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And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:38 pm
by Jason
Fun news...some of you may remember the shit show I was going through before the old forum crashed. Wife had affair with felon and she went nuts filing Injunctions on me to try and scare me from telling the parents at the school we opened this shitbag was around the kids. Well on Aug 17th daughters open house, I went and wife and her dike investor who is committing tax fraud by financing a nonprofit so it benefits her therapy center for profit basically wrote a letter to Chief of Police , who is on one of her boards on another unrelated Np she has. Basically saying I'm going to shoot up the school and so on. Well wife filed 4th INj as well that day that was denied but included this letter to Chief saying the Chief agreed I was dangerous as he was sending Officers there as safety measures. Judge called bullshit , and threw it out but said we will have a hearing on it during the custody mod and contempt I filed on her that was happening in 10 days. Wife came out and actually made a scene at open house while local police saw how crazy she was, she then refused to let me leave with my daughter that involved 2 hours of the officer,his Sgt, and a captain trying to talk fucking sense in her. She finally agreed, oh warrant was just issued for the felon that had wife's name listed as who he's in a relationship/residing with... you can believe those were passed out liberally when wife refused to let me leave with my daughter.

That Monday the 20th first day of school and a half dozen kids were withdrawn, wife went ballistic blaming me and refused to let me speak to my daughter per 50/50 time-sharing and call court order. Because I called her several times during each alloted call since Sun night and she refused to answer she called the Sheriff as her new home is outside city limits who came that evening (11:30pm) and arrested me for stalking. Fuck the Sheriff! The asshole handcuffed me the second I opened the door, asked if anyone was home, when I said no he screamed for somene to call animal control to get me 15yo Jack Russell who is just looking like wtf at the door. As I'm being taken to the car I look and see 12 other Sheriff's in my yard, I asked if she said I was going to start shooting at you? He didn't answer but said I'm not allowed to call my wife and they have told me this before...really by who? I then recognize the guys voice as I called and asked them to execute the active warrant on this shitbag a week ago and he said it doesn't work like that or something, verified by Sheriff's call log after I got out. Anyways asked if the at least arrested the shitbag, he stopped me and yelled "who my daughter is around is none of your concern",luckily neighbor's son was outside and recorded it.

Bailed was set at 4k for Stalking(wtf never in trouble in my life)out Tue at 5pm which is standard for any DV types charges apparently, and told no contact with her. Saw the deputies arrest report and he lied his ass off, like didn't even attempt to hide it as prior call logs disputed everything he said and he had access to. My attorney is flipping out on me as I had this in the bag for our hearing on the 27th, and she thinks I'm fucked as I can't talk to defend my self during hearing because of pending criminal charges now and need to ask for a continuance. Well on the 27th my attorney calls me at 7am and says fuck it we are going for it. Long story short my wife strolled in there smiling ear to ear thinking I'm not seeing my daughter for awhile as I have not seen or spoken to her for 10 days as it is. Judge dismissed her Inj(4th one) and did not have a pleased look on his face when she previously bragged about me getting arrested and my attorney said it was based off the allegations in her Injunction. Summary my wife ran out the courtroom balling, and apparently started kicking shit in the lobby and had to be escorted out...I got sole custody and she is only allowed to take her to public places for visitation! Because the no contact order was in place a fucking nightmare until last week.

She has continuously tried to make my life hell since and tried to have me arrested 3 times the last 2 weeks for violating the no contact order, every time the Police were on their way to arrest me and looked at the facts on the way and decided against itas there was no proof, she threatened their jobs each time that the officers kindly documented. The last officer even documented he explained to her that say I was arrested , would they like for them to call her so she can pick up our daughter? She enthusiastically said yes, they then explained that's not gonna happen because she failed to disclose to them the custody order that she can't be with her in any private residence and our daughter would be put in foster care, she refused to believe that's what would happen because "she's the mother".

Well Friday the 21st I got a call from the State Attorney they were dropping all charges against me effective immediately and that they would investigate, though would not guarantee perjury charges filed against her. As well I have an appointment with the Sheriff's internal affairs tomorrow for a lengthy and well documented complaint on said deputy.

