Scott (FL), Phil Scott (VT), Bruce Rauner (IL), Larry Hogan (MD), and Charlie Barker (MA) all signed gun control bills into law in 2018. And in those bills they signed, a lot of what the NRA's has blessed was in them. Red Flag Laws and Bump Stock Bans.

Yup, the Gun Grabbers have used public perception to even get the NRA to bow down and back gun control.



Public Perception is a powerful tool and our side fails to utilize it. There is a political and demographic shift occurring right now as we speak. The public perception of your average American gun owner is this.


Whether it is right or wrong. That is the mental image that the majority of society in America thinks of when the words "gun owner" are mentioned. The majority of our Second Amendment organizations fail to reach out to minorities and urbanite communities. Our side continues to use such an outdated campaign strategy. We aren't a rural agrarian society anymore. A good chunk of gun owners are urbanites and own guns for a whole host of different reasons. Plinking on the back 40 and going hunting isn't the main ones anymore.

The demographics of America has changed.


Adapt and realize it or falter.

The gun rights organizations need to stop the old ways of shaking hands with Congressmen in back offices after political promises have been made. They need to be vocal and confrontational with those in office. But more importantly, need to drop the Old White Man image. The Demographics of the country has changed and many groups are still going after TV image of Classic 1950s Americana.

The NRA's action for instances on the Philando Castile shooting really pissed off a lot of people in the minority communities across the country. They could have taken a neutral stance and discussed both sides equally (both LE and Mr. Castile made bad judgement calls). But instead they didn't and they even censured Colion Noir when he tried to bridge that topic.

As a Hispanic I personally don't see any Pro Second Amendment work being directed towards the Spanish speaking communities. I have never seen an ad or article written in Spanish. I don't see or hear commercials broadcasted in Spanish. I don't see public outreaches into the Spanish speaking communities by gun rights organizations.

The same can be said for the Black Communities in America. Are there ever any public outreach programs to get Black Americans into the shooting sports? Any ads or publications specifically targeting them and showing the history that gun control has as a racial tool to oppress Black Americans? No. I don't see it nor does anyone that I know see it either.

The only segment I see being targeted is women. And even then it is mostly economic to target a growing demographic for new sales.


But sadly the majority of the advertising that I do see is not based on pushing the narrative that the Second Amendment empowers women, especially women of color. Moms Demand Action does that very well with their publicity shots of their groups.


I don't see organizations reach out to minority women and teaching them the fundamentals of proper firearm handling and why they should have a firearm. I don't see them discussing such landmark Supreme Court cases like Warren v. District of Columbia. A case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens based on the public duty doctrine. That leaves women defenseless if they have no viable means to defend themselves.

For those that don't know; Carolyn Warren, Joan Taliaferro, and Miriam Douglas were for fourteen hours the captive sex slaves of Marvin Kent and James Morse. The women were raped, robbed, beaten, forced to commit sexual acts upon one another, and made to submit to the sexual demands of their attackers. Law enforcement failed to respond and act in a timely and correct manner. In today's era of the #MeToo movement, why isn't that being pushed by gun rights organizations? Why is the below image of a minority woman properly armed and able to defend herself not being broadcasted and advertised in monitory communities?


The Gun Owning Community and the various Gun Rights Organizations need to realize this and adapt or as time continues to march forward. Be swept into the dustbin of history as our Second Amendment rights crumble due to age and lack of upkeep.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:10 pm
While I certainly applaud the past efforts of the NRA (and like organizations) to unite gun owners in support of pro 2A efforts, one of the problems I think with current cultural battles is that the NRA, being the largest and oldest of the pro-2A organizations has become the largest target of the anti-gun efforts. It's a lot easier to attack a large target that everyone knows/recognizes. Perhaps, we need to regroup and form an organization that's a lot more stealthy... and not a recognized target of the anti's. The best way to do this, I think is to encourage individual grass roots efforts to recruit more people to the 2A side. Invite people local to your area to the range and let them experience the sport and understand the need for self-defense, etc. If there are organizations to be had, let them be a bit more diverse and reflective of today's culture.

Failing that, if the NRA is to survive, it will definitely need to shake off the OFWG image... that it is for everyone... all different racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, etc etc,)... It needs to advertise that as effectively as it can given he MSM resistance. The more we get out there and show people that we aren't these monsters (as the MSM portrays us), and the more we explain the true reasons why we have a RKBA, the more we'll get on our side. In the end, it's a numbers game. We have to make sure we're increasing our numbers, not losing them.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:21 pm
by flcracker
need to drop the Old White Man image
FSN is one of the bastions of this. We have consistently made women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, gays, and other minorities feel unwelcome here. If someone indicates that they are offended by something posted here, the standard reaction from the person who posted the possibly offensive content is to get all defensive, claim that they didn't mean anything bad by it, and blame the offended party for being too thin-skinned and not being able to take a joke.

