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Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:53 am
by p7fl
Xfinity or att uverse

Asked my sons the same question but they have different options in Tampa and Jax.
Had Comcast 15 years ago and hated them. Repairs took 2 weeks and you could not get service on the phone.
Moved to U-verse. Negative is that they are constantly changing rates. If I don’t catch it I find $60.00 bumps with no notice.
Service has been excellent.
Not all the channels I like are still on ATT.
They dropped the Outdoor Channel which has the shooting shows. And dropped NFL network which is my mindless time.
If the quote from X is correct it is almost $40.00 a month better with a 2 year contract. . 2 year contracts worry me if the service stinks again. But close to $500.00 annually is a big difference.

OK- tell me your vote or experiences.

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:59 am
by mohshard
With xfinity, you have to worry about download caps if you stream shows or work from home with video calls. To get out of that you have to use their modem or pay for the extra service up front. in my neighborhood you can technically get u-verse, but we're on an old copper Network so it goes out often and doesn't work well. They don't offer u-verse tv, only DirecTV because of the network deficits. With comcast, Xfinity the video comes in on the same cable but every box you get costs extra, if you need service and you've got your own modem they want to charge you a fee for coming out etc

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:25 pm
by Flame Red
All I can tell you is that Uverse is at End of Life. I believe they are trying to move customers off of Uverse. I am surprised ATT is still taking orders for Uverse? That being said, Uverse was pretty good when I had it. ATT have moved on to ATT Now, which has a funky user interface and is not as good as Uverse.

DTV is another product that T is trying to sell/spin off. Of course in the Florida afternoon thunderstorms you loose sat signal. But when the weather is good, service is ok. DTV uses super high video compression, so you do see some weird color shifting in the background of horror movies when things go dark. The good thing about DTV is that you can run multiple TV's off of it and it has a central DVR. The remote TV boxes can be wifi or coax.

Check out Verizon Fios if available. People I know over in Tampa that had it were very happy with it.

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:25 pm
by photohause

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:26 pm
by Slartibartfast
uverse is ok when it works but when it's down you lose everything
tv, phone, and internet.

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:34 pm
by Chinerd00
Xfinity internet, you tube for cable.

Re: Xfinity or att uverse choices ?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:51 am
by mohshard
Op is in South Florida on the east coast.
Unfortunately that means your options are typically Xfinity or at&t. AT&t is rolling fiber out very slowly in a few neighborhoods. Unfortunately those two choices suck.
Verizon FiOS is only available in areas where Verizon is the main phone carrier.