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Re: House insurance

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:13 pm
by Jeepsnguns
Flame Red wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:39 pm You know why the Libiturds say "Global Warming" is the cause of all the hurricanes recently? No, it is because the insurance companies push to have the weather service name the storms, so that the high deductible insurance coverage kicks in when a storm in named and they can continue to collect high premiums but not pay $hit. Thus more named storms.
This is interesting, so it's the insurance companies that are pushing the weather service to name the storms?
Do you happen to recall where you heard or read this?

Re: House insurance

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:04 pm
by Iosef
I of course do not know where Flame Red got that information, but I do know the spec for measuring the wind speed changed about ten years ago. If you look at the NOAA site, you'll see that the wind speed is measured on a 1 minute average these days, instead of the 3 minute average wind speed that was used a decade ago. That means that winds that used to be considered gusts are now considered to be sustained winds. Basically, that allows them to upgrade most storms by one step on the scale, without any increase in wind damage.

I won't pretend to know why this was done or who lobbied for it. I just consider it to be another form of marketing lies. If I can't afford to replace something, then I can't afford to own it in the first place, so I don't bother with insurance that isn't required by law.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:31 am
by jintsfan
We had enough damage during Irma that the roof was replaced and we were reimbursed by our insurance company (minus the deductible). Next renewal, the insurance company wanted proof that our roof was new. If not, we would have been cancelled because they were winnowing out homes with older roofs. Yet, this is the same insurance company that paid for replacement and whose inspectors signed off on that replacement something like six months previously! Fortunately, I keep all paperwork for just about everything, and provided the necessary documentation. No wonder I (and I'm sure several thousands more) hate and despise insurance companies.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:03 pm
by Outgunu
Well, for now I have paid it. I'm doing some shopping around and if I find a better quality policy I'll cancel and get a refund on my unused portion. I had my roof replaced about 8 years ago with what is guaranteed to be a 50 year roof. So, needless to say I don't intend to get another reroof to get a new policy. Funny thing is that after I got my last roof, about six of my neighbors had a roofing company inspect theirs and had their insurance companies pay for the replacements because of ""hail damage"" regardless of how old they were. Guess some people got it like that...

Re: House insurance

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:00 am
by dammitgriff
OKIE wrote:I had State Farm when I got my house back in 2001, after 7yrs they non-renewed me with no claims. Hurricanes beat their ass, and they pulled out of Florida for homeowners, unless you were with them 20yrs or more. The agent sold the business, and the new owners tried to place me with Citizens, I'm miles away from the water. I called and got the run around, so I told them we were done doing business when the policy ended. Man did I get a long story after that. Called a friend of mine, who gave me a number of a new agent starting out. He had me insurance at half of Citizens in days.
Many probably already know this, but Citizens is the state insurer of last resort for those who live in high-risk (mostly coastal) areas where no other insurance company provides coverage. Their rates are deliberately much higher than private company rates and the reason (according to them) is because they want to incentivize people to use private companies...which refuse to cover high-risk areas...
Round and round they turn it.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:52 am
by Firemedic2000
I pay 1200.00 a year trade you lol. Plus 350 for flood but actually a great price. Finish floor 19ft above flood

Homes that sit on the ground around me holy cow. They are paying up to 4k plus in homeowners and 2500.00 p,us for flood.

That said though that storm which just went by us. It caused it to flood from the river all the way across the road into the front yards on the other side of road. It'd not done that here since 1996.

So in the picture all those houses on the river side got water in their homes. From that two story home to just out of picture toward left. Water came so high it flooded across the road and came within 3 feet of homes on opposite side of street.

Those five homes from left to right in the top are on stilts and water came pretty much right up to them.


This last picture was looking out my window up stairs and you can see water/weed line from river. I had the river all the way up to within 3 ft of my house, I'd raked it back in photo. Sorry for bad pic took it thorough screen. But that's why those homes sitting flat on ground pay so much. They actually get water in they it seems every few years.

But it's not flooded across shell point like this since 1996. That kinda shocked me.


Re: House insurance

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:13 pm
by dammitgriff
Hey, FireMedic—I’d get used to it.
Had 3’ of water flow across my yard in the Keys when Wilma passed by in 2005. Neighbor’s car floated across the road and took out my front fence.
Getting a new place built on stilts there soon, due to damage from Irma in 2017.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:05 pm
by Firemedic2000
Yeah I'm lucky my lot is high enough no water has ever come under my come. Close but it only made it to the from yard. Those poor people across from me. I feel really bad for though. It's only come into my yd twice in 23 years. But always from river.

