Can Trump flip Joe Manchin and the Senate?

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Can Trump flip Joe Manchin and the Senate?

Post by Springfield »

from Patriot Post ... 2021-06-11
Can Trump Flip Joe Manchin and the Senate?
The former president and the West Virginia Democrat have a golden opportunity to “reimagine” the Senate.

We wonder whether Joe Manchin plays golf. If he does, Donald Trump should have the West Virginia Democrat down to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend and suggest that he switch parties. Doing so would, of course, flip the 50-50 Senate from Democrat control to Republican, and it would put a merciful end to what’s left of Joe Biden’s reckless, repulsive, hard-left agenda.

Columnist Mark Thiessen seems to think it might take just a phone call. “It is in Manchin’s interest to switch parties,” he writes. “He wants bipartisanship, but right now, he is under unrelenting pressure from Democrats to vote for their radical agenda. How many times has Manchin been asked if he is really, absolutely, 100 percent sure he would never vote to eliminate the filibuster? As a Republican, he would never be asked that question again.”

What’s more, Manchin wouldn’t have to suffer the many “progressive” fools of his party. A recent Politico headline blared, “The left hates Joe Manchin. His fellow Senate Dems are staying quiet.”

Why would anyone want to be part of an organization whose members hate him? “Joe Manchin is sparking outright fury from liberals,” the Politico piece continues, “with some Black Democrats invoking Jim Crow laws and Mitch McConnell as they blast the West Virginian’s resistance to a sweeping elections bill.”
And what better way to extend a big ol’ middle finger to Hill and her ilk than by switching parties?

If Manchin seems reluctant to do so, Trump might remind him that he serves the people of West Virginia, which went a whopping +39 for Trump in 2020. Manchin is a popular former governor, but he doesn’t have numbers like that — not even close. In fact, as our Mark Alexander noted in March, “Manchin was reelected to the Senate by a narrow three-point margin, winning a plurality of the vote by 49.57% because of a Libertarian spoiler who received 4.17%. Notably that year, no other West Virginia Demo congressional candidate came within 10 points of winning, and Democrats running for state seats were defeated by even larger margins.”

Suffice it to say: Manchin, as a Democrat, is the oddest duck in the United States Senate. And if he switches, he’d be lauded back home in the Mountain State, he’d likely get his choice of committee assignments from Minority Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and he’d be able to work for genuine bipartisan legislation in the areas he’s most passionate about, such as energy and real (as opposed to fake) infrastructure.

So, what’s keeping him? Thiessen has a theory:
  • As a Democrat, he is assured his party’s Senate nomination. But if he becomes a Republican, he could face a primary challenger angry over his votes to convict Trump in his impeachment trials. Trump has made clear his intention to exact vengeance on any senator who voted for his removal. So, if Manchin defects, he faces the real prospect that Trump could support his primary opponent and deny him the nomination. … Trump could alleviate that concern with a single phone call. He could tell Manchin that if he switches parties and hands Senate control to the GOP, all will be forgiven — Trump would oppose any primary challengers and campaign enthusiastically for Manchin.
One simple phone call, Mr. President. Or maybe a friendly round of golf. That’s all it’ll take to “reimagine” the Senate. Think about it.
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Post by Mannlicher »

Manchin is a player. He has no real loyalties, and no real convictions. He goes where the winds of expediency blow.
It's quite possible that the House may flip next year. I don't think the dhimmicrats really mind. The GOP will never do anything to curb Biden, and we will see the same sort of posturing that we had with the Ryan House.
The GOP does not really want to be the majority power though. They prefer to be on the sidelines. They make the same money, have the same opportunity to sell their votes and influence, and can't be held responsible for anything untoward that might happen.
Don't forget. When the GOP wins the election, they take office. When the dhimmicrats win, they take power.
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