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My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:22 pm
by TC6969
So I went looking for him! (He wasn't happy to see me!)



Re: My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:19 pm
by pharmer
TC6969 wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:22 pm So I went looking for him! (He wasn't happy to see me!)
They are not fond of humans at all. Nice pix. Joe

Re: My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:05 pm
I used to ride my bicycle past one, it would squawk and screech as I got near. When I got a certain distance away, quiet. All the cars didn't bother it, but someone on a bicycle sure did. Maybe moving to slow.

Re: My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:06 pm
by osprey21
It's trying to stare you down. :lol:

There's a nest about 400yds from my house that's been in constant use/repair for the last 50+years that I've lived in the house. The Slash pine it's in has been dead for 20 or so years and is deteriorating quickly now so I expect it will be gone within the next couple years. It's been cool to watch it over time and the number of birds housed/raised in it.

Re: My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:39 pm
Many of us had the pleasure of watching a nesting pair of eagles, while working at the power plant on Weedon Isle in St Pete. They were 50yds off the entrance road, got to see them every year until the pine tree fell. The park on the south side wasn't developed yet, so the eagles had it all to hunt. One guy took lots of pics from a distance, I'll post up some if I can find them. He got 4 great ones with a long lens.

Re: My Osprey Never Came Back!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:30 pm
by Firemedic2000
There use to be one on top of a power pole 3 and 4 houses from me. Unfortunately it was right at the driveway of one of the homeowners who needless to say was not happy about it. They crapped everywhere. The guy in one house called when he first moved here from up north and requested the platform. He died house sold and people bitched until they removed the nest platform.

My neighbor next to me and from across the street was walking past the nest one day. Right when they got under it bird crapped and it landed right on top of one of them, right on top of her head :lol: :lol: :lol: crapped on my truck windshield a few times driving past it. The guy who owned house the power pole was on. His poor house was cover in bird sh6t.

I personally do not care for them. They can be a nuisance. One got fried on powering right in front of my home. Not to mention shorting out powerlines with branches while building nest. They would throw a breaker type lever on transformer I think. Trees are fine on top of power poles is stupid. I do like to watch them though when they aren't being a nuisance.

I like eagles a lot better. They have nest on the little manatee river.