Home Invader protection act filed in TX..oh the hypocrisy

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Home Invader protection act filed in TX..oh the hypocrisy

Post by Firemedic2000 »

Talk about stupidity. This is what's in store for AMERICA

That's not the official title, but it's the logical outcome.

One of the bills is HB 196, filed by Irving State Representative Terry Meza.  Her bill would remove a homeowner’s legal right under the Castle Doctrine to use a firearm in the defense of their homestead against an intruder.  Meza believes homeowners are too quick to pull the trigger during a home invasion, and HB 196 would essentially gut that provision from the Castle Doctrine.

“I’m not condoning stealing, it is against the law, “Meza says, “but it’s not an offense that is punishable by death.” If people break into your home to steal while your their. :shock: :shock:

Meza claims she’s already become the target of intense scrutiny online.

“People are already attacking me on Facebook saying I’m against the 2nd Amendment,” she says.

Meza says a homeowner would still be able to defend their life, but using a gun would be illegal, thus placing the homeowner in legal jeopardy.

That's so thoughtful that we can still defend our lives. As long as we don't use guns.

Yeah Texas. :?
Last edited by Firemedic2000 on Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Oh yeah I guess it'd still be OK for home invaders to use guns against homeowner's though. You just can't use one against them. Damn F'ing idoits. BTW guess what her district is mostly comprised of.
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Post by Flame Red »

Agreed, this is coming everywhere, if not already.

Here in Mosquito County the idiots elected the Soros backed State Prosecutor for Orange and Osceola. She is going to empty the jails and make room for anyone that self defends. The Mob can loot, arson, kill, rape, without prosecution. She will get you the electric chair for shooting an intruder. She will get your weapons and I won't be surprised if she gives them to the MOB.

Elections have consequences and cheater elections even more. Done deal, the country has tipped if you have not figured it out yet.
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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Post by Cubanstang50 »

"Meza says a homeowner would still be able to defend their life, but using a gun would be illegal, thus placing the homeowner in legal jeopardy."

Screw her! We are going backwards everyday!
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Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

They're attempting to add a "duty to retreat".

You left this part out of your copy/paste:

*Clarification: A representative of Irving State Representative Terry Meza explains HB196 amends the castle doctrine, not take it away completely. It would instead implement a duty to safely retreat if possible. The bills language specifically states Deadly Force can still be used if the resident believes it is necessary.
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Post by Odessaman »

Aha . . . now I understand the accounts I've heard of cops in certain jurisdictions advocating having a "drop gun."

Not endorsing the practice, but just an observation . . .
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Post by SteyrAUG »

Maybe after a few home invasions where she is beaten, robbed and raped she will finally catch on.
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Post by P5 Guy »

Jeffrey R. Snyder
OUR SOCIETY has reached a pinnacle of self-expression and respect for individuality rare or unmatched in history. Our entire popular culture — from fashion magazines to the cinema — positively screams the matchless worth of the individual, and glories in eccentricity, nonconformity, independent judgment, and self-determination. This enthusiasm is reflected in the prevalent notion that helping someone entails increasing that person's "self-esteem"; that if a person properly values himself, he will naturally be a happy, productive, and, in some inexplicable fashion, responsible member of society.
Stealing anything one has worked for is an act of enslavement. Think about the time you spend at labor to earn the money to buy your car, watch ring &c. When the thief takes that from you, you have been enslaved for the time you worked to earn the money used to buy that object.
Maybe my logic isn't correct but that's how I look at it.
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Post by P5 Guy »

https://www.fox7austin.com/news/what-wi ... ve-session
There is also legislation to restrict when and how police can shoot at a moving vehicle. Deaths in Dallas and Austin could factor into the debate of HB-95 filed by Representative Terry Meza.

"Not only are they likely to miss their target, but they may actually hit someone else entirely. If the officer gets in front of the moving care or remains in front of the moving car, in the course of the shooting the officer could actually get hurt, even if they hit the driver, so it is a safety thing for both the police officer and not only the driver but the passengers of the vehicle, to try to save lives,” said Rep. Meza D-Irving.

^The text of the bill^

Why would it be reasonable to retreat from one's home to save a criminal's health?
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Post by Big bore lover »

I hope the good folks in Texas vote her ass out of office soon as she is not worth a shit as a Texan much less as a human being. And just for the hell of it,,,anyone that doesn't like that, they too can kiss my rebel ass.
Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.
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