“Shoot the 28 gauge” they said. “It’ll be fine” they said.

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“Shoot the 28 gauge” they said. “It’ll be fine” they said.

Post by tcpip95 »

I’ve got a torn bicep tendon, torn rotator cuff, and torn labrum in my left (shooting) shoulder. Surgery will be in December when I get back home. Needless to say I’m not shooting anything - haven’t been for a couple of months. It’s driving me crazy.

Yesterday a friend of mine comes over and he says he’s thinking of getting a 28 gauge shotgun for his younger daughter. My wife has a 28 gauge that she likes to shoot, so I offered to let him try it. I grab the gun and a couple of boxes of ammunition. We go to his home and he shoots it, and loves it. “Here, shoot a couple. It’s only a 28 gauge“. My wife is encouraging this because she knows how miserable I’ve been. Six of the eight good brain cells in my head are screaming “bad idea”, but the other two remaining cells (along with my wife and buddy) carry the day. So I load it up (pulled the plug so I could shoot 4+1) and fire all five off.

Immediately the six good brain cells respond with “WTF were you thinking?” The remaining two decide to leave the crime scene red-faced.

I am now sitting in the recliner with a bag of frozen peas on my shoulder.
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Post by Clyde621 »

Sometimes it just can’t be helped.
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Post by Iosef »

Just like us right handed folks sometimes practice doing things with our left hand, just in case...

This would have been a good excuse to practice shooting from the right shoulder :-)
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Post by Bmup »

I know *I* have never done something stupid that I immediately regretted. (/sarc) Actually, when I think of some of the shit I've done or said in the past it amazes me that I'm still alive & in (mostly) one piece. Like when your girlfriend/wife asks if this dress "Makes me look fat" & you figure she actually wants a straight answer... don't ever do that.

Also, never tell a Hell's Angel you ride a Honda instead of a Harley because you're,"Not afraid to go fast". :)
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Post by TonyR »

From a wise old man,who told me,"boy,if yer gonna be dumb,ya gotta be tough",LOL
Three can keep a secret.......if two are Dead !
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