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Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:20 am
by Waldo1
Here is my $.02- worth all of what you are paying for it. The shooter may have a history of being a nosy turd, but being a turd is not illegal, just annoying. If you look into devoted father of 3/babydaddy/boyfriend Markeis, he has a documented history of crime, including violent felonies.

Fact is that it is illegal to park in a handicapped spot without a permit- its also recognized as an asswipe move internationally. It is also illegal to violently assault someone. So, while being a loudmouth do-gooder isn't always welcome, it is never illegal. Note in the video how thug approaches from the side and gets a couple of quick-steps to build momentum immediately before sucker-pushing the do-gooder. Intentional, predatory behavior intended to maximize damage to the unaware victim- he didn't grab him by the arm, yell and wave his arms, push him lightly or get in between the two arguing, he tried to inflict maximum damage- knowing that he and Sweetness were the ones initiating the problem by parking illegally. If annoying do-gooder had smashed his skull and died in that fall, I believe that many here would be changing their tunes regarding this violent act. Same thing if this do-gooder had been a cop writing Sweetness a ticket for the illegal parking- then somehow it would have become a righteous shoot. Bottom line is that some shithead street-thug attacked a guy 20 years older than him without provocation, the guy was legally carrying and the thug got his ticket punched.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:29 am
by boomboom
In 2012, Drejka pulled a gun on another driver during a road rage incident, the other driver refused to press charges.
Two months ago, Drejka got into an altercation with another man at the same store, in the same handicap parking spot, and allegedly threatened to shoot him over parking in a handicap spot. Nothing was done.
Drejka was a time bomb waiting to explode, and he was forcing fights because he was armed, and he was hoping to be able to use it to shoot someone.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:13 pm
by Keith
Drejka was looking for trouble as it would seem. I am a law abiding CWP holder and carry everywhere. That being said, I ensure that I don’t put myself into a situation where I might have to use my firearm. I stay out of Ybor at night, I don’t argue in traffic, and I don’t run my mouth for no good reason. There is just no need. I am not a lawyer or a judge so I can’t comment too much on that aspect of this case. However, this interest us all as we look at these cases and try to pick them apart to figure what we would do in that situation like this. The answer is to just stay out of that situation as much as possible.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:27 pm
by cal45
As most have already posted, situation was already defused as soon as the shooter displayed his gun. Victim was already backing off.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:34 pm
by tcpip95
Situation was NOT defused. Thug stood over him - actually advanced towards him after attacking him - waiting for him to get back up. Thug only began to move back when gun was drawn. Guy was still on the ground with threat in immediate vicinity.

By the way, Jacobs says that Drejka threatened her. Watch Dredja's feet: not once during that video did Drejka make any move whatsoever towards Jacob. Not one inch.

If you have to draw a gun at that point, you shoot. Good shoot in my opinion.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:37 pm
Don't be a binary thinker.

Just because the incident involved a gun and may or may not be a "stand your ground" case does not mean you have to take sides.
In a perfect world both of these idiots would be dead but look at the bright side: one out of two isn't bad.
And it will be even better if the other one ends up in jail on a murder conviction.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by photohause
Lot's of good comments here. I have some personal rules I use in life.
Mind my own fu(king business.

With that said, If, IF I was pushed down like that for minding my own fu(king business, and the butthead was still there apparently one step to get to me, I would be afraid of a punting kick coming up to my head. I can't say for sure but I think I would just honker down, and protect myself with my arms, and not pull my weapon. If I then got kicked while on the ground - game changer - bang.

FYI, I am 65, I have had a carry permit for 43 years-it is a big responsibility carrying a weapon.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:25 pm
by jjk308
And the race card is played!

NAACP to hold vigil for man killed in ‘stand your ground’ shooting Thursday ... _170226689

By Kirby Wilson, Times staff writer
Published: July 22, 2018

A local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is holding a vigil Sunday for a black man who was killed Thursday in what authorities are calling a "stand your ground" shooting.

The vigil for the family of Markeis McGlockton, 28, who the Pinellas County sheriff said was killed by Michael Drejka, 47, will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Clearwater, according to a news release. Participants, including members of the South St. Petersburg Democratic Club, will march from the church to Circle A Food Store, the site of the killing.

The death of McGlockton, a father of three, sparked national outrage when Sheriff Bob Gualtieri announced Friday his office would not arrest Drejka. The sheriff cited Florida’s controversial self-defense law, commonly known as "stand your ground," in his announcement. The law exempts people who use force from prosecution if they fear for their lives.

"I’m not saying I agree with it, but I don’t make that call," Gualtieri said Friday.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:37 pm
by Skoll
What national outrage? I haven't seen it on any of the national media.

Re: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:54 pm
by Tenzing_Norgay
Waldo1 wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:20 am Fact is that it is illegal to park in a handicapped spot without a permit.
No. It's an infraction/traffic ticket. It's not a crime.