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Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:56 pm
by lakelandman
WTF :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:18 pm
by Tenzing_Norgay
This explains everything... :lol:

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:54 pm
by TC6969
Can you imagine waking up in the morning and hearing that woman's voice in your ear? :shock: :o

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:28 am
by SteyrAUG
What a bunch of BS. Any kid that stabs a teacher with a pencil needs to be expelled and in a supervised environment. The Mom "feels bad", well F her. Amazing that they let a single student hold an entire school hostage.

Kids act out to the extent of their limitations, the more permissive you are, the farther they will go.

Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:11 am
by dammitgriff
My youngest son has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is classified on the lower end of the Autism Spectrum Disorder scale. As of 2015, the latest year statistics on this are available, over 37 million people have been diagnosed with it. In most cases where children are diagnosed, it’s not a parenting issue.
My kids’ school was FULLY informed of his condition and, instead of providing him with special educational needs, such as placing him in a smaller class with a qualified teacher trained to interact with special needs students, they stuck him in a normal classroom with at least two dozen other kids. It didn’t work out for either my son or the school, and we were told we had to dis-enroll him. Our oldest son had no issues but he was pulled out as well.
At his first elementary school, prior to this, in the same county, my youngest son was sexually assaulted by another student in the classroom, with the teacher present. We sued the county and won. Other parents discovered their children were victims of the same crime. No stretch to say this affected my little boy in his new school. The government limits (caps) payouts from lawsuits to prevent them from going bankrupt. That speaks for itself.
So, unable to afford private school and left with no other choice, my wife abandoned pursuing her college degree and subsequent career prospects and began homeschooling both our boys. She’s not exactly happy about it, but she put our children ahead of herself. For the sacrifices she’s made over the last 6 years, she will get whatever she wants when both boys complete their high school curriculum and enter college.
Public schools are, by and large, detrimental to the moral and intellectual development of America’s youth. I would strongly suggest keeping your children as far away from those indoctrination centers as possible.

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:10 pm
by Clyde621
I would say that reforming our school system is one of the most important items for keeping our country intact. If not you can be assured that we are in deep trouble. Congrats to your wife and you for doing the hard job. There is family not far from me that has a vegetable farm and public food stand. They have 8 children, those are the smartest and most polite kids you can find and thy are all home schooled.

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:22 pm
by Skoll
Here's an idea : Abolish the Dept of Education and leave it to the States.

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:50 pm
by patw
It's getting insane with some pieces of garbage in our society. The liberals are the main problem. They want to cater to the parents of problematic kids, as they vote for them and will somehow show the problem being the teacher. I did some volunteering at my kids schools when they were growing up and there were a few kids, I was handed for field trips that were problems. One kid in particular was a real piece of work and the parents were a joke. Every teacher,aide and volunteer knew this kid didn't listen and he would disrupt everyone. I remember the teachers and aides all telling this kid while on a field trip to please sit down,please don't do this or the other and he never listened and would keep on going. I told the kid I wouldn't stand for his shenanigans and would verbally tell to sit down, shut up and knock it off. I never laid a hand on him but he knew I was serious and wold stop what he was doing. The parents of these kids need to feel the consequences and let them teach their kids at home and be punished like the brats they raise. I understand some kids have real disabilities but some of the crappy diagnosis some of these kids get,seems like an excuse for them to do what they want without being told no. I remember growing up in the public school system where they weren't afraid to paddle or expel the problem kids and then the parents,some not all, would then take care of them when they got home. I remember having a p.e. coach that would hit you in the face with a inflatable ball when you wouldn't listen and nothing was ever done. That was a little much in my opinion but he was beloved by all of the students. We need to have a society/school system, where the problems are not the ones dictating what is and can't be done. We know that won't happen because of the wusses we have for our "leaders" in society and the school system.

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:22 pm
by rentprop1
The school that I went to as a prior military academy that later transformed into a college prep for grades 8 thru 12.... it was driven as the same mentality public Marine Corps basic training ....they left it up to the prefects and the older students to discipline or break a younger student that got out of line works and something we need to get back to.
97% college accepted
Like 3% in the 170 yr history of the school have any type of arrest record as adults.
Maybe 1 % ended up with drug problems

Just my .02.....hit ( discipline ) your kids , it's so worth it in the long run

Re: Teachers Sounding The Alarm Over ‘Room Clear’

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:45 pm
by Wakko
SWMBO teaches kindgarten in Broward and the stories she tells me are terrible. She voluntarily teaches the special needs kids (last year was emotional, this year is physical), and the school collects money from the government for aids but then doesn't hire the aids, and pockets the money. The teachers are protected by the unions, so if they don't WANT to do any work, they don't HAVE to. Of course they get paid crappy with a crappy retirement, while Runcie gets a county BMW and a chauffer. She had a student last year threaten to bring a gun to school to kill another student (yes, KINDERGARTEN!) and create a host of problems for this one particular child all year. She kept reporting it to her boss, but nothing was done. Near the end of the year, the victim child's parents came to file an official complaint to the school for the bullying that the other student had been doing, and the school feigned zero knowledge and attempted to pin it on my girl. She had a stack of emails already printed out and said "Wait, so you didn't get ANY of these emails or referral sheets this year..?" The AP was transferred immediately.

How do get quality teachers when we a) don't payt hem b) don't respect them or c) set them up for failure?