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Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:12 pm
by Tenzing_Norgay

House Democrats propose ban on .50-caliber rifles
By Julian Resendiz, 1 day ago

EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – Two members of Congress from Texas and one from Florida have filed a bill they say will cut down on drug cartel violence by banning .50-caliber rifles in America.

The Stop Arming Cartels Act of 2024 proposes banning the manufacture, sale, possession, importation or transfer of .50-caliber rifles by civilians in the United States. The legislation filed by Democratic U.S. Reps. Joaquin Castro and Veronica Escobar of Texas, and Maxwell Frost of Florida would require anyone who possesses one such rifle prior to the bill going into effect to register it in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

The bill also calls for victims of gun violence to be allowed to sue manufacturers and dealers who violate a federal statute known as the Kingpin Act. It establishes an exemption to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that shields gunmakers from most lawsuits.

Other provisions include mandating gun dealers to report multiple sales of rifles to state and local law enforcement.

“When I speak to leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean, their number-one request is for Congress to stop American weapons of war from falling into the hands of the gangs that are destabilizing their countries,” Castro said in a statement. “Especially in Mexico, access to .50-caliber rifles has fundamentally altered the balance of power between criminal organizations and the government and allowed cartels to become virtually untouchable.”

He said cartels have used such rifles to down military helicopters and attack police convoys south of the border.

Texas men conspired to take high-powered gun to Mexico, feds say
Escobar, who represents most of El Paso, said the bill will prevent bloodshed.

“The gun laws championed by Republican legislators in this country make Americans less safe. The consequences don’t just impact our communities, but they also impact our neighbors in Latin America and around the world,” Escobar said. “A refusal to act would mean continuing to arm transnational criminal organizations and cartels that purchase these weapons for illicit acts.

Mexico blames much of the violence inside its borders on U.S.-made guns imported illegally by transnational criminal organizations. The Mexican government is suing major American arms manufacturers in U.S. Federal District court in Massachusetts and a handful of gun shops in Arizona ; it says those entities sell guns aware they will end up in the hands of Mexican criminals.

Visit the homepage for the latest exclusive stories and breaking news about issues along the U.S.-Mexico border
The rifles in question are mostly used by military forces. However, gun enthusiasts in the U.S. also use them and some businesses derive income from the sale of ammunition and tours. Shooting camps feature demonstrations on adequately firing the weapon. Some El Paso sporting goods stores feature .50-caliber rifle and ammunition sales on their websites.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:22 pm
by REDinFL
If some of the South American "governments" don't want US weapons of war to get into the hands of the cartels maybe they should "do something" about the corruption in their police and military, the sources of most of those weapons.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:53 pm
by N4KVE
Sounds like the Mexicans need to do better Customs inspections on incoming “goods”. GARY

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:58 pm
by Molivo
Id ask why the mexican government doesn't just shut the cartels down...But I realize most of the mexican government would lose their kickbacks.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 1:45 pm
by Flame Red
Legislation? What is that?

Crooked Joe normally does an executive order, or excuse me, tyrant's decree, that all 50's are to go bye bye. What is the hold up?

I am surprised this just 50 BMG and they are probably too stupid to include 500 S&W of the handgun world.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 5:03 pm
by Miami_JBT
It is election season. With the House under nominal Republican control. Nothing will pass. Just like the legislation introduced to repeal the $200 tax from the NFA. It is political pandering to their electoral bases to garner votes and campaign donations, nothing more.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 6:32 pm
by Chigger
Crank up the Shawn Ryan show on utube. He just had a mexican journalist who is entrenched with the cartels on that claims he's seen arms deals between CIA/DEA and the cartels. Fast and furious all over that obama pulled. He also says that police align with one cartel while the miltary aligns with another. Corruption is Mexico's leading industry.

Politicians are dumb as a stump.

Re: Proposed Ban by FL Dem Targets .50 cal Rifles

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 7:41 am
by Wulfmann
If this were to become law I am sure the cartels will quickly turn in their 50 cal weapons.

Keeping these weapons out of the hands of Americans that have nothing to do with the cartels is the sure way to disarm the cartels

When are we going to lift the ban on unicorns so they can come out hiding?