After Action Report of Tallahassee Gun Rally and the Anti-Gun Rally too.

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After Action Report of Tallahassee Gun Rally and the Anti-Gun Rally too.

Post by Miami_JBT »


Me with David Hogg, wearing a AR-15 t-shirt and of course legally CCWing while telling him Gun Control doesn't work.

This past Saturday (July 28) was The Big Pro Gun Rally at the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee. As promised, I was there from start to finish. Both sides were there. At the State Capitol was the Pro 2nd Amendment Side and at Kleman Plaza, across the street was the Gun Grabbers and their Astro-Turfed March For Our Lives.

I arrived at 12 noon and at first the Capitol Courtyard was empty. The stage was still being set up but already in place was Utah Gun Exchange and their Bear Cat.


Across the street at Kleman Plaza, it was empty. Not a single soul nor tent was in place. By 1pm, folks were starting to show up at the Capitol and were already showing their support for the 2nd Amendment and our Civil Rights.



Among the gathering crowd was Hickok45, Eric Pratt, CJ Grisham, and Mark Robinson, and others. They were there mingling in the crowd. Not a care in the world nor any fear or having a 'holier than thou' attitude. They were just like you and I. Common everyday people showing support and defending the 2nd Amendment..


The sun, while brutal, didn't deter the public. With shade being a premium; the elderly sat under the trees while the younger folks took to the steps.


At 2pm on the dot, Jon Gutmacher started the event. First welcoming the public for attending, then having the National Anthem sung by up and coming country music singer Krystal Walters, and finally thanking those that helped set up the event.


I had a small part to play in it. When Jon needed anything scouted out. He'd call me out of the blue. I told him I wanted no recognition but he still mentioned me and thanked me for my work. At the time I was talking with CJ Grisham, thanking him for coming all the way from Texas to Florida for this. Jon thanking me took me completely by surprise. When I got home, one of my friends that attended got a screen capture of me on the news at that moment.


For actual Pro 2nd Amendment organizations, Florida Carry was out in force and helped inform anyone that asked what was the current situation in Florida with our gun laws and when there were going to be any more Open Carry Fishing Events. Also Eric Pratt of Gun Owners of America was there.


Ruptly News was there to cover the event. For those that don't know. They're an international news agency based out of Berlin, Germany and are a subsidiary of RT (Russian State Owned News Agency). So for the Left, there their Russia-Trump Collision conspiracy that gun owners are all agents of Russia. May they have a melt down. Also there was the Tallahassee Democrat (News Paper), WCTV, WTXL, and other news stations.


Utah Gun Exchange had the crowd sign their Bear Cat. Apparently, at every event they've attended; they have had 2nd Amendment supporters sign their ride. Of course I put my John Hancock on it in gold sharpie.


One of Tallahassee's local gun shops was also at the rally. Red Hill Arms, a place that has taken way too much of my money. But in a good way; showed support for the 2nd Amendment. I'm glad the local industry was there.


The two best speakers in my opinion were Mark "I AM THE MAJORITY" Robinson and Kaitlin Bennett of Kent State University fame.



Both hit the nail straight on the head. Also Hickock 45 and Erin Palette spoke well too. Hickok45 towered over the podium and the majority of the people in the crowd. But in person he is welcoming and friendly. People asked for his autograph and he was delighted to sign.


Erin spoke especially well since she's transgender and believes that 2nd Amendment rights and LGBTQ rights are both basic human rights. I'd have to say, out of the entire line-up. She got the most applause and the Gun Grabbers can't spin it in any way to be negative. the 2nd Amendment applies to everyone and it is a Civil Right, just as important as the 1st Amendment.


Also was Pastor Luis Sterling. A man of the cloth that truly protected his church congregation. Pastor Sterling was retelling his horrifying experience when he had to defend himself from a violent attack and how now as the Executive Director of Ezekiel 317, he educates other churches and religious institutions on how to defend themselves and more importantly, "Protect the Flock" as he puts it.

CJ Grisham of Open Carry Texas gave a nice big middle finger to the Gun Grabbers in the Florida Legislature. He wore a open carry gun sock of a Glock over his actual openly carried Glock.



As CJ put it, he didn't want to walk around Florida looking like a bum with his shirt untucked. He said we have a hard fight ahead of here in Florida, but to not give up. The struggle to advance 2nd Amendment Rights is made especially harder more so due to the traitorous Republicans that side with the Gun Grabbers. But that we in Florida can prevail as long as we don't quit and give up.

March For Our Lives tried to interrupt the Pro Gun Rally. But were immediately intercepted by Kaite and CJ.

Facebook Video of March For Our Lives being Intercepted by Kait and CJ.

Mike Taylor, of fishing fame from Miami Beach also attended the rally to support the 2nd Amendment. The Capitol Police had a rule that flag poles and posts for signs couldn't be brought onto the Capitol grounds. But Mike, being the legal eagle that he is asked if fishing poles were okay. They were and he took the show with the Star Spangled Banner and the Trump Flag.


