Forgot to mention responses from anyone but zeebaron
You cannot even comprehend what I wrote. Every Tom Dick and Harry who thinks they MAY HAVE the COVID 19 virus is calling 911 for a ride on EMS because as I stated above. They believe they will be treated immediately. Compared to if they were to just walk in.
Of coarse 911 call on EMS is up. Just listen to CNN, MSNBC and you'd think the world was ending. Which it's not, as tector stated Americans are dying in far greater numbers by other things. Yet nothing is done. Traffic deaths have dropped by 25% I believe was the number because of these stay at home actions.
People do this all the time. It's just now a panic ride. Sore throat 911, sniffles 911, sneezing 911 and so forth. All they have to do to get a ride is say. My throat hurts, I'm coughing ect..
Here just use any combination of these signs and symptoms
Shortness of breath
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
Bluish lips or face= drink some blue kool aid
Whatever it takes to get a ride on EMS and panick tested.
My point is if you experience coughing, sore throat and some shortness of breath. Consider yourself infected along with everyone you live with and isolate.
But if you experience the other symptoms call 911 or get to a facility's asap.
Because running to medical care faculties for a sore throat and cough is stupid. Your just over loading they system for the more severe cases.
Unless you have the severe symptoms. They will send you home to self isolate.
But hey New Yorkers (City)will be New Yorkers. (City) Me myself and I and screw everyone else. That's one reason they fled to other states after being told to isolate in place. Thus spreading the virus.
Because instead of talking directly with the President. The DumbAZZ GOVERNOR of New York went on national NEWS whining and scaring the hell out of people. Just to get more PPE and medical supplies than the rest of America. Causing mass hysteria.