Good girl with a gun stops bad guy with a gun.

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Good girl with a gun stops bad guy with a gun.

Post by Allme »

Most of you know the f*ckery/shenanigans of the mainstream media, for those of you who don't here is a prime example of burying a story if it doesn't fit the left's narrative... This happens ALL of the time. BTW I found this over on, you WILL find stuff like this all the time over there. ... olice-say/

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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

She a hero!

Also, the Libiturds consider this black-on-black "crime" and do not cover that either. MSM does not mention the dozens of minority shooting deaths in Chicago and other major Demorat strong hold cities every week?

I think Tucker covered this very well last night. The US is now another South America $hithole, where the goobernment arrests political opposition, and the media is just their Progda.
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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