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That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:36 pm
by tector
The ATF should not exist, and the NFA should be deemed unconstitutional (see sig), but given the regime we are under, this guy was pretty dumb. ... lorida-man

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:33 pm
by N4KVE
It’s quite clear, & I’ve known this for years. I also know a few guys who got the ATF warning. They both applied for, & got their FFL’s. Life went on with no further warnings. GARY.
In general, the ATF guidance says a license is needed “if you repetitively buy and sell firearms with the principal motive of making a profit. In contrast, if you only make occasional sales of firearms from your personal collection, you do not need to be licensed.”

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:44 pm
by Flame Red
Please help me understand, well besides the point we have a Kommie-in-Chief gun grabber.

It used to be private sales, face-to-face, were ok in Florida. Private sellers can rent a table at the local gun show and sell some guns. Well at least until the Kommies in Mosquito County stopped those people from walking around holding their items for sale some years back at the Orange County Shows.

So I guess the point is some Libiturd Kommie at the flea market got outraged when they saw this guy's wares and rat finked on this guy and the ATF swooped in.

So if I wanted to sell my private collection, the take away is to go to a gun show in another county and rent a table and avoid Flea Markets where cheap @ss Kommies go?. Or just sell them all on this forum or GB individually?

Also this is something I had not hear of:
ATF’s unconstitutional home inspections, which they call “knock-and-talks,” have become more like home invasions and have scared the daylights out of more than a few law-abiding gun owners who were unlucky enough to answer the door. 
First of all, I don't answer my door. And if I did accidentally answer it, and they identified themselves as a Fed, I was ask two questions first:
  • Do you have a warrent?
  • Am I under Arrest?
After that, I would not tell them I am calling my lawyer and he will answer all their questions. I don't want to be caught up in the Federal Felony for lying to a Federal Officer because I said the weather was nice and it rained later... Even though they can lie all they want...

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:23 pm
by TonyR
The ATF like to lie,4-5 people who would go to court and tell what said agent did,they,ATF, lied all the way home.

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:52 pm
by REDinFL
Problem: Answering door.

Solution: Camera.

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:12 pm
by tector
If you lived in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or East Germany, my advice to you would be to not draw the attention of the Gestapo, NKVD/KGB, or Stasi, respectively. The same applies to the present day US and the ATF.

I would note that the 3 tyrannical regimes mentioned by analogy all eventually fell, although it took enormous effort over many years. I don't expect the ATF to be gone during my rapidly diminishing lifetime. But one can hope. No corrupt regime has lasted forever. The rot eventually must give way.

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:24 pm
by Molivo
If a cop catches me speeding, and tells me to slow down or I will get a ticket, and I keep speeding and get the ticket, I am to blame, not the cop. He was told he needed a license to sell firearms. He refused to get it. If you want to be a car dealer, you have to get a dealer license. There is no difference. If I have to have an ffl, do background checks, deal with ATF audits, pay income tax, sales tax, insurance, payroll, etc. to be a gun dealer then so should he. Unfortunately, I don't have any remorse for him.

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:04 pm
by REDinFL
The biggest problem, in my view, is the lack of a clear definition of, " the business of...." Right now, I'm selling off about 10 guns. I may take specific trades on one or two, but most are to be sold. Some eager shavetail might say that because I have ads on three websites that I'm engaging in business. Not true but getting oneself out of it when they refuse to be wrong, as a characteristic, can be sticky especially when one has limited means for a good defense lawyer (and the proceeds of the sales are needed for a different type of lawyer). There would have to be a pattern over a period of time. Buying, and reselling. Even what appears to be a flip could be innocent. One might buy what seemed like a good idea at the time, and it turns out it was not the magic one thought it was, so move it along; that's why I say "...a pattern..." Too many are looking for an easy and quick bust for career points.

It is true that if one is warned, time to lay low. That warning instead of getting jumped or a SWAT raid is a gift. Some of the old timers on here may remember "Billy." Warned, pretended to lay low then went back to blatant, Club Fed.

Re: That Volusia Flea Market ATF bust

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:30 pm
by Wulfmann
Flea market selling or at a gun show what ATF looks for are guys that buy guns to flip for a profit.

So, if they think you are flipping they may sell you a pistol and follow up with another guy to buy said pistol later that day
That is clearly buying with the intention to sell for profit. That requires a FFL

Selling off your guns even 10 all in one day is not buying and reselling it is selling off.
That said there are certainly a few ATF Sturmbahnfuhreren that might try and make it into something but normally not

It's a slender thread