What's funny is with a temp inj your CWL is suspended and you can't have any firearms in the home, yet if your arrested for a DV type charge apparently your CWL is suspended, but you can still have firearms in your possession, makes no fucking sense...anyways stay away from psycho Chiquita nutcases...just saying.

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:58 pm
by dammitgriff
Damn, all that, and it’s only Wednesday!
I’m gonna have a coldbeer for you, buddy.
Hope your CCL is still valid and hope your daughter understands all this when she’s old enough to hear it.
I have a co-worker fighting for custody of his 8-year-old daughter whose mother hauled ass unannounced to Texas one day. At least this is being fought in the same state.
Congrats on having those charges dropped. You’ll always have to report the arrest for your CCL renewal, won’t you, though?

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:31 pm
by Dave P
"You’ll always have to report the arrest for your CCL renewal, won’t you, though?"

May be, but I hope not. I thought they asked about "CONVICTIONS" ONLY. But it has been a couple of decades since I was in a small shit storm with the ex.

And instead of your conviction, maybe the court will go for a diversion program, which is also not a conviction.

Good luck.

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:23 pm
by Jason
No diversion, state dropped all charges even before the Criminal Defense attorney I had to hire could even meet with the State Attorney, I'm thinking I will try and get it expunged though.

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:28 pm
by SteyrAUG
Dave P wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:31 pm "You’ll always have to report the arrest for your CCL renewal, won’t you, though?"

May be, but I hope not. I thought they asked about "CONVICTIONS" ONLY. But it has been a couple of decades since I was in a small shit storm with the ex.

And instead of your conviction, maybe the court will go for a diversion program, which is also not a conviction.

Good luck.
For that and any "real job" you may apply for, be prepared to bring final disposition papers with you. Arrest records never go away, even when sealed and expunged some potential employers can still access them if they do real background checks.

Fortunately "crazy wife" is common enough that if you start with full disclosure it usually doesn't work against you.

Of all the shit I've seen, you are actually getting off pretty easy, I've seen a lot of guys who did nothing wrong get jammed up badly.

Don't accept anything from your ex or allow her access to your vehicle or property. Seen a few guys who had drugs planted in their cars or in a box of personal belongings their ex was returning to them.

If you have a trusted friend, sell all of your guns to that person for $1 and don't have them in the house.

Sounds like you have a lawyer who actually knows wtf they are doing and that is kinda rare so listen to your lawyer and video everything including any contacts from your ex and all LE interactions. Considering buying a go pro that uploads to a cloud. Start recording every time somebody knocks at the door.

Any friends you had in common with the ex, be very wary of. Best answer is "my lawyer said not to discuss it with anyone" if anyone asks.

Good luck.

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:01 pm
by Jason
Yeah, If I didn't have a good lawyer I would without a doubt be fucked! If anyone you know is in trouble in Lake County I have an amazing Family Law and Criminal Defense Attorney anyone can PM me for.

The second part is thank god I'm self employed for the foreseeable future. Her 3rd attorney has dropped her and she has no more money and her family refuses to loan her more money for one so hopefully it's almost over. I forgot to mention I have had CPS come by and say btw, piss in this cup, among other accusations as well. You are at a distinct disadvantage as a father, that is the truth.

And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:35 pm
by dammitgriff
Straight, Southern White Males (SSWMs) have been under attack by the progressive left for three decades and counting.
Good luck, hang in there...

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:45 am
by Captain Steinbrenner
Is this bitch Puerto Rican?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:30 am
by rentprop1
Captain Steinbrenner wrote: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:45 am Is this bitch Puerto Rican?
Is she hot ?
Is she seeing anybody ? :mrgreen:

Re: And you thought you've had a crazy ex...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:17 am
by Cubanstang50
Reading this got my blood pressure up and my thinking how would I go about if a similar situation ever happened to me. Nothing but violence came to mind. How do you do it to keep from snapping her?!? Thank god that the judge and other were able to see past her craziness. Open the door and get handcuffed up like that will result in me snapping for sure. Your almost at the end now. Hope your meeting with internal affairs is good and they are able to hammer that cop and anyone else who did you wrong. Good luck with everything.