I knew some how it was going to happen when I saw the water come above my dock though. All the run off up river from rain, plus high tide and water being pushed into bay.

Woke up and saw the weed line in from yard :( went across street to check on neighbors and they had moved out of house into their motor home. That two story house they just got here yesterday. They live up North. Their dog was sick and ended up having to put him down. He was a great dog. I will miss him. :cry: Then this. But they only park cars down stairs but it's still enclosed so siding was water logged.

But yeah I've been lucky never had any damage to my home. My finish floor is 19 to 20 ft above flood. I do worry about my reloading room though. Which is a metal building on the ground but it sits about 11 ft above flood. It's anchored but still I've got my powder and primers in it. My ammo is on shelving in rooms and it's about 16 ft above flood on shelves.

Water that night came about 4 ft above flood. I'd never live in a house that sits on the ground in a flood zone. I built this house in 1996 and that's the last time it came that high and it was not even a hurricane or tropical storm. Just alot of rain and run off and realky high tide that day.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:32 pm
by Firemedic2000
There was a post simular to this at another place. It had to do with auto ins and how insurance companies screw us over since the government mandates insurance.

Well you guys know me and when I get started on something that I really can't stand :lol: 8-)

It's like the rate guidelines they use to put people into price categories. Such as

Education: now I do not see how having a college degree would make a person more of a better driver than anybody else. Say people who may have high school education. Yet may be master plumbers, carpenter's, or anything else. Yet because you have a college education you get lower rates because that degree in law makes you a better driver. I alway say I have a B.S :lol:

Credit rating my stepson went through a bad divorce and in the process he took a hit on his credit rating because of the crap his ex did behind his back. Yet you can never have used your insurance, be a safe driver, paid for years. They say that no matter the reason. People who got into trouble with their credit score are a bad risk. So they will charge them higher rates than people who have gotten DUI arrests and convictions. Why because right now there are more people with bad credit marks than DUI drivers. This is utter B.S drivers with DUI's pay less than a person with a bad credit score because of whatever reason. Of coarse this is based upon an in house use whatever to justify charging someone more money. DUI drivers are safer. I've seen this happen btw and it blew my mind.

Filing a claim you can have auto or home owners insurance for 20, 30, 40 and even 50 years and never file a claim....ever. But they charge people stupid high rates. Then if you ever do need to file a claim. They raise your rates. Wtf is insurance for. Yet use it they will screw you over by bumping your rates up. Even after years of never using it.

Adjusters you can have a policy. Especially homeowners and if you ever need it. These fools want to negotiate with you on paying the claim to get repairs done or flat out deny claim on some stupid reason. Same with autos. They have tried with myself and our tax clients to pay less than you were insured for. Nope ain't happening.

Auto rates now to a person with any amt of common sense. One would think that when you buy a new car as this vehicle ages get's older and value decreases. Your rates would drop to reflect this. But nope that 10 year old vehicle cost just as much to insure as the day you bought it. Am I the only one that see's a problem with this. Yet an adjuster says it still cost the same to fix it. No it does not. Because they will just total it and pay you blue book minus some funky math they use to get it below blue book.

State lines now this one I'm familiar with. My brother and sister lived in Alabama. He was hired back by the ARMY to train helochoper pilots at Rucker. The ARMY started pushing him to pass trainees who he thought should not be passed. So he resigned. Remember this everytime you hear about copter crashes and people dying. so they moved here to Florida and they go sticker shock. Their homeowners and auto rates just about doubled. Simply by crossing a state line. One state up. That's B.S rates should again be based on drivers history nothing else.

Now one of our clients or ex clients owned an insurance company that sold policies. Years ago before the government started requiring all of this insurance and insurance companies started going crazy on rates and grading people using things that have zero to do with say....their driving. They use to determine rates on number of tickets, accidents and weather you were a safe driver. You know your actual driving record. Before they added education, credit score and other thing just to use as an excuse to charge more. Based of coarse on their studies to justify it. That is kinda like the government or L.E agencies investigating THEMSELVES for corruption.

