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Listening To Our Opponents

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:31 am
by GreyShark
Something I believe is very important is to not just rehash the same old talking points amongst ourselves all the time like we have for decades but at the very least go out on the web and find resources where we can read or listen to our opponents talk in their own words. It's important to understand what they're thinking, what their goals and motivations are. In some recent posts I've talked about working with more liberal Democrats to oppose the totalitarian Marxists and I thought of posting the video below as an exercise to hopefully get more of us looking at what the other team in doing amongst their own and get a look at the kind of people we need to start working with.

The subject here will be Andrew Yang talking about gun control. Are we going to agree with all his positions? Hell no! Are Democrats like him an upgrade from Nancy Pelosi or Beto O'Rourke? Hell yes! There will always be an opposition party and frankly we want that because the alternative is totalitarianism which is what we're trying to avoid. What we want is opponents who recognize we aren't actual enemies and we have rights that are important. In this video Yang is being interviewed by leftist hosts who want to talk about gun control. Note that Yang's big focus is not on the hardware but on economic and mental health factors that contribute to people becoming murderers. The hosts want to talk hardware, Yang wants to talk root causes. We can work with that! Marxists are the global threat they are because they literally reject rational thought, they begin with assumptions and will not consider any evidence contrary to their assumptions. That is why you can't compromise with them, that is why they murdered more than 130 million in various democide programs during the 20th century and more of the same lies ahead if that ideology is not defeated. Even if we don't always see eye to eye people like Yang are rational thinkers. He wants way more gun control than we do but we all agree we want less murder and treating underlying causes is the best way to go about it. He thinks the gun supply is outsized but he's not talking about confiscation, he's talking about a voluntary "buyback" program.

An example of a compromise we could potentially reach with an opponent like him is we get to keep the kind of hardware we have right now, we do more to address economic and mental health concerns that are contributing to people becoming murderers, we open up NICS to the general public who may use it for private transactions on a voluntary basis and implement a "buyback" program that pays a fair price for unwanted firearms.

An example of action you can take on something like this would be we all know people who will vote Democrat. In an ideal world we'd flip them and maybe we'll work on that in the long run but in the here and now we can try to steer them towards a better class of opponents, people we can actually reason with and co-exist with who aren't hellbent on erasing our entire culture and replacing it with a totalitarian regime built in the image of their extremist ideology. I've made progress with people in my own life this way, in fact using Yang most recently. One of the little seeds I planted has already sprouted into a rejection of extremism, acceptance that at the very least Marxism is completely outdated and irrelevant to our current condition and that there is a thing called left libertarianism that is a lot closer to what this person really believes in anyway. That's a huge win!

Re: Listening To Our Opponents

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:37 am
by Springfield
Fully agree. Finding common ground, even a small aspect of a larger opposition, is the starting point for rational conversation. We need much more rational conversation starting from a position of mutual respect. I believe there are many more of us near the middle than at either extreme, which we can leverage to find ways to move forward. Engaging the rational majority on the Left can help them see the extremism of their neo Marxist far-left fringe elements (BLM, Antifa), and help break the Democrats' identity/divide and conquer politics.