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Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:55 am
by TonyR
Mine started Thursday,didn't feel to bad Friday,but today feel like shit. Anyone else done this before ?

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:18 pm
by Molivo
Tony, PM incoming.

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:44 pm
by n0rlf
Mine started a couple weeks ago. Direct into my bladder through a catheter. Have to go every 6 weeks. That is a whole new level of not fun.

Just another indignity on the last journey of life. I am sure there will be more to follow.

Trying to stay optimistic. I am not the kind to give up. Hell as a Marine I still think I can overcome. I had planned to let the board know after I got the latest pathology results. I see the uro-oncologist later this week. I should know more then.

I can take the opportunity to tell everyone to get the screenings done. The earlier anything is found can mean a big difference in outcome. I have that same advice years ago when I had the heart attack.

My biggest problem now is my wife finding out just what the safe contents are worth. I have two sons that can handle that side once the time comes.

My plans are to probably get a motor home and go on a drive about with my wife until I just can't do it any longer. Then come home and just ship moonshine on the back porch watching the critters play by the pond.

I can say that this round of chemo sucks. I am weak and sleepy a lot. I still have my hair though. They said that won't last. They did say most symptoms will lessen with time though. God I hope so! Throwing up so often also sucks.

Some advice is to not eat anything that hurts coming back.

And keep a bucket close

I will keep everyone up to date.

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:31 pm
by TonyR
Kinda wish I had gotten softer TP . No puking,not hungry enough to eat,but I'm gonna try and eat something tonight.

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:58 pm
Prayers Forwarded for strength and patience for you and everyone involved with this.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:17 pm
by n0rlf
update, just when you think there is nothing left to throw up,
well, do not let your guard down. I guess if I recover I will have to repaint that wall.

Damn but that hurts. I think the catheter is actually the easy part.
It would be a little better if the little young gal that puts the catheter
in had a little warmer hands. Shrinkage is not helping here!

Trying real hard to keep a sense of humor. It might get really ugly over
the next few months and humor will be one of the things I need to lean
on to get me over the worst.

I am starting to lose hair. Not sure if I am going to miss that. With parkinsons it is
sometimes difficult to shave, comb, or even wash it. One of the other things
that is humbling and embarassing is the need for assistance in bathing.

At one point in life having nice young gals give you a shower was a great fantasy.
Now it is just another way to say goodbye to whatever dignity I had left. Once I get my strength
and balance back i might have to fein still being weak to at least try to enjoy it. What the
heck, a HR complaint seems kind of like a nothing issue at this point.

Keep your Chin up Tony! It does suck but just keep going with the thougt that
it will be over one day. Hopefully soon for you!
I will keep you in my prayers my friend!

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:07 am
by Bmup
I went through chemo 5 years ago and it's still fairly fresh in my mind. I did one treatment a week for 6 weeks (plus daily radiation for 2 months followed by major surgery). I did pretty well for the first 2 weeks but by the third week it was starting to get harder to recover. I was told that not everybody has a bad experience with chemo so hope for the best.

My Dr. proscribed Ondansetron lozenges for the nausea which helped and I also discovered that anything with peppermint works fairly well too. (Peppermint candy, cookies or even breath fresheners like Tic Tacs) Anything with ginger in it helps too as long as it has real ginger in it and not "ginger flavored". The mini cans of (IIRC) Schwepps or Canada Dry ginger ale (double check the labels for ginger content in case I'm wrong about the brands) were helpful & even just a couple of gulps was enough - I didn't have to drink the whole can for it to work.

I lost about 50 or 60 lbs over the whole experience but that includes radiation and surgery where they removed stomach and esophagus parts. Still dealing with digestion issues because of that but I get to live through it which a major plus.
Lost most of my hair during and after chemo but when it grew back after a few months, all the gray was gone & my hair was the same color as it always was.
I had to quit working after the first month because I just couldn't do it. After it was all over and I had survived, I went ahead and retired but wasn't eligible for social security yet. The people at SS told me that since I had to quit because of cancer, I was eligible for disability and they fast-tracked my claim. When that came through the first check I got was retroactive and was a nice chunk of change.

Definitely keep a sense of humor and always try to see the bright side of things. The little things add up! You will make it through this and you will be fine, it's just gonna' suck for awhile until then. Try to think of things you're going to do after this is all over - take a vacation, buy some new toys (I bought a new Henry in 30-30 & it's almost too pretty to shoot). Spend some time with family and/or people you like to hang with.

Hope this helps. If you have questions it's ok to PM me.

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:13 pm
by TonyR
Thanks Bmup,I go in on Sept. 28th for my second dose of chemo and to start my radiation. I've been on SSDI since I was electrocuted in '98,SSDI didn't start until 2000 so I know how those retroactive checks are,I bought a good used truck & farm tractor,LOL. It would be easier on me if it wasn't just me and my German Shepard,but we talk to each other quite a bit,hahaha

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:23 pm
by GunsandHoses
Prayers sent for you folks going through that! I've known (unfortunately) quite a few folks that have, and they all say it sucks!

Re: Anyone here been through chemo treatment before ?

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:08 am
by Ricordo
Here's wishing y'all the best. Hope the following Bicentennial joke (1976) brings a smile to your face.

American history 8th grade class.

In a room full of American kids, a shy Mexican boy sits timidly at the front of the class.

The teacher asks, "Who said, 'I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country'?"

The class is silent but for the little Mexican boy who awkwardly raises his hand and in broken English answers "Missy, I tink it was Nathan Hale!".

"Very good, Juanito!", remarks the teacher.

"And who said, 'Give me liberty or give me death'?", the teacher asks.

Again the class is silent but the Mexican boy answers, "It was Patrick Henry, Missy."

The teacher is furious. She barks, "You should be ashamed of yourselves that this Mexican boy knows more about American history than all of you that were born and raised here. I'm very disappointed in all you!".

From the back of the class someone utters, "F*ck the Mexicans!". The teacher indignantly exclaims, "Who said that?".

The Mexican boy replies, "I tink it was Davy Crockett at the Alamo".