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Post by Deputydave »

Well, AL is now a paid site. I received this email this afternoon;
Dear Armslist User,

I hope all is well.

You may be finding yourself having some difficulty navigating the site. We thank you for your patience as we upgrade our infrastructure in an effort to reduce scams, and improve the overall user experience. As you may know, we are facing yet another lawsuit from the anti-gunners at Brady United. In an effort to offset the mounting legal costs, we have created a new paid account type: The Premium Personal Program. While it's still in it's early stages, our roadmap for the program includes some exciting new characteristics for our users including exclusive discounts, exclusive deals, and a plethora of new site and account features in the months to come. If you'd like to give it a try, click here.

Thank you again for your continued patience and support as we experience these growing pains. We hope to offer a vastly improved experience soon.


J. Gibbon
Someone on GT said it's $4 per month. I'll probably take a pass. After purchasing my HK USP 45 I really haven't been in the market for anything. I've gone into 'I'm good with what I have' mode.
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Post by REDinFL »

It' $4.00 a month IF you use ACH, meaning you give them your checking account number. $6. or $6.95 (didn't read it carefully) if you use a credit card. Not really worth it. What annoyed me was how it was done: no notice, like a not a week ago saying they were changing their setup. Just, BAM, couldn't get in this morning.

I'm just trying to complete my "system", and I'm doing it on here or Florida Gun Trader (prefer here). Got some good deals here in the B/S/T and will keep that in mind when we need upgrades, etc. All I really need any more is a model 29 to make me happy.

I'll give them this. A lot of scammers showed up in the last few weeks, offering the I had in a WTB, all out of state. Yeah, right. All with a certain email domain which is out of country.
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Post by neverenoughguns »

The buy sell section of this forum used to be fantastic. The Armslist page was decent but you have to wade through a lot of nonsense. Guess I won’t be using it going forward.
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Post by Deputydave »

I definitely will not be using AL from here on out, and definitely would not give them any access to my bank account. It's one thing if they want to charge a seller to use their site, but to charge a buyer trying to respond to an ad really sucks.
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Post by tcpip95 »

Yeah, I tried using their site. Found a rifle that I was looking for. Reached out to the guy, even told him I'd drive to Mobile, AL and pay cash for the rifle. Guy went quiet. Never heard from him again. His ad is still on AL. I flagged it as "unresponsive". They didn't do anything about it.

I'll continue to work through Gunbroker. I've had quite a few good transactions through them. In fact, never had a bad one.
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Post by Allme »

I haven't used armslist in a while, I too have been in "good with what I got" mode; I am moving in different directions now so parts of my collection can go to finance more important things. I still put stuff up on FGT from time to time, raz the cheap f*ck kitchen table dealers over there but if I want to sell anything I just take it to gunbroker and offer local pick up. Dealing with the "nickel holding up a dollar" crowd got old. I use the BST section here sometimes, again its hit or miss on the selling side but I have found a few good deals over there years there myself; and have had the pleasure meeting some cool fellow enthusiasts from this board.

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Post by zeebaron »

Why not just cyberbeg like everyone else and raise money for the legal defense? They could more than cover it quickly.
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Post by lakelandman »

Armslist had too many scammers maybe this will help with that.
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Post by Deputydave »

The premium users like gun and pawn shops are still using it of course, nothing really changed for them. But for private sales, it's diminished. I see no reason to use it really at this point.

Although I'd like to see them clean up FGT a bit though with the trolls. :roll:
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Post by REDinFL »

I'm sure there were always some scammers on there, it's really spiked in the last 3 weeks. My wants got all sorts of responses from all over the country. Now, I see there are listings on there claiming Tampa, but very likely elsewhere. There's a SCAR 17s on there @ $1,000. Look at his other listings, and they are all desirable guns at too good to be true prices (except 1), and they are from all over the country: CO, WA, NM. I flagged as scam, though I doubt it will do any good. I have to wonder if the owner sold the site recently.
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