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Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:04 am
by n0rlf
mikem wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:54 am also, maybe trump should release the fbi files on this forum and its members?

hiding the political sub isn't going to keep anything from them. particularly now that you've already had at least one thread discussing political violence.

*all* of you are on the radar.
I promise you that it would be very boring reading. At least on my part. I would venture that they have bigger fish to catch. Not that they are all that capable though. As history had shown repeatedly.

Of course they may enjoy my browser history. That should be good for at least a few laughs.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:38 pm
by tector
Since I have this race-card baiting troll mikem blocked, I only see his idiotic posts when the rest of you (foolishly) indulge him by quoting him, as if he should be taken seriously.

But for those of you less informed, the MLK/FBI files were ordered sealed in 1977 for a period of 50 years: ... ection_Act

That means 2027 they are supposed to come out. But liberal activists are going to their best to prevent that, since they are extremely damning. This is issue has already been teed up. Some scholars--including liberal ones--have seen them and said so. ... nts-227042 ... legations/

Now the FBI undoubtedly had a disgraceful harassment campaign against King, where they essentially tried to blackmail him. But like a lot of blackmail efforts, it is the truth that was largely used as the blackmail weapon.

The files are problematic for King worshippers in two ways. First, they show he was a complete scumbag in his personal life--he utterly fails the modern Left's "me too" standards. This is not news, really. His right hand man the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, spoke of these things in the late 1980s, and got roasted: ... cde209c626

Black "activists" back then asked that these truths be suppressed. But those dealt largely with his serial affairs. The FBI files show more sinister behavior, including beating women and watching them being raped. From the Politico link above:
The most shocking claim Garrow relates is that King was present in a hotel room when a friend of his, Baltimore pastor Logan Kearse, raped a woman who resisted participating in unspecified sexual acts. The FBI agent who surveilled the room asserted that King “looked on, laughed and offered advice.” Other allegations include that King’s philandering—long known to be extensive—was even more rampant than historians knew; that King took part in group sex; that King may have fathered a child with one of his mistresses; and—less pruriently—that King continued taking money from his onetime ally Stanley Levison, a Communist Party member, even after he was supposed to have broken off ties.
Now this latter part is even more intriguing to me--how long did King keep up his commie ties after he supposedly severed them?

King worshippers are going to do their best to (a) prevent the 2027 scheduled release and (b) failing that, try to present them as all lies. They are already doing both, and will ramp up their efforts across the next the 6 years. My call to get them released NOW is intended to beat them to the punch. Unlike mikem and his commie-loving cohorts, I am not afraid of the truth. They babble on about Washington and Jefferson, etc., but are terrified to have the same standards applied to their great idol.

My advice to anyone who cares about the truth: shitcan this turd mikem, who is a trolling lefty dirtbag.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:05 am
by P5 Guy
WHEELS UP : GUNS DOWN !! :D :) ;) :lol:

What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:22 pm
by dammitgriff
The full and un-redacted files on the JFK assassination would be a great place to start.
Followed by the full and un-redacted files of them aliens.
And Bigfoot, the Federal Reserve, Jimmy Hoffa and a sketchy bastard named Tad the Pool Guy.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:30 pm
by REDinFL
I don't think anything but actual military plans, operational and technical details of weapons systems should be classified. All this secret, secret stuff about the machinations such as we've seen is Bravo Sierra. Just an excuse to hide incompetence and and foolishness worthy of junior high school kids. And, that's an insult to some.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:00 pm
Flame Red wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:37 am I don't think Trump can declassify anything.
Precisely. I thought only the OCA (Original Classifying Authority) can declassify something... although I'm sure the President might be able to order the OCA to declassify certain things. Not thinking that MLK's FBI file is one of them.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:01 pm
by Jeepsnguns
I couldn't care less about MLK , what I want brought to light is any and all information regarding Area 51 and all documented UFO sightings by the U.S. Air Force.
Are those little grey bastards with the big black eyes and long fingers for real?
Also would like to know the truth about who all was involved in the killing of JFK?

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:16 am
by P5 Guy
What really happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:31 am
P5 Guy wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:16 am What really happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
And the Bundy ranch.....

Re: What would you like to see Trump declassify in the next 5 days?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:13 pm
by Rathbone
I want to know about UFO's. I read recently about the head of the Israeli space security wrote that Trump knows about UFO's but can't say anything because humans aren't ready to know the truth. Maybe this is crazy. Maybe not.

I also want to know what the CIA NSA ect know about Covid. Is it a biological weapon ?