Shiny, let's be bad guys.
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:11 pm
Today was training day and I was the bad guy.
At my disposal was two simmunition G17s and a Remington 870 with five subcaliber devices for .38 Special FX ammo.
My playground was the Pat Thomas Shoot House. The scenario was a two man unit is dispatched to the location in an attempt to locate another officer that they lost contact with. They arrive and find him laid out. Other than that, the ball is in my court. Oh, they also had to retrieve their AR from the trunk.
It was also cold as hell. About 35°F in thr morning.
In the end, playing bad guy is still a good experience since you practice cover, concealment, reloading, and advancing on other through violence of attack since you pin them in an ambush.