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Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:14 am
by Flame Red
Good thing it is not Halloween, the precious libiturds might pop a blood vessel with all the nooses holding up the skeletons :evil:

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:44 pm
by Big bore lover
I just have to ask,,,,does anyone find it ironic that "bubba" drives for the King? Part of me finds that humorous. "His King"? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Does that make bubba an indentured servant or????? I just gotta ask....

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:38 pm
by Firemedic2000
Well old Al Sharpton just said on fake NEWS that NASCAR had better explain why someone put this noose in Bubba's garage or old Al Sharpton would be at NASCAR himself to get answers.

How about this numnuts no one put the noose in that garage because Bubba was in it. It's been there since October of last year according to NASCAR security video. End of story. Don't like it take it down.

I've made nooses before with absolutely no intent nor racist intent. Hell it never even crossed my mind. They were used in booby trap, snares to hang Halloween decorations ect.

When are these F heads going to get it in THEIR RACIST HEADS. That it's them that are RACIST and promoting the idealogy of racism. It's them that are keeping RACISM alive in America not white people.

Don't like, agree or anything a black person does, says or wears the first word out of their mouth is YOUR A RACIST. Hell if you even vote for someone a black person or even a Democrat does not like. The first thing they will scream is your a racist because you voted Republican.

No one in the Republican party I know of ever called them racist for voting Democrat. Maybe stupid, dumb, ignorant ect...oh wait that's racist for saying that. Yet they can call us anything.

Bubba is milking this noose thing. Why because that punk ass is racist first off for supporting a RADICAL EXTREMISTS HATE organization BLM. I mean my God he painted his NASCAR in a BLM format. Then being the only black driver in NASCAR what's the very first thing he did. Bubba attacked NASCAR heritage of flying the rebel flag flag. Which was not flown in hate or meant to be racist in anyway.

But Bubba being Bubba he's special and NASCAR will bend over and take it in the ass for him. Well I wonder how stupid they all feel jumping on the band wagon after finding that no one targeted Bubba's skinny little butt by putting a noose in his garage like he claimed. The NEWS MEDIA showing him crying bent over his steering wheel with all drivers walking behind him.

I wonder, I wonder maybe if Bubba and his team some how staged this whole thing. Found that garage with a rope on the door that looked like a noose. Got it and put a plan into action. Then with his BLM car while claiming some white wing radicals put a noose in his garage.

While that garage door rope that looks like a noose has clearly been there since last year. With video footage to prove it.

To be honest this smells so much like it staged it's not funny. It has Jussie Smollett written all over it. Yet even with the video surveillance showing no one put it there for the sole purpose of inflicting emotional distress upon poor little Bubba.

Bubba just will not let it go. He's still playing for all it's worth saying I know what a noose looks like and that was a noose. So what, it was already there when YOU CONVIENTLY CHOSE THAT GARAGE. You even posted video footage of it hang there online :?

Your even denying the video footage showing it was there way before your racist ass came along with your racist BLM car and are attempting to stir the pot against NASCAR........maybe or maybe force NASCAR to even do more RADICAL changes of some kind.

Who knows but Bubba has a adgenda I promise that and he's attempting using race and racism to get it.

Maybe there's just not enough black NASCAR drivers and it's time for a change. Sponsors because of the Bubba noose might want show more diversity and want more black drivers. Bubba and his noose could lead the charge. Nothing like a good outcry and old Al Sharpton crying RACISM in NASCAR because there's only one black race car driver. Ding ding ding
Bubba and his BLM car is after all is the ONLY BLACK NASCAR DRIVER THAT'S RACIST

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:34 pm
by Firemedic2000
Ok Bubba did recant his story today probably at the advance of someone. To let this event go and move on. But he did state that it was a noose though. :lol:

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:06 pm
by MadMan
Richard Petty Racing is owned by Medallion Financial, whose new CEO is a woman who was/is a member of the Clinton camp.
A VP of NASCAR found the garage door pull tied with a loop knot, not a noose. There are no coincidences.

Whoever tied it a year or two ago was a fisherman, which makes perfect sense.

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Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:38 pm
by George W
Sure looks like a noose to me:

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:08 pm
by BerettaRacer
That picture is framed to make it look as incriminating as possible. If you look at the actual, in place, un-highlighted pic, it's up against the side of the roller rail and building frame, right where every door pull is, many even have a foot pad too. Drive thru any storage complex with outdoor rolla doors.

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:16 pm
by Firemedic2000
George wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:38 pm Sure looks like a noose to me:
You been hanging out with bubba because those are his exact words also :lol:
Hey George good to hear from you :D

I've used that same knot to tie an anchor to a boat rope before. I did trim the excess tag line though.

That's also one part of a knot called a blood knot. It's used to attach two ropes or fishing lines together. Use that All the time

To be honest even though that looks like a chinch knot. It's not , it's to tight. You'd have a heck of a time chinching that down around anything.

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:21 am
by dammitgriff
It’s a knot. That’s all it is. Crying over a piece of rope is as pathetic as watching your racial group self-destruct, which is exactly what blacks and whites are currently doing.

Re: NASCAR Bubba and the noose

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:44 pm
by lakelandman
George wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:38 pm Sure looks like a noose to me:
Let me help you out some George.