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They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:05 am
by kayakingsteve
I've been a healthcare provider for 15 years now and cannot understand the way this manufactured "Pandemic" (Read Panic) has been created around a disease with less than a 0.1% mortality rate (and even that is based on inflated/fabricated numbers). It pissed me off to see businesses closed and freedoms infringed upon earlier this year, and I'm afraid it's going to happen again.

They will come for our businesses again. They will try to impose more unconstitutional restrictions again.

Personally I will not be 'locked down" and treated like a prisoner in my own country, I will not be told I should be afraid of other people. If I ran a business I would not shut it down, they would have to shut it down when my body was cold. I will not be told to wear a largely symbolic "face covering" to show compliance/obedience...

What are we prepared to do this time?

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:47 am
by dammitgriff
Well, since I have debts and bills that must be paid, coupled with the fact I work for a company that works for the government, I can’t afford to rebel against the system and signal my freedom, because as long as we live a debt-based lifestyle we are not really free. We’re debt-slaves on the government plantation. Our very souls belong to the banks.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 7:46 am
by AirForceShooter
What gets me is that no one is challenging these ;lockdowns in court.

where is the statutory authority for a governor to close everything?
What happened to the constitution?

No one is asking.

That's weird.

The ACLU's head should have exploded


Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:38 am
by jintsfan
Ever wonder why or how the victims of the holocaust in Germany boarded trains and marched into gas chambers to meet their maker?

Today, are you wearing a mask or shuttering a business when told?

If so, then you know the answer to the first question.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:49 pm
by 45caldan
Our Governor has said No new lockdowns!

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:00 pm
by kayakingsteve
jintsfan wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:38 am Ever wonder why or how the victims of the holocaust in Germany boarded trains and marched into gas chambers to meet their maker?

Today, are you wearing a mask or shuttering a business when told?

If so, then you know the answer to the first question.
I think those same thoughts every day.

I have never owned nor worn a mask from the beginning. It has made for some arguments in a few stores. I went out and drove around every night back when the "curfew" or "lockdowns" first started. No law enforcement was willing to enforce them.

In this country we can dissent and be civilly disobedient without being thrown under a jail or made to disappear by a state police organization. Why are we afraid to stand up to this? Out of all the countries in the world we should be fighting this the most vigorously.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:37 pm
by Cubanstang50
45caldan wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:49 pm Our Governor has said No new lockdowns!
Yes he did. Do you believe he will actually do it? I sure hope he does stand against feds.

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:18 pm
by Gunnyhiway

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:26 pm
by kayakingsteve
Gunnyhiway wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:18 pm
kayakingsteve wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:00 pm
In this country we can dissent and be civilly disobedient without being thrown in a jail or made to disappear by a state police organization. Why are we afraid to stand up to this? Out of all the countries in the world we should be fighting this the most vigorously.
We'll see how this turns out after the recount.
If the Sleepy one gets in office this Gestapo shit will commence with a vengence.

The psyco OAC already wants lists of Trump supporters for obvious reasons.
They will need to "purge" the country of all dissidents against the "state".

Read your history books, this shit ain't new.
I've never seen anything remotely close to this ever happening in my lifetime.

We will be in for literally, the fight for our lives. :twisted:

Theres already a run on TP and paper towels getting ready for a Biden shutdown. :shock:

So kayakingsteve, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ?
I believe you. I think the key for them is to do it so gradually that we just accept it, like a lobster in a pot.

What I'm doing is sticking to my line in the sand. I won't be told to stay home, nor to wear a symbol I disagree with. If they leave me alone I will peacefully go about my life. If they do not, then I'm going out with the same freedoms I came in with, and if that's 20 years from now, or 2 weeks from now, I can accept it.

What about the rest of us?

Re: They will try it again, what are you prepared to do?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:20 pm
by dammitgriff
I say we shoot the horses out from under them and let ‘em channel General Custer.
Alternatively, we can petition our state legislatures to recall our congressional representatives and threaten to nullify those federal laws that threaten our liberties and livelihoods.
We’ll take our football and go home, in other words.