Law suits for justified shoots.

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Law suits for justified shoots.

Post by Chigger »

Even though for a stand your ground justified shooting in Florida, the perp if he is not killed or if he is killed the family can still sue you for pain, suffering, or wrongful death is that not so?
While you can get legal representations from SCCA and places like it, the reviews of most of them are sketchy at best.
What are the chances of getting legislation passed for blocking lawsuits for a justified shooting?
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Post by REDinFL »

Probably zero, until there is some legal case involving that principle catching public attention.

Immunity from civil action in a justifiable shooting was part of law when initially enacted. (I've forgotten whether it was the "Stand your ground" law or another.) The Florida supreme court struck it down sometime within the past few years.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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