FL's Open Carry Fight for 2024 & Beyond Is Happening

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FL's Open Carry Fight for 2024 & Beyond Is Happening

Post by Miami_JBT »

Florida lawmakers need to legalize open carry - Orlando Sentinel


Florida’s Republican lawmakers have continuously campaigned on the claim that Florida is the “Gunshine State” and one of the freest states in the Union. Yet, under two decades of GOP leadership, our Legislature has failed to legalize the open carry of firearms, leaving us in the very small and very liberal company of only New York, Illinois, and California.

Since open carry was banned (at the urging of then-Dade County prosecutor Janet Reno), we haven’t seen a great reduction in crime. We can, however, analyze several incidents where honest citizens had their rights violated because of this policy.

Take a recent incident in Columbia County late last year, where James Hodges, who is legally blind, was reporting for jury duty. While walking to the courthouse, he was stopped, harassed and ultimately charged with obstruction without violence. His crime: carrying a folded seeing-eye cane for his visual impairment — but to the deputies on scene, the law-abiding citizen who was doing his civic duty appeared to be openly carrying a firearm.

More recently, in Volusia County, a father was openly carrying a firearm on his own property (the one situation where legal to do so) when his neighbor’s pit bull got loose. With his six-year-old daughter at his side, John Leggett had reason to be concerned since the dog was being aggressive towards his daughter, but Daytona Beach Police happened to arrive on scene at the same time for a welfare check on the neighbor, and upon seeing Leggett armed, the officers arrested him in total violation of existing law.

As a former cop, I can speak directly to the real issue at hand: the state’s ban on open carry puts police in confusing situations that normally wouldn’t even matter. Hodges would not have been so aggressively confronted near the courthouse on a public sidewalk, and Leggett would not have had his civil rights violated while he was protecting his daughter if our lawmakers had been willing to change course and join the near unanimous crowd of states that allow open carry in one form or another. While the authorities have dropped charges in both cases, that still cannot make up for the wrong that was committed.

This past legislative session, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo claimed her opposition to open carry was because Florida’s sheriffs are against it. Yet, the current head of the Florida Sheriff’s Association, Bill Leeper of Nassau County, has previously stated his support for open carry, as have other Florida sheriffs like Wayne Ivey of Brevard County.

These lawmakers need to get their act together. Current State Supreme Court precedent, which dates to 2017, makes clear that under existing state law, citizens do not have a right to openly carry, rather, it is a privilege that can be granted by the state. This ruling now may directly contradict the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling from last year, which overturned several onerous state carry laws.

Yes, the Legislature managed to pass some semblance of pro-gun policy last year with permitless concealed carry, but that still leaves police stuck with a confusing exception and “We the People” in small and very liberal company.

The current ban has a racist past, is rightfully opposed by our governor, and deserves to be sent to the scrapyard of history. It doesn’t stop criminals from breaking the law, but instead simply prevents honest law-abiding Floridians from fully exercising their civil rights.

Just like a rattlesnake, a person openly carrying sends a message to would be bad guys: don’t even bother. Our lawmakers need to get their act together and give us the full-fledged rights the citizens of this free state are demanding.

Luis Valdes is the Florida State Director for Gun Owners of America, a no-compromise grassroots gun lobby with approximately 2.5 million members. He resides in Brevard County and is a former police officer and detective.
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Post by TACC »

Great write up

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Post by ADulay »

Wow. That was in the Orlando Sentinel?

They must have had multiple heart attacks to print that.

Nicely written.

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Post by Deputydave »

Good. This needs to be pushed and pushed hard. Public needs to be made aware.
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Post by REDinFL »

Excellent points, all. I personally won't open carry, but I want officer discretion eliminated for an occasional exposure or print. Some may be ignorant, as in the case Mr. Valdes pointed out, others very well may want to push a point of view. Eliminate that. I support the legislation.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

Florida Republicans, Democrats file 2024 gun bills, set up clash over safety, rights. By James CallCapital Bureau | USA TODAY Network – Florida


Gun Owners of America, a national gun rights group which claims two million members, endorses Rudman's bill and opposes Polsky's proposal, but dismisses both parties' 2024 gun packages as election-year posturing.

Luis Valdes, the group's Florida director, wants lawmakers to legalize open carry, repeal gun-free zones and red flag laws, and allow for the purchase of firearms at the age of 18 and questions GOP support for "full restoration" of Second Amendment rights.

"Why is it that, under a Republican supermajority, real pro-gun bills are not advancing?" Valdes asked.

"Florida's Democrats have no problem introducing bills that ban guns, expand gun-free zones, make everything require a background check, and be kept locked up. But it appears that Republicans are scared to do what their counterparts have done in other Republican(-controlled) states."
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Post by TACC »

Exactly, on point, especially the last paragraph!

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Post by GunsandHoses »

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Post by Miami_JBT »

I just saw Fox News’ The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate between Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Gavin Newsom of California. It was real interesting when they got into the gun rights debate.

Fox News’ host, Sean Hannity said that the anti-gun group rated California as the most anti-gun state in the nation and Florida as the nineteenth most anti-gun state.


I’m sorry, but that is a horrible stat for Florida. Our state should be listed as the fiftieth on Everytown’s list, not as the nineteenth most anti-gun state

Florida’s Republican controlled legislature has refused to fully restore Floridians’ Second Amendment rights.

Both Florida and California ban open carry and also both states ban adults under the age of 21 from being able to legally purchase and carry firearms.

I'm sorry, but if our Republican supermajority legislature claims Florida is the freest state in the nation, then they need to legalize full open carry and repeal the purchase and carry bans for adults under the age of 21.

Gov. DeSantis supports open carry and repealing the Parkland gun control. The legislature MUST FULLY RESTORE THE SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF ALL FLORIDIANS.

Legalize open carry and repeal the under 21 purchase and carry bans.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

I was a guest on Salem Media's Wilkow! with Andrew Wilkow and we discussed the DeSantis vs Newsom debate and the difference between Florida and California on gun rights. During the discussion, I made sure to point out that Florida still has issues that need to be fixed like the under 21 purchase/carry ban and the open carry ban.

Communism - 20th Century Mass Murder Champions
R.I.P. Edward Avila - AR15.COM Founder
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