I guess this is good bye boys.

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I guess this is good bye boys.

Post by n0rlf »

Well, it appears as though my time approaches. I have recently had some health issues and looks like it is down to just a few years. I have been pondering this for a while. Life is not a guarantee. I am happy with mine. I raised three good kids, I have wonderful grandkids and a loving wife of 33 years.

So, we are selling off everything we have or most everything anyway. We have purchased a camper and are getting ready to go see this wonderful country. A few more memories while I can enjoy them. I am going to give my wife the memories she wants. We are going to wind our way across this great land to wind up in Fairbanks Alaska. Then make our way back. Along the way I will get pictures and visit places she has always wanted to see.

I have sold most of my collection. I am down to a dozen or so left to sell. I left the rest to the kids. We are bringing a load of furniture and things my daughter wanted down to Florida in a couple weeks. Then back up here to put what little is left in storage. Kids are going to keep most of the land we have here. Probably going to sell the one piece where we had started the house. Kids are not real sure that they want to keep that one now.

Once we have all that done we are planning on taking off. Start in the southern areas during the winter and make our way North in spring. Lots of national and state parks to go see.

I will check in every so often and leave pictures. I have enjoyed the folks here over the years. Lots of good memories. Hug your kids and parents boys. You never know what life has in mind.

So, if we get a chance to meet again in the near future I will have a beer with any of you. Yes even you Rent! Take a step back once in a while guys and reflect on what you have. I am lucky in that I get to have at least a chance to say goodbye to friends and family on my terms.

As I heard somewhere, so long and thanks for the memories.

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Post by Xeeoneyx »

Sounds like fun! Try to keep out of trouble and don't forget to post those photos!
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Post by Chigger »

God bless and enjoy your time traveling with your wife.
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Post by JonathanW »

Best of luck sir
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Post by Odessaman »

Sorry to hear that, but sounds like you're not lying around moping, which is admirable. Godspeed and safe travels in all respects, n0rlf.
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Post by fsnadmin »

Safe travels and keep us posted.
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Post by FfNJGTFO »

I wish you the very best, sir. As someone who has visited Fairbanks, AK, I would strongly suggest that you plan to arrive in late June/Early July! It's actually quite nice up there at that time of year.
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Post by tector »

Safe travels and open roads, sir.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Hats off to you and your wife...
We are all right behind you.
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Post by patw »

Good luck and enjoy your travels. I would love to do it myself one day.
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