Again the NEWS MEDIA, Hollywood and the socialist liberal left twist everything we say even if they say it themselves. Into something hateful and racist just to get votes and generate money to keep racism alive by trying to create a radical racist group of people.
Which are us. It does not matter if you are or not. The problem with these attacks is they are creating racism. Because maybe not everyone, but there are a large portion of conservatives sick and tired of being attacked by these people acting like savages.
I call them savages because they do attack innocient AMERICANS simply because they vote differently, think differently, have different beliefs. Here's a great one. For simply wearing a MAGA hat or even expressing any support for the President.
In the northern states, California, Oregon ect..ect...if you are a conservative and express your support, ideas the left with support of the DEMOCRATS will attack you.
We've not experienced it yet down here. But it's just a matter of time. When it starts you'll see alot of people that are opened minded change their tune.
People are actually afraid to show any support for AMERICA or their party for fear of being attacked. Go up there with an NRA decal on your vehicle.
I won't. I be to afraid they'd do something to it when it's parked. This is how savages act.
Just to push an ADGENDA to basically trash the constitution and the Bill OF Rights. To take controll of America and turn it into something different. More of a European type of nation where the government has more power.
Where people have absolutely no rights. As someone mentioned. I wondered how the NEWS MEDIA would react if the DEMOCRATS truely attacked the 1st Admendment like they are attacking the 2nd admendment.
They do not realize that it's only a matter of time before they do. But to even decuss it is considered hate speech. From my understanding by some. I call it the ostrich effect. Just bury your head and it'll go away or it's not really there.
Listen to what the Democrats are running on down here. Listen to how they want to destroy Americans rights. Even violate our rights illegally and let the courts sort it out. Like Graham wanted to do with EO on gun control.
These people are fantastical extremists. That do not care about CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of Americans. They care only about take power. They've given up on trying to do it legally. They've figured out they can't do it that way. So screw the CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS.
Their girl lost along with their power grab. Now they are in war mode. If a Democrat becomes Speaker of the House. Third in line to the Oval Office. We've not seen anything yet.
Excuse me I need to check and see if the sky is fallng for simply for expressing a view point. I think I did just see a UFO
Conservatives Essentially cannot express or say anything without the Democratic Socialist Left Wing Extremist twisting into or into racism. Even saying Your a White American is racist now and you are considered an oppressor and of White Privilege.
There is no longer just an American any more. This truely saddens me. This is Obama's legacy to America. Before Obama America was growing as one nation.
Now.....America is growing as a divided nation that's headed in the wrong direction with the Democrats leading the way with their Army of anti AMERICA EXTREMIST. That seem to hate everything that made America, is America or the beliefs that made America great. Heck even being an AMERICAN Christian is wrong. Because of our bibles and guns as Obama said.
This is how I feel and everyone I know feels. Young and old.