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NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:44 am
by Firemedic2000
Now if team player are vaccined and catch COVID nothing will happen. But if team has any unvaccinated players. Oh no they will be punished. Now to be fair I hate the NFL because of all the wokeness and playing a racist BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM which is not recognized or represents a nation of many. But forcing or punishing people to get vaccinated I'm against. ... elled-game

I noticed before with children. These unelected bureaucrats said children were safe from COVID. But since they can't get the shot numbers up. They are now saying children are in danger and must get this shot. Notice the new danger and doom now they are touting. Children will die if not vaccined. Yet 4 months ago they were safe.

This government is trying to force a shot upon Americans. Now I know COVID is real. But I do not believe based upon their science it's nothing like they say. They even are censoring medical professionals who speak out against this shot. Even the doctor who developed mRNA research who spoke of it's dangers. Of coarse we've all heard FJB wanting social media to sensor everyone who speaks out against their COVID campaign. N.Y. city mayor even talking about forced shots on people.

They've been researching mRNA since the 80s and could not succeed. What's changed now. This shot has not even been out a year. Remember they released it Dec 2020. Yet they ignore their own science and say it has no long term effects. How can they know this in only 7 months.

The FDA has delayed approving these drugs because they know with all the reported side effects and deaths they'd have to halt distribution of drug. That and drug companies are free of being held liable for and damages.

But here's the kicker if businesses force you to take it. They can be held liable. That's why FJB want's a law passed to not hold business liable also. Numbers are being caught then covered up. I keep hearing from two different enities in the government. It's unvaccinated catching COVID then it's the vaccined catching it. But they stopped reporting on the vaccinated and report only the unvaccinated now.

I've personally know of only person person who caught COVID. My SIL and her husband are both wayyy over weight and have diabetes ect. No shot and go every place and do not wear masks. If anyone would catch it. They would be the ones. I mean they go everywhere.

Now to be clear. If people want to take this shot. Then do it based upon their beliefs and medical history. I believe it's their right. As are the rights of people who choose not to take it. Yet they are being demonized as murders. Punished, ostracized and forced. People have a right to choose. Plus all information by all medical professionals should be made public, not censored.

Rant off

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 7:42 pm
by TonyR
Must've changed your med's again,ya better talk to the doc.Dude,you were doing so much better hahaha....... I do hope you know I'm only fuckin' with ya. TonyR

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:22 am
by lilwoody
I've known many people who have had it, my wife and I included. I got the sniffles for a day or two. My wife got very sick. We had 4 guys at work test positive. One got the sniffles, one achey for a couple of days, one no symptoms. The last one was the poster child for the dirt nap. 1100 plus pounds overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure and god knows what else. He is the only one I know that was put in the hospital. And here's the final kicker, he never tested negative.
Historically any vaccine that has more than 50 deaths associated with it gets pulled. Depending on whose statistics you believe there has been a minimum of 1000 people to a max of 10,000 people have suddenly went into the light. L This also doesn't take into account the other numerous strange side effects associated with taking the Fauchi ouchy.

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:03 am
by zeebaron
Firings for cause are just the beginning. Wait until you can't even legally leave the house within a year without your quarterly booster shot.

NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 pm
by dammitgriff
lilwoody wrote:I've known many people who have had it, my wife and I included. I got the sniffles for a day or two. My wife got very sick. We had 4 guys at work test positive. One got the sniffles, one achey for a couple of days, one no symptoms. The last one was the poster child for the dirt nap. 1100 plus pounds overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure and god knows what else. He is the only one I know that was put in the hospital. And here's the final kicker, he never tested negative.
Historically any vaccine that has more than 50 deaths associated with it gets pulled. Depending on whose statistics you believe there has been a minimum of 1000 people to a max of 10,000 people have suddenly went into the light. L This also doesn't take into account the other numerous strange side effects associated with taking the Fauchi ouchy.
“The vaccine, once it’s in the body, we can’t get it out and we don’t know how to manage these complications, some of which are fatal.” ... nous-jabs/

“According to Our World Data as of July 20, 2021, 161 million Americans are fully vaccinated out of a population of ~328 million (49.1%).
It is difficult to understand why anyone would immunize, not with a vaccine, but a 5-times gain-of-function bioweapon, which is what the COVID-19 RNA/DNA vaccines are. But the news media is running a fright campaign that causes people to make health decisions out of fear.” ... b-remorse/

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:10 pm
by tcpip95
Could not care any less what they do. They could dissolve the league and make them all put those college degrees to work in the real world.

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:27 pm
by tector
tcpip95 wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:10 pm Could not care any less what they do. They could dissolve the league and make them all put those college degrees to work in the real world.
" degrees"?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: NFL punishing teams with players who refuse the experimental COVID shot

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:43 am
by tcpip95
tector wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:27 pm
tcpip95 wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:10 pm Could not care any less what they do. They could dissolve the league and make them all put those college degrees to work in the real world.
" degrees"?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Most of them can’t count to eleven unless they unzipped their fly.