I asked him what happened in Miami Beach when he was fishing. Mike explained that he researched the law and contacted both Florida Carry and the local police department. While he was fishing, a Miami Beach Park Ranger approached him and said that he couldn't be carrying. Mike explained to the Park Ranger in a calm manner and showed him the printout of Florida Statute 790.25(3)(h). He said that at no point were they aggressive or threatening. He said that then Miami Beach Police showed up on scene with guns drawn and handcuffed him. He said as he was trying to explain to the officers about the law and that they were legal to openly carry. The police went through his bags without his consent. He said at no point did they decide to look up Florida law. It was two hours before he was un-cuffed and sent on his way.

All in all, it was a peaceful rally and I'd say the peak was about 500 people on the Pro 2nd Amendment side.








Now, across the street. It was a much smaller crowd. Kleman Plaza is a city owned park and that it where March For Our Lives held their Voter Registration Drive and Anti 2nd Amendment Rally. They really didn't start until 2:30 to 3pm.


I'd say their largest number in attendance was maybe 150 people total. The age group for the most part were all college kids. While the Pro 2nd Amendment Rally was the gamut. Our side had both young and old alike. Men, women, people of color, etc. The Gun Grabbers were mostly young and spouted the stereotypical line. Of course, hatred and blame against the NRA was mentioned.


The speakers for the March For Our Lives rally were all behind a roped off area and at no point did they really interact with the crowd. It was like the VIP section at a night club. unless you were connected, you weren't getting in.



During their rally, David Hogg decided to leave the comfort of his roped off safe space and venture into the crowd. I approached him and said that I'm sorry for what happened in Parkland, but that gun control in no way would not have prevented it. That only a good guy with a gun would stop a bad guy with a gun since Nikolas Cruz already jumped through every hoop including background checks and waiting periods.


I asked for a photo with David, being that I was polite and I was wearing a AR-15 t-shirt, legally CCWing, and even wore my urban MAGA hat I of course got the photo and even managed to get a smile out of him. Which in my history of watching the news, I don't think any media source was able to.


Your typical Leftists were there. A lot of it was Anti Trump, Anti NRA, and Anti 2nd Amendment. They all preached that a disarmed society is safe and that they can trust government to protect them. They very same government that stood by and took no action in Parkland and the one that didn't take any action with Nikolas Cruz and instead swept him under the rug until he became a problem.





Also on scene was the standard Leftist mantra of Socialist Revolution. They preached that Capitalism was horrible and that $15 minimum wage was necessary to expand their utopia. They also preached about feminism and Kait Bennett decided to see how far they actually believe in their ideals.






Of course, the perceived issue of Racism was front and center too. Jordan Edwards' father spoke against the 2nd Amendment and claimed that it is what caused the death of his son.


Not a Balch Springs, TX Police Officer by the name of Roy Oliver. Of course since the perceived issue of Racism was at play. Someone also dressed up as a Black Panther bobble head.


And of course they were promoting that "The Start of a Revolution" required people to vote for a Democratic Socialist into local office. There was also the physical manifestation of the ever classic Leftist conspiracy of Putin meddling in our elections.



It is about what I expected. Leftist Dogma, Anti Civil Rights, and Anti 2nd Amendment hatred towards America and the Law Abiding Citizenry.






At the end of their rally. David Hogg again ventured out into the crowd with his security detail. Utah Gun Exchange and Katie bennett tried to interview but he left in a big hurry at the behest of his protection. I guess the Gun Grabbers fear Free Speech and We The People.



(The guy in the un-tucked Blue Shirt was his security)



When we ventured to their rally. We didn't try to interrupt it. Like they tried to do to ours. When they came over to our side, they were escorted away by Capitol Police for trying to cause problems. When we came to their side, we weren't escorted since we were polite and respectful.
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Post by FfNJGTFO »

Excellent work!

What would you say was the ratio of pro-2A people in attendance vs. anti-2a?
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Post by ss1 »

It was hysterical that South Florida’s Sun Sentinel only had pictures of the anti 2A rally as if the pro-gun rally did t exist.
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Post by Camacho »

Great write up. Thanks for sharing. Wish I was there.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

ss1 wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:14 am It was hysterical that South Florida’s Sun Sentinel only had pictures of the anti 2A rally as if the pro-gun rally did t exist.
Well, that is expected.
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Post by Skoll »

ss1 wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:14 am It was hysterical that South Florida’s Sun Sentinel only had pictures of the anti 2A rally as if the pro-gun rally did t exist.
Almost as if they're highly biased and partisan.

Good write up none the less. I'm wondering what the credentials of Hogg's security officer is as he doesn't look very fit to me.
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Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

Skoll wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:23 am I'm wondering what the credentials of Hogg's security officer is as he doesn't look very fit to me.
Would love to know if he was armed!
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Post by Jason »

Nice informative write up. If this was held in Central Florida I think 5k would of been possible.
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Post by Skoll »

Tenzing_Norgay wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:43 pm
Skoll wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:23 am I'm wondering what the credentials of Hogg's security officer is as he doesn't look very fit to me.
Would love to know if he was armed!
That belly is probably cloaking an appendix carry.
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Post by GunsandHoses »

Camacho wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:09 am Great write up. Thanks for sharing. Wish I was there.
Yes, thanks for attending and the write up for those of us who couldn't make it!
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