CMP has rack grades...for now

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CMP has rack grades...for now

Post by Wakko »

$650 shipped for a CMP rack grade, which they TELL you is going to have a worn barrel and pitting on the receiver. After looking at some of the ones that folks have gotten, some are really really nice, and even the "worst" ones, they look good to me for the price. I'm sure that a handful of service or field grades will pop up at some point, but in the interim, the racks are a good value.
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Post by flcracker »

Any idea if they have some in stock at the South store?
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
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George W
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Post by George W »

The South store is still closed, but the TMP has a few.

I just got my Field grade that I ordered 200+ days ago. Lots of pitting above and below the wood line, shit wood, busted Oprod spring, but a decent barrel. My son just got his RG last week as well. It has more pitting than my FG, but overall, a much better rifle than mine. From what I have seen posted online, some of the RGs are gems, while others are turds. Total luck of the draw.
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Post by Wakko »

I just got four field grades and all of them look great. Zero rust or broken wood. I'm surprised at some of these junky field grades I see, but happy I got good ones.
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