More Fox News Departures - This one "A matter of time..."
So why is Alex Jones still in business after all these years of spouting garbage?
I don't watch Alex Jones and I don't really know how he is financed but I seriously doubt he spouts as much garbage as the MSM...
"Tuez-les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens" - Arnaud Amaury 1209
Not as much cause he's only one idiot but a lot higher stink rate - and he makes a living at it. Seriously, the market supports some real crap and depending on it to tell you the truth just doesn't work well because of the percentage of fools, the ignorant or just plain careless in the population. Unlike buying a vacuum cleaner if you listen to Alex Jones or the MSM and believe them your eardrums wont fall apart or your brains explode. You'll just be wrong.