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Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:17 pm
by TC6969
Dave P wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 12:43 pm The way I see it happening: first a cop comes to your door with a list of known weapons, and says "turn them over".
If they get their information from 4473's, I'm screwed!

That list would be dragging the ground!

Between buying and selling, trades, trade ins and gun show buys that never made it out of the building they could wire my testes to a car battery and still I couldn't tell them where all those guns went!

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:46 pm
by GunsandHoses
Dave P wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 12:43 pm The way I see it happening: first a cop comes to your door with a list of known weapons, and says "turn them over". You say "no thanks" and slam the door in his face.

Next month, the swat team breaks in (5 AM) confiscates all weapons they can find. And they look for evidence of other weapons that are not on the list, and they cant find them.

Next month, a lawyer sends you a letter saying "we think you are hiding weapons". If you do not give them to us, we lock you in jail.

After some back-and-forth like this, you all of a sudden find all your bank accounts, retire funds, etc, all locked up or gone. And you get fired from your job. Then your house get padlocked.

What ja gonna do, tough guy?
Why would you (or anyone) wait until the first cop comes? And if you were stooopid enough to do that, I guess you’d be stooopid enough to wait for the swat team to come back? First word of any kind of this BS happening and everything goes bye bye!

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:48 pm
by GunsandHoses
Tenzing_Norgay wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 12:49 pm
Dave P wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 12:43 pm The way I see it happening: first a cop comes to your door with a list of known weapons, and says "turn them over". You say "no thanks" and slam the door in his face.

Next month, the swat team breaks in (5 AM) confiscates all weapons they can find. And they look for evidence of other weapons that are not on the list, and they cant find them.

Next month, a lawyer sends you a letter saying "we think you are hiding weapons". If you do not give them to us, we lock you in jail.

After some back-and-forth like this, you all of a sudden find all your bank accounts, retire funds, etc, all locked up or gone. And you get fired from your job. Then your house get padlocked.

What ja gonna do, tough guy?
They have no records of what I have, and certainly don't have the address where my guns are stored
Ding ding ding....we have a winner!

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:14 pm
by jwperry
TC6969 wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 1:17 pm
Dave P wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 12:43 pm The way I see it happening: first a cop comes to your door with a list of known weapons, and says "turn them over".
If they get their information from 4473's, I'm screwed!

That list would be dragging the ground!

Between buying and selling, trades, trade ins and gun show buys that never made it out of the building they could wire my testes to a car battery and still I couldn't tell them where all those guns went!
Makes 2 of us! :lol:

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 1:19 pm
by Firemedic2000
Legio wrote: Sat May 04, 2019 9:55 am
MadMan wrote: Fri May 03, 2019 10:37 pm If you think it's time to bury them, it's actually time to be oiling them.
That is well said, sir.
Agree Image

Remember it's not just guns these TYRANTS took or would take.

It'd also be all you ammo, reloading components and equipment. Maybe even night vision and thermal devices. Anything you could use too fight back with or gun related.

This is what's so laughable. When these bench rest shooters say, why do you need a quote assault weapon. Well the same reason the GOVERNMENT will say that they do not need sniper weapons.

But...but...but this is a bench rest rifle that let's me shoot 1000 yards and cost thousands.
Government response is thank you for your contribution to our armory.

Idiots point well taken give me your custom sniper rifle so we may use it against you. :lol:

But there are not nearly enough LEOs, government LEOs ect to CONFISCATE guns in AMERICA. So you'd have fair warning also if this were attempted.

Plus there is said to be 300,000,000 guns in AMERICA. More than almost all the army's combined in the world. The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY just does not get it. There are more people than we could imagine just waiting for these CORRUPT TYRANNICAL POLITICIANS to attempt this.

It's like someone said an armed AMERICA could not fight the GOVERNMENT. :lol: somebody should have told England that. You do not screw with AMERICANS by backing them against the wall. If the AMERICAN PEOPLE wanted the GOVERNMENT. They'd take the GOVERNMENT back. The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY knows this.

That's why every SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS GOVERMENT disarms it's citizens first.

That's why the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY number one priority above all else is to disarm AMERICANS.

They fear us and we could wipe them out if existence if we wanted to. Remember this guy. He got it and knew exactly what the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY was even back then. TYRANTS AND TRAITORS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS

I preach this all the time. The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY want's ABSOLUTE POWER. Look at what they are attempting now. Like President Trump or not. This SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY is try to pull a coup of a sitting PRESIDENT.
To take power from the people.

They know that all presidential elections are based on the electoral system. It's not the first time a President did not get the popular vote either. But they do not care. If it were not for the electoral system only a handful of states would run AMERICA.

These crazy people will cause another civil war in AMERICA eventually. By attempting to wipe out election results, illegal voting and dismantling of the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS by regulation. Like Hillary stated.

So poster had it right. If it comes to the point of burying your guns. It's time to oil them. Well said.


Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:38 am
by krikeshav
I want this man..Amazing collectiuon

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:52 am
by Wulfmann
"They'll have to kill me before I die"
The pirate Yellowbeard

When they kick in my door I'll, I'll I''ll oh heck i will cry like a baby and tell them to do what they want to the women and children just please don't hurt me :geek:

Re: Venezuela regrets gun ban

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:11 am
by pharmer
Whatever form "change" (not BS slogan type) takes, it will be messy. As in slaughterhouse, not a "lipstick malfunction. Not looking forward to it, especially being an old codger and all. Joe