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FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:30 pm
by Miami_JBT
A Bradenton, Florida police officer responded to a February 911 dispatch call reporting a shooting in a private residence. But it took her longer to arrive that a number of other officers in her department. :evil:

According to the Bradenton Herald;
The case of a man who was accidentally shot to death by his girlfriend in her Bradenton home has come to light more than five months later..

Despite the finding that the shooting was accidental and no charges were ever filed, a Bradenton police officer has been punished for among other reasons, not turning on her patrol car's lights and sirens or displaying any other urgency in responding to the scene.

On the afternoon of Feb. 21, the Bradenton Police Department responded to a report of a shooting in the 1000 block of Sixth Street East in Bradenton. Malik Gore-Bell, 20, was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head in the bedroom of his girlfriend's home.

The Bradenton Herald learned of Gore-Bell's death when reviewing an internal affairs investigation of allegations against Officer Schwartz.

Schwartz, had been assigned as the primary officer to the call by dispatch but never activated her lights or sirens nor did she speed to the scene, according to the internal affairs report.

Instead, Schwartz drove below the speed limit at times, stopped multiple times for traffic lights and stop signs and even pulled over as her own sergeant passed her by with his lights and sirens, according to the internal affairs report.

When questioned during the internal affairs investigation, Schwartz said she could not recall making that statement but said, "it sounds like something I would say," according to the transcript of her interview.
The responding officer apparently drove at normal traffic speeds to the scene (no lights, siren or urgency) because, "it was to me an issue of getting more information to determine the severity of the incident." That seems to be her standard operating procedures when responding to emergency calls. :evil:

Again... let me reiterate....
Officer Amy Schwartz told internal affairs investigators she usually doesn't activate her lights and sirens unless "there's an officer down."

Instead, Schwartz drove below the speed limit at times, stopped multiple times for traffic lights and stop signs and even pulled over as her own sergeant passed her by with his lights and sirens, according to the internal affairs report.

When confronted by her sergeant at the crime scene, Schwartz said she never responds in emergency mode unless another officer is down or asks for help
, according to the report.
Reports of mere civilians in danger apparently don't rise to the level of an emergency in Officer Schwartz's book. It seems that, in Bradenton, more than most locations, you really are your own first responder if she's on duty.
Bradenton Herald;

Schwartz has not been terminated despite four violations of the department's general orders being sustained against her for which she could have been fired. Instead, Bradenton police suspended Schwartz for 100 hours without pay, referred her to counseling and ordered her to undergo on-going training at the direction of Chief of Police Melanie Bevan over the course of 18 months, according to a June 14 dated memo addressed to the 15-year veteran officer.

Schwartz has since returned to work.

Because of her prior discipline, which included three suspensions in the previous year, Schwartz has been labeled a "chronic offender," according to the report.
This is the shit that utterly pisses me the fuck off! Here you have someone that is clearly a fuck up to the badge and still not doing the damn job. This shit gives good cops a bad name!

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:15 pm
by Skoll
So what you're saying is there's even more reason to not trust cops? Especially the ones that think they're magically not civilians either.

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:41 pm
by GunsandHoses
She's probably been a piece of shit since she was hired! Bet if you asked her Academy partners, they wouldn't be surprised by her actions (or lack of)! Unfortunately, union backed employees get away with shit others in the private sector never would!

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:13 pm
by patw
She needs to be fired and be done with it. If she knowingly does this, she will do it again and someone else's life might be lost for her arrogance/ignorance.

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:45 pm
by Firemedic2000
patw wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:13 pm She needs to be fired and be done with it. If she knowingly does this, she will do it again and someone else's life might be lost for her arrogance/ignorance.
It'll never happen. The unions will protect this pos. She was hoping that by the time she arrived who ever shot the gun would be gone. After all she just wants to go home at after her shift. Remember the union will bring up that she has no duty to protect anyone, only to enforce the law.

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:09 pm
by lighteye
Firemedic2000 wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:45 pm
patw wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:13 pm She needs to be fired and be done with it. If she knowingly does this, she will do it again and someone else's life might be lost for her arrogance/ignorance.
It'll never happen. The unions will protect this pos. She was hoping that by the time she arrived who ever shot the gun would be gone. After all she just wants to go home at after her shift. Remember the union will bring up that she has no duty to protect anyone, only to enforce the law.
True, but she’s still a piece of poo in the punch bowl.

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:09 am
She exhibited typical female behavior and did the exact same thing you can expect from every other woman cop out there. Female "officers" always try to arrive at a scene as late as possible [so it has been secured by male officers] yet be there early enough to garner their attention fix by talking to bystanders or the press. Getting all the attention without taking any of the risks is what the game is all about for female law enforcement "officers".

This has been documented time and again by male LEOs so I am not sure why anyone is still surprised by this [or feigning surprise as far as LE hierarchy is concerned, but I guess they have to or they would be labelled as "sexist"].

Only in Hollywood do you see 120 lbs women running head on into dangerous situations and defeating 250 lbs men. In reality the average male teenager can easily overpower just about any female officer and beat them to death with their bare hands. Also women's extreme aversion to danger and inability to handle stress makes them likely to shoot you at the drop of a hat [even in the presence of several male officers as Terence Crutcher found out a couple of years back in Oklahoma].

The only reason why we can pretend that females can be "officers" is by lowering standards [like the Marines did this year] and having plenty of male officers backing them up to make up for their inadequacy and incompetence but in the end having women on the force puts both civilian and male officer lives at a greater risk for no reason other than enforcing political correctness.

The exact same thing can be said about women in the military [7 sailors died last year because we "need" women officers] and don't get me started about women "pilots" [like the female crew who flew half way through India and had to make an emergency landing... because they had left their landing gear down!]

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:11 pm
by Deputydave
This is on the other end of the spectrum from those that use their lights to get through a light or traffic just for the sake of getting through a light or traffic (as in they're impatient and not on the way to a call). I have an issue with LE that abuse that. Personally, I think it's hypocritical to issue a speeding ticket if you speed yourself. It's hypocritical to cite someone for going through a red light if you use your lights just to circumvent the light. And so on and so forth.

Now to be clear, if I worked traffic I would very probably run out of tickets every day because there are far too many idiots on the road that have absolutely no consideration for other drivers. Too many speeders, aggressive drivers and just plain dumb asses. And that includes the idiot going below the speed limit in the left hand lane and creating a rolling road block. Personal pet peeve. No, I wouldn't be a hard ass about it and I'd likely issue a lot of warnings as well. But some folks are in desperate need of a reality check. And I can do so with a clear conscious because I don't drive like a dumb ass that thinks he owns the road, even in my POV. I'm one of those 'Adam-12 squares' that thinks he's suppose to set the example for others.

Re: FL Cop disciplined for taking time responding. Doesn't use lights & siren - still on duty

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:49 pm
by Deputydave
And I will add this, and it may not be popular. While it's hypocritical of LE to violate traffic laws as noted above, it's also hypocritical to point out certain failings of LE if you're doing the same thing yourself. If you're a chronic speeder that rides on the bumper of other drivers and weave in and out of traffic with little disregard for your fellow driver, well, clean up your own house before pointing fingers at LE (or anyone else for that matter) that do something you think they shouldn't be doing.

Not directed at anyone in particular, rather it's an 'if the shoe fits wear it' statement.