But before they started passing some of these stupid new laws and adding B.S to increase rates. This insurance company did pretty well. But then the more new laws and requirements that were created to require people to get insurance they did not need before. These owners became almost over night extremely wealthy. Millionaires by selling insurance policies.

Well an adjuster just happen to be on this forum and started justifying all of these rates ect....said most all people who got bad credit marks were bad people, educated people vs just high school educated by their studies are better drivers B.S I know this is a lie as well as anyone else. He went on and on.

I'm simply told him that if anyone speaks with adjusters or signs and documents the moment they start getting jacked by you adjusters are stupid. I'd never talk to an adjuster who tried to jerk me around on my policy without legal representation. He rattled off how much his company paid out in claims. I said that does not mean squat what you paid out. How many people did you screw over by paying less than their policy. What they the client paid for.

I told him as an adjuster your working to pay out as little as possible to make your company and shareholders as much money as possible. Even if that means screwing over customers. I and many here who've ever dealt with some adjusters will agree.
He then said that they only earn 5% of whatever policies they sell.

I then said hey just stop it. Remember our accounting office did the books for an insurance broker and did their personal taxes also. So please stop feeding me this crap. But like any adjuster he would not quit trying to justify screwing over people and how adjusters are fair yada yada yada. I've seen our clients get raped by insurance companies after paying their stupid high premiums for years. Only to be denied the coverage they bought and paid for and ended up in court. They then paid claim plus attorney's fees. It'd been cheaper if they just did what they agreed to in the policies.

But a to insurance is the biggest rip off on the rates they charge. Plus their formula they use to justify their hugh rate increases. Then if you ever use it. They increase your rates to comp their lost by paying your claim. Oh yeah something came up about uninsured drivers. I simply said if insurance companies did not rape people with these stupid rates there would be alot less uninsured drivers because people could afford to pay.

He did not like that. Basically said I as a customer had no idea what I was talking about. Even from mine and others personal experience in dealing with insurance companies. I was lying basically. Even though almost all the other replies in that post were bad experiences people had with these crooks. I just laughed at his ignorant attitude towards us simpletons he considered us to be.

I do not recommended not buying insurance especially if you own anything or have money in the bank. That said I'd never deal with any insurance adjuster on a claim the moment they started trying to beat me up on what they would or would not cover. I'd get an attorney which I've done and we went to a jury trial that lasted a week. It cost them the original policy plus more. But hey probably 95% of the time people don't take them to court. So they still really did not lose any money. Plus they can always just raise rates to cover having to pay claims they sold. I have a problem with that also.

I've never gotten a ticket for anything. Was hit by another car once which ran a red light. They fixed my newer car. But this was years ago, I think 1996 I believe insurance companies for the most part were better back then. But the more people from up North that pretty much do not know how to drive. We never had people driving the wrong direction on interstates ect... That I can ever remember way back then. Not saying it never happened. But here for a while it was like every week.

Maybe this stupid POLITICALLY motivated COVID PANDEMIC to steal and violate our CONSTITUTIONALLY protected rights has cut down on it by limiting bars thus DUI accidents and deaths.

Btw speaking of COVID. I big applaud to our guys in L.E that said they'd not enforce UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws during this COVID B.S when is a PANDEMIC over. When the people say it's over and say enough of these POLITICIANS crap. I still say no ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES should be paid a damn dime in income nor be allowed to profit for an ELECTED position they run for. It'd get rid of alot of garbage.

Re: House insurance

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:18 pm
by REDinFL
Firemedic2000 wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:32 pm There was a post simular to this at another place. It had to do with auto ins and how insurance companies screw us over since the government mandates insurance.

Well you guys know me and when I get started on something that I really can't stand :lol: 8-)

It's like the rate guidelines they use to put people into price categories. Such as

Education: now I do not see how having a college degree would make a person more of a better driver than anybody else. Say people who may have high school education. Yet may be master plumbers, carpenter's, or anything else. Yet because you have a college education you get lower rates because that degree in law makes you a better driver. I alway say I have a B.S :lol:
Faber College?

You're right on your comments on insurance. Someday, someone will win an election by promising to smash the insurance corporations. One time, probably 50 years ago an editorial writer/commentator wrote about how his kids were disappointed with something he had bought them (turned out to be poorly made) and he said the corporations had better watch how they treat them, because someday they'd vote the corporations out of existence. It's all the same attitude, whether toys, insurance or anything else.