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Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:53 pm
by Taco
Long story below. Cliff notes are: Molivo good, friends suck, thank you Molivo.


It all started weeks ago, in the time before time when post counts were high and I still had records saved in my PMs folder...

Anyway, I was struggling with something and Molivo offered to do me a favor and solve my problem. I sent him some stuff, I bought some stuff, and I was told all of my issues had gone away, just needed a 4473 to retrieve the priceless artifact.

So I messaged Molivo about coming down on a Saturday sometime... Said sure no problem, gave me the address, and his phone number- told me to call before coming down.

I took a look at the calendar and I had a unique event today- free all day outside of my daily obligation to take care of my animals at night. I checked with 3 friends in Boca, about an hour south of the shop, and they're all free for lunch too. Perfect day for a road trip. Seeing some friends and picking up a toy- well worth the time, tolls, and gas. I even offered to split the drive for them and meet half way between PSL and Boca. Reminded them yesterday and all was still a go- one is a bit flaky, but the others are generally stand up folks.

So I start the 2-2:30 hour drive south this morning to get down by noon. As I'm hitting PSL city limits I get a call from friend #1, he's going to the gym and has to cancel. I get a call from friend #2, he's going to be pregaming before a concert and has to cancel. Friend #3 has a 'bug' after a late night out and has to cancel... Lunch with friends is out. Oh well... Sucks that my dual purpose trip is now single purpose. Paying for shipping and transfer probably would have been a wash without the investment of time, but whatever... Already nearly there.

I pull up to the shop a few minutes before noon...and its closed... Huh? I say to myself, a bit confused... I reread my PMs and see the clear instructions to call before I start driving down...

I text stating its me, and if he'd be free to have me pick up the stuff. He answers right away sure- he's free after 6p.

I explain that despite the clear instructions and my claim to be at least somewhat literate, I was sitting in front of his shop at the present time. He explained that he was at a charity motorcycle ride and he couldn't get there until after, but he may be there at 3-5 if he rides straight there. 6 was really too late to start for home and get everything done, if 5 hit I'd probably have to call the day a failure and drive back.

I got some horrendous sushi by myself and watched a few hours of youtube chess videos from my car.

Molivo arrived at the shop right around 4 and he made my day. I wanted to thank him publicly for rushing down to bail out my day.

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:16 pm
by patw
Matt has a way of doing that. I have known him for a long time and have bought and traded a lot of things from him. Even though he has a busy schedule, he has enough time to allow me to pick his brain and his items for sale in the shop. Glad to hear it worked out for you. You have to ask him about what's on sale at his shop and bring extra money with you.

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:24 pm
by Taco

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:07 pm
by Gmountain
Matt's a good guy. Glad it worked out for you.

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:27 am
by Wizard78
Matt has always been tops on my list of forum friends too. Sadly I always thought everyone else felt the same and never publicly thanked him. The deals he gives are eye opening and Pat has it right. Always bring extra $$$ when visiting because you'll be going home with some outstanding deals, after seeing his inventory.

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:54 am
by forcefed
Matt has always taken care of us. A great guy.

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:21 pm
by avmech
Another positive for Molivo from my end. Good peeps

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:45 am
by Skltr
And another “thumbs up” !!!

Re: Molivo made my day today

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:09 pm
by Molivo
Thanks guys. I try :D