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Holy *hit!!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:38 pm
by redhawk77
Former Vice President Joe Biden's transition team is reportedly considering installing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his administration's ambassador to the United Nations.
I'm sending Trump more money now!! :lol:

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:00 am
by dammitgriff
WWIII would be all but guaranteed. The rest of the world is tired of our bullshit.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:10 am
by jintsfan
She's worse than a cat with nine lives.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:07 am
by AirForceShooter
If we hold the Senate she's never getting confirmed


Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:06 am
by REDinFL
Just remember, 51-49, or even 52-48 is not holding the Senate.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:16 am
REDinFL wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:06 am Just remember, 51-49, or even 52-48 is not holding the Senate.
I agree it isn't when you're talking actual votes. But the legislation has to get out of Senate committees and reach the floor. And with Mitch McK (and the other GOP committee chairs) in place, that won't happen...

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:02 am
by REDinFL
Good point. But, what happens when one of the "reliable" ones gets sick, or can't carry out the duties for some other reason. Since the dems operate by "The end justifies the means," I don't think secret, individual actions such as set-ups are out of the question.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:37 am
REDinFL wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:02 am Good point. But, what happens when one of the "reliable" ones gets sick, or can't carry out the duties for some other reason. Since the dems operate by "The end justifies the means," I don't think secret, individual actions such as set-ups are out of the question.
As long as the GOP "holds the Senate" (by however narrow a margin), they'll control the schedule, the docket, etc etc., Things may not even get to the appropriate committees and, even if they do, they'll most likely never get out of committee.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:59 am
by REDinFL
Let's see what happens, and hope for the best. Make our own decisions if the worst happens.

Re: Holy *hit!!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:56 am
by Firemedic2000
Not only that if this election stands. With they way they are now. With Google and other internet goons. Anything that has to do with free speech will be gone. Plus gun forums and pretty much anything to do with guns. Will be regulated out of existence. No FAN, ARFCOM OR OTHER GUN FORUMS.

That they'd consider violated some law or EO they make up. They will control information on internet and who's gonna stop them. Don't say LAWS. Because they do not believe in laws. Unless it benefits them. Just look at the NEWS MEDIA and online social media that attacks us now or anyone who has opinions different than theirs.

Same old RADICAL LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICIANS wanting power and wealth at our expense. We've not seen anything yet. Taxing capital gains 40 to 50 percent raising taxes regulating companies out of business. Jobs and corporations will flee AMERICA. But these EXTREMISTS will get wealthy from payoffs. Plus flooding AMERICA with ILLEGAL unconstitutional aliens ignoring our immigration laws. Did I miss anything other than them erasing our history by finishing their goal of wiping out all traces of our founding fathers. By destroying their monuments or anything that refers to them.


Here's list of monuments damaged or destroyed ... -counting/

Also saw some thing on NEWS this morning. Another Hollywood awards show. One women said they had to be the new hero's of America now. WTF did that mean, actors are to be the new hero's for what lying.....telling the rest of America what they should or should not do. Come together after 4 years of nonstop political COUP attempts and calling anyone thst supports President Trump a RADICAL RIGHT WING EXTREMIST Nazi. Calling anyone that questions the out come of the most corrupted election in AMERICA'S HISTORY a RADICAL.

F these Aholes there's no way in hell that I nor millions of others of the 72 million gun owners will accept these people as legitimate winners nor ELECTED representatives or a legitimate government of any kind. They have awoken a monster and created a self forefilling prophecy that our forefathers said one day would happen.

As pointed out earlier 87k total LEOs and maybe 1.5 military vs 73 to 100 million gun owners. Just figure 3% at least that are very very angry and recognize what will and must happen.

Yet people will still say let it happen let these TRAITORS hsve the ELECTION COUP. We will win it back. No we won't after this it's done. This has never been this bad nor has an political faction ever openly pulled a COUP and did not even care that AMERICANS could see what was happening. They did not care. They knew this was going to happen. You cannot find Biden's comment about having a process of corruption in place. It's been censored by Google.

I do not care if these TREASONOUS TYRANTS know what I and millions of others think. I know they are monitoring websites. Arfcom is flooded by 2020 troll accts these ANTIFA and BLM and other illegal POLITICAL LEADERS better prepare for the monster they woke. It's what they wanted and they will get it. Our spirits are willing fight, but none of us are not killers. No one is, until your forced to be and what we lose in the fire. We will find in the ashes of a new nation born again better than before in the belief all men are free and are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without fear of a monarchy of corruption. POLITICAL TYRANTS that's been in politics so long they've come to believe they are nolonger elected representatives. But RULERS instead and we are nothing. They've don't care that our CONSTITUTION STARTS with WE THE PEOPLE NOT WE THE GOVERNMENT.

HILLARY Clinton is a virus, the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY is a virus. There's only one way to handle a VIRUS.

This election is not valid and will never be recognized by people with half a brain. Even some Democrats I know are quite and not saying anything because even they know. I will not be a slave to my government nor will I live in fear of my government. A GOVERNMENT that now is not elected by the people anymore, that constantly threatens my freedom, my life, my CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. A GOVERNMENT that has become a DOMESTIC threat to the integrity of the United States of America

This is going to end only one way. I truely believe its what these RADICAL LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICIANS want to happen.

I do not care what they and others think of me and what I feel and believe. I will stand my ground till my last breath. I am but one of hundreds of thousands....MILLIONS that has said enough. We will not surrender our country to tyranny to a political faction ever that's openly pulled a COUP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It has nothing to do about BLUE or RED. It's about our freedom to choose, our rights and our trust in our system. That trust has been violated and corrupted. An idoit can see this. A coward will ignore it and bury their head in the sand. Because they believe in nothing.