Florida Political Review
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:04 am
http://www.floridapoliticalreview.com/n ... -in-court/
18 is not developed enough to buy a firearm but developed enough to vote?One of the experts is Dr. Pradeep Bhide, a professor of medicine at Florida State University specializing as a developmental neuroscientist. The NRA is questioning his report on the brain development of those between the ages of 18 and 21.
“Delaying gun purchases until 21 years of age can offer the cognitive brain the ‘extra’ time needed to be able to exert adequate control over emotional and impulsive behaviors,” Bhide concluded in a 12-page report submitted to the court.
However, the NRA’s lawyers contend that Bhide’s conclusions are not readily tested because there is not “any hard evidence that young adults age 18 to 20 are more likely to commit criminal violence with a purchased firearm than other adults.”