If FSN wants to move into the 21st century of gun ownership, we need to be serious about our own diversity/respect/inclusiveness. "Dint do nuttin" and other thinly-veiled anti-minority posts are the shovels by which we are digging our own graves, IMHO.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:51 pm
by tector
Also, the NRA is perceived as being reflexively pro-cop. As we all know here, there are a LOT of bad shoots by cops. When they happen, they NRA cannot remain mum. They need to be called out.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:13 pm
by zeebaron
Grandfathering was a provision put in to placate a culture of men still willing to fight 25 years ago for what they would lose. Now, after years of careful propaganda and subversion, you have a generation of men that have mostly never even touched a gun and are uncomfortable at even the thought. Coupled with emotional female voters, yep...we're fucked.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:15 pm
by zeebaron
flcracker wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:21 pm If FSN wants to move into the 21st century of gun ownership, we need to be serious about our own diversity/respect/inclusiveness. "Dint do nuttin" and other thinly-veiled anti-minority posts are the shovels by which we are digging our own graves, IMHO.
This place is already on borrowed because nobody really uses the forum format anymore to express ideas online. We're mostly holdouts from the original version of the Internet. Restricting speech, however terrible it might seem, isn't going to gain new members...just cause more to forget about this place.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:22 pm
by JonathanW
I’ve spent recent range trips getting my new Venezuelan in laws and other Latin family into shooting, they all loved their first time shooting and most are open to the 2nd amendment or at least understand it better. My wife use to hate guns, now she is way more open and okay with me conceal carrying around her

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:40 pm
by Miami_JBT
zeebaron wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:13 pm Grandfathering was a provision put in to placate a culture of men still willing to fight 25 years ago for what they would lose. Now, after years of careful propaganda and subversion, you have a generation of men that have mostly never even touched a gun and are uncomfortable at even the thought. Coupled with emotional female voters, yep...we're fucked.
Not so sure on that... gaming is a huge gateway drug to gun ownership these days.

You have people today that can buy firearms that were born in the year 2000. What popular multimillion dollar game titles came out when they were 7 to 10 years old and made a lasting impression on then like Megaman and Mario made for my generation?

Tom Clancy Rainbow Six: Vegas was first released in 2006.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare was first released in 2007.
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Warfighter 2 was first released in 2007.
Battlefield Bad Company was first released in 2008.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was first released in 2009.
Medal of Honor (the modern series) was first released in 2010.
Battlefield 3 was first released in 2011.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was first released in 2011.

A shit ton ot titles that to this day are continuing game series. A lot of kids from the 2000s grew up playing these titles and became gun owners because they wanted to own what they saw on the TV screen.

No different than what got Ruger into making single action revolvers because of the boom in cowboy westerns on TV and in theaters from the 1950s and all the baby boomers buying them when they became of age because they grew up watching westerns and playing Cowboys and Indians. Hell, that even got Colt back into single action production because Ruger and other companies were making a killing on them due to the rising pop culture boom with westerns.

Plus we've been in conflict since 2001. How many Millennials and Gen Xers enlisted and served? A good number.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:41 pm
by tector
Whenever I go to gun shows down here--MIA, WPB, FTL (R.I.P.)--I see a wide diversity of people. But of course gun shows are not representative of entire populations. But I know many people are open to gun rights. I mean, consider that Detroit church lady SD shooting I posted about. I am going to guess that both sides of that shoot were black, just because...Detroit. Yet wherever I saw that story on FB, I saw large numbers of blacks (including black women, especially) applauding the shooter. Good people of every color are tired of predatory criminals of every color.

Re: The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:41 pm
by Miami_JBT
zeebaron wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:15 pm
flcracker wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:21 pm If FSN wants to move into the 21st century of gun ownership, we need to be serious about our own diversity/respect/inclusiveness. "Dint do nuttin" and other thinly-veiled anti-minority posts are the shovels by which we are digging our own graves, IMHO.
This place is already on borrowed because nobody really uses the forum format anymore to express ideas online. We're mostly holdouts from the original version of the Internet. Restricting speech, however terrible it might seem, isn't going to gain new members...just cause more to forget about this place.
Forums are actually amazing popular due to the repository of information. Most other social media is fluid and things are lost. Forums are cataloged and easily accessible for new members. There is an explosion of forums for various topics and subcultures.