My dog ate my earmuffs. Opinions on Replacements

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George W
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My dog ate my earmuffs. Opinions on Replacements

Post by George W »

I had been planning to get a new set of earmuffs to replace my old Impact electronic headset that I have had at least 12 years. Last night, my dog decided to speed up the process by going into my range bag and chewed them up. They served me well, but didn't always get along with some of my rifle stocks.

I need electronic. Blue Tooth isn't needed, but I wouldn't necessarily say no. I am thinking either a low profile muff design, or an in the ear plug type. Does anyone have something they'd recommend?
Posts: 50
Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:06 pm
Location: Orlando, FL

Post by Arkhangel5 »


I would rec the Walker Razor lo profile muffs and then order the gel cups for them. No bluetooth. I use mine constantly and like being able to hear what is going on around me while there is gunfire going on.

I havent found a set of in ear types that work good enough for me yet, and I have tried a few and they are pricier than the Walkers.

Just my 2c. Your mileage may vary.

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