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Re: So, do we have the numbers?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:40 pm
by Sweep
Registered Demo ......voted straight Republican fuck em

Re: So, do we have the numbers?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:23 pm
by Firemedic2000
Anybody see photos of 20 to 30 car Trump train in South Florida WOW ... ighlights/

Some of you guys are so damn negative it's pathetic. You actually believe these stupid ass polls :lol: plus that every Democrat is voting for an old idoit with dementia. Who's PARTY is nothing but a SOCIALISM EXTREMISTS POLITICIANS. :lol:

Sweep is a prime example. A registered Democrat that voted straight Republican and he's not the only one.

Re: So, do we have the numbers?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:40 pm
by Firemedic2000
AirForceShooter wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:01 pm I'm just hoping all the networks on election start off telling us we won't have a winner that night.
The worst thing that can happen is they announce a winner and a few days later tell us the other guy won.

That would be chaos

Oh it's going to be chaos no matter who wins. When Trump is announced as the winner. The LEFT will go retarded with rage and call for their terrorists groups to go for attack mode.

The LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY want's absolute power so badly they will openly, not even hide it anymore because they do not care. They'll lie, cheat, steal, beat, threaten and even murder people.

This party of lies and deceit has gone as far as changing election laws in some States. Trying mass ballot mail outs with no way to validate them. The SCOTUS thank God rules that ballots have to be witnessed because in a state or two a SOCIALIST appointed judge ruled that these unsolicited mass mail out ballots did not require witnesses to verify who signed them.

Local judges ruling that it's OK for ballots to be counted 6 to 9 days after election all kinds of B.S that was never allowed before. Then they scream Trump is being stupid about voter fraud.

Yeah with the postal service being caught dumping ballots in the trash and that's just the one's caught.

It's the same thing every year and it get worse and worse and worse every year. If your not a Democrat your a WHITE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST that's a RACIST bigot. Every year, every election they say the same thing. But now it's WHITE PRIVILEGED AMERICANS.

I'm going very lite in the things they've said and done. But these nuts want a war, not us. They do not care anymore. This party of extremist is going to have to be totally eradicated from America. There is no negotiating with them. In the end if you do not kill them. They will murder you. They are making lists and posting it on line and that's not the only list. I'll post the other lists later.

This time they have an Army called ANTIFA and BLM

Re: So, do we have the numbers?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:58 pm
by REDinFL
Simply apply rule 762.