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Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:17 pm
Having resolved some financial issues that required me to sell a lot of my "inventory," I'm now looking to recover/replace some of the inventory I had to sell, and then continue with adding to that inventory. Unfortunately, for whatever "Covid" related reasons that may be (and/or other political/insurrection reasons), I am finding a true paucity of "on hand" quantities at the regular websites. Everything seems to be "Out of Stock." :evil: Either that, or what inventory is in stock is outrageously priced.

I have a couple of choices. I can buy what I can, now, over the next few months, or I can wait (a little risky given the outcome of the election). I gather that if Pres. Trump is re-elected, prices will eventually decline and inventories be replenished quickly. If Biden wins, God knows what will happen. At present, I already have a couple of stripped lowers and an assembled upper on order, and I can probably replace two of my pistols within the next month at a reasonable price. But I'm strongly considering whether or not I should wait to replace my shotties and my P226, and then add on a P365.

Should I wait until after the election/Covid and see where prices go, or should I get what I can ASAP?

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:50 pm
by krimmie
I’d wait, prices are too crazy now.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:15 pm
by Taco
Uncertainty drives anxiety. Anxiety leads to panic. Even bad news tends to calm markets.

You should wait, if at all feasible.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:16 pm
My inclination is to wait on the big ticket items (shotties, P226, etc.). But there is the risk of prices skyrocketing if Biden is elected, putting some of the things I'm trying to restore to my inventory way out of reach.

BTW, I received notification that my lowers shipped today and are expected for delivery to the FFL on Fri. 09/25. So, at least that's covered.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:28 am
by lakelandman
Wait until after November hopefully things will go back to normally hard to say everything is out of stock or if it is in stock it sky-high right now is not the time to buy.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:51 am
by REDinFL
My suspicion (a result of cynicism developed by 73 trips around the Sun) is there is a lot of stuff in warehouses. Some may be as innocent as transportation problems - see, I'm mellowing. But, it costs just to keep it sitting there if there's little prospect of gain. I do think it will be released, and available, possibly sooner than we expect. I have to wonder if this time they don't wait until after the election, if there is enough of a feel that Trump will win bigly (ha ha, had to do it). I wouldn't want stuff in storage if even bigger crowds are running around torching and looting. Might not even be able to collect on insurance if it's called an insurrection. So, I'd sell it and have the money. If it got bad enough, NDAA would allow the .gov to confiscate it. Yeah, a bit out there, not hysterical but entirely possible.

If Biden wins, people will be out buying so they can "get theirs before anyone else, since it will be banned." They'll soon realize the glacial aspects of the courts, as the right will file a flurry of lawsuits if they're smart. That'll give time, but still higher price. The fly in the ointment is the Biden people will be out marching and celebrating their "victory". Biden's people are accustomed to getting things for nothing. I'd empty warehouses right now.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:59 am
REDinFL wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:51 am My suspicion (a result of cynicism developed by 73 trips around the Sun) is there is a lot of stuff in warehouses. Some may be as innocent as transportation problems - see, I'm mellowing. But, it costs just to keep it sitting there if there's little prospect of gain. I do think it will be released, and available, possibly sooner than we expect. I have to wonder if this time they don't wait until after the election, if there is enough of a feel that Trump will win bigly (ha ha, had to do it). I wouldn't want stuff in storage if even bigger crowds are running around torching and looting. Might not even be able to collect on insurance if it's called an insurrection. So, I'd sell it and have the money. If it got bad enough, NDAA would allow the .gov to confiscate it. Yeah, a bit out there, not hysterical but entirely possible.

If Biden wins, people will be out buying so they can "get theirs before anyone else, since it will be banned." They'll soon realize the glacial aspects of the courts, as the right will file a flurry of lawsuits if they're smart. That'll give time, but still higher price. The fly in the ointment is the Biden people will be out marching and celebrating their "victory". Biden's people are accustomed to getting things for nothing. I'd empty warehouses right now.
I wish I could "empty the warehouse" at this point, but I have to depend on retailers that simply just don't have the product "on hand." Lots of "Out of stock" indicators everywhere. If, as you say, they are in those warehouses, then why isn't the product being distributed to the retailers? Could Covid-19 be that direct a restriction? I would think not... I do hope you are right and that retailers start to see replenishments. But we'll see.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:16 am
by REDinFL
That's what I meant by my cynicism. I suspect they are holding out for higher prices - distributors are usually the worst, though nit depends on what kind of industry. Most people would have predicted higher prices 6 months ago, looking at the way things were shaping up. Stuff like that happens all the time: look at hurricane arrival here in FL. But, I think this political environment, with the gangs and outside support may be a little different. We'll see. That's why I try to trade when I can: use the same basis and it's fine.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:07 pm
by mavrik
I very recently was looking for a P365XL and of course none to b found. So I say to the guy behind the counter “think the gunmakers would pick up the pace and get some guns delivered”. His same response as above..”it’s the distributors holding out for elections in case Biden wins they could get 30% more”. My thought, they could maybe get at least some of that right now.

Re: Out of Stock! - Should I wait?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:35 pm
by rug357
With the market situation being what it is now it would be a bad business decision to hold anything in the warehouse now if you can sell it. I don't think any prudent business person is going to hold inventory if it will sell now.