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The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:18 am
by Legio
Sorry Nicolas, but this no longer make sense to me.


Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 2:43 am
by Wakko
Insane is right. Proud of taking those “weapons” off of the street? Pathetic.

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 3:10 am
by SteyrAUG
If certain people or segments of society are so dangerous that cannot be trusted with scissors, screwdrivers or needle nose pliers then obviously those "people" and "segments of society" are the ones they need to get off the street.

Seriously if somebody is willing to kill you with wire cutters, they will figure out how to kill you with something else...anything else. I mean at what point do all the bankers have to turn in their large barrel pens?

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:11 am
by MadMan
What's that fellow going to do for work tomorrow?

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 8:20 am
by Skoll
Wait, what's going on now with them? Did they ban safety scissors?

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:40 am
by photohause
MadMan wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 7:11 am What's that fellow going to do for work tomorrow?
No work tomorrow, he can't drive because they banned all autos. Brollys next...

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:53 am
by TC6969
One could ask, "Whats next, sharpened sticks?" but they have nothing to sharpen a stick with!

I wonder if any of those Einsteins have bothered to look at the numbers to see just exactly what impact on violent crime all this has had.

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 5:48 pm
by Firemedic2000
Insane is right. This is just out right stupid. Is the British government so terrified of the population that they've gone insane.

Did they ban the sale of these items from stores. I'll never for get two incident.

One was the brit that bought a vacant lot across from me. He said to me that AMERICANS have TOO MUCH FREEDOM. Then goes on to berate the United States on it's crime That went right over me. WTF are you doing living in that states then.

At least we do not have MUSLIMS decapitating AMERICAN CITIZENS or SERVICE MEMBERS IN THE STREET. I wanted to punch his face in.

Second had some brits visit the gun ranger. I brought a SCAR 16 and 17 a TEVOR and a few other guns. One of the two brits was soo scared that he was actually shaking when he shot.

I mean you could visually see this man shaking. I asked if he was ok. He just said he was scare. He'd never held or seen any guns before.

What's even more insane is if a criminal attacks you even in your own home. You defend yourself and family is that you would be charged. If you hurt criminal they can sue you.

This is what I've read has happened to people in the UK. You as a citizen have practically no rights. Not even to say how you feel about terrorists or other people. You could be charged ... into-a-po/ interesting read. Oh and DO NOT TEACH YOUR DOG TO BEG FOR TREATS. BY RAISING IT'S PAW. THE UK POLICE CAN CALL IT A NAZIS SALUTE.

Think I'm joking excerpt
April, 2018 a Scottish shitposter was found guilty of a hate crime for teaching a pug to do a Nazi salute and posting the footage on YouTube. Where in recent years individuals have been arrested and in some cases imprisoned for making racist comments or just cracking tasteless jokes on Twitter. ... ed_Kingdom ... ed_Kingdom

Yup the British government has gone insane. Plus apparently very fearful of it's citizens.

Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:08 pm
by Tenzing_Norgay
I thought this might be BS, until I went to Twitter and saw for myself. There are 4.8k comments on this particular tweet! Go there and read some of the comments. Priceless!

27 Mar 2018
Replying to @MPSRegentsPark
Thank goodness for your vigilance @MPSRegentsPark. Were it not for your noble efforts, someone might have reupholstered a chair; or worse, assembled an IKEA wardrobe.


Re: The Brits are going insane.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:58 pm
by Skoll
I watched a video today on how they're fining citizens for refusing to be surveiled in the street by facial recognition software. What the fuck is wrong with Britain.