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Joes released his edicts on firearms and it's laughable.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:06 am
by lilwoody ... medium=app

Below is what I found to be the pennecal of hypocrisy for him to squak about "gun trafficking" when the administration he was #2 in oversaw unfettered weapons trafficking into Mexico. One of which ended up being used to murder a law enforcement officer.
Then their going after pistol braces because a radical Islamist used one to murder " infidels".
Ghost guns, seriousily, ghost guns. I will personally buy a 80% lower and give it to his crack head son, with the instructions and if he and his pops can make it work within a month, I'll let them shoot me with it.
Red Flag laws, how about we start with Joes double barrel and his crack head kiddy diddling son
Fucking democrats definitely have a mental disorder

***The Justice Department will issue an annual report on firearms trafficking.*** *In 2000, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) issued a report summarizing information regarding its investigations into firearms trafficking, which is one way firearms are diverted into the illegal market where they can easily end up in the hands of dangerous individuals. Since the report’s publication, states, local, and federal policymakers have relied on its data to better thwart the common channels of firearms trafficking. But there is good reason to believe that firearms trafficking channels have changed since 2000, for example due to the emergence of online sales and proliferation of “ghost guns.” The Justice Department will issue a new, comprehensive report on firearms trafficking and annual updates necessary to give policymakers the information they need to help address firearms trafficking today.*

Re: Joes released his edicts on firearms and it's laughable.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:01 am
by Flame Red
It won't be funny when the Kommie Brown Shirts come a-knocking I assure you...

Re: Joes released his edicts on firearms and it's laughable.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:18 am
by Gregg
As expected, a whole lot of nothing.
Not Executive Orders, or even Executive Actions, nothing more than directives to have the ATF do things, that will likely not pass court review.
More hot air, thankfully!

Re: Joes released his edicts on firearms and it's laughable.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:41 am
by REDinFL
The only executive action he (ok, his handlers working him via the empty suit) really has the power to do is stop imports. An appointment requires the Senate. Maybe that can get pushed through, maybe it can't. If a jackass director of ATF is appointed, yeah, they'll make up "rules" someone with enough money